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VRB Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 宇宙反抗军同盟,第七十一舰队,荣耀中队队长,上尉VRB,向您致敬,地球反抗军总指挥官! Captain VRB - Leader of the Glory Squadron, 71st Fleet of the Space Resistance Alliance - salutes you, Commander-in-Chief of Earth's Resistance Force!
Secretary 这一枚是我击坠了一百艘敌军战舰的勋章,这一枚是同盟议会亲自颁发的勋章,这一枚……?这一枚是普通的航天功勋奖章,没什么了不起的。 This is a medal for downing a hundred enemy warships. This medal was personally awarded by the Alliance Council. This one...? This is just an ordinary astronautic merit medal, nothing special.
真希望可以带你一起去看看真正的宇宙,指挥官。虽然在地球上仰望也确实十分美丽,但果然,只有真正置身于星河之时才能真正体会到宇宙的浩瀚啊! How I wish I could bring you along to see the universe for real, Commander. It still looks very beautiful from Earth, but one can only truly appreciate its vastness from space!
没想到帝国的爪牙居然都已经伸到这片美丽的蔚蓝色星球了——放心吧,指挥官,宇宙反抗军同盟第七十一舰队一定会为地球反抗军伸出援手! I can't believe the Empire is already extending its grasp toward this beautiful blue planet – but don't worry, Commander! The 71st Fleet of the Space Resistance Alliance will surely aid Earth's Resistance Force!
Secretary (post OATH)
My medals are all made of shell casings. Told you I was crafty, didn't I? ...This medal is real though. I did take part in astronaut training. I won't ever get to go to space, but my dream will never change – let's work hard together for the day we can travel among the stars, Commander!
A-are you trying to bind me to this planet? I have to return to space sooner or later! Th-the Alliance s-still needs me... ...Dammit, as if I could keep up the act at a time like this.Thank you, Commander. I bet no one else would be willing to fool around with me like you. Well, of course I do! Let's keep up our double act then!
Greeting 早上好!地球反抗军指挥官! Good morning, Commander of Earth's Resistance Force!
T-Doll Produced 指挥官!同盟为我们派来了新的援军! Commander, the Alliance has sent us new reinforcements!
Joining an echelon 很好,让我见识一下地球反抗军的厉害吧! Very well, show me what Earth's Resistance Force is made of!
Enhancement 喔喔……我的能力变得更强了…… Oooh... I've grown more powerful...
Dummy-linking 什么!?这是帝国的克隆技术! What?! This is the Empire's cloning technology!
Logistics (start) 这也叫远征?我以前都横跨好几个星系呢! You call this an expedition? I used to travel across several star systems!
Logistics (end) 看吧,我就说这点距离不算什么了。 See? I told this distance is nothing to me.
Autobattle 荣耀中队出动! Glory Squadron, moving out!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン! 소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 我们的征途是星辰大海! Our odyssey through the sea of stars!
Starting a battle 帝国的走狗!今天就是你们的死期! Minions of the Empire, today is the day you die!
Skill activation 破坏死光! Beam of Destruction!
尝尝反抗军的厉害吧! This is the might of the Resistance!
为了同盟! For the Alliance!
Heavily damaged 氧气……我需要氧气……! Oxygen... I need oxygen...!
Retreat 撤退!准备游击战! Retreat! Prepare for guerilla warfare!
MVP 不过是我光辉履历中的一笔罢了! This is but one entry in my glorious list of achievements!
Restoration 地球人的技术水平也上升到这种程序了啊…… So the Earthlings' technology has advanced to this level...
Attack 舰队出击! The Fleet attacks!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 指,指,指挥官!我们被帝国入侵啦!我在走廊上看见好几个帝国士兵啊!连他们的指挥官都在!不能再拖下去了,现在就跟她们决战吧! C-C-Commander! We're being invaded by the Empire! I just saw several Empire soldiers in the corridor! Even their commanders are here! We can't let this drag on any longer! It's time for a final showdown!
Christmas 我告诉你喔,指挥官,据同盟的可靠线报表明,其实圣诞老人是个非常强大的超能力者,证据就是……一般人根本不可能在一个晚上巡游一整个星球,更别说还要送礼物了!怎么样!是不是大受震撼! Let me tell you, Commander, according to reliable information from the Alliance, Santa Claus is actually a very powerful being with superpowers. The evidence is... It is impossible for an ordinary person to tour the entire planet in a single night, let alone deliver gifts! How about that?! Isn't it absolutely shocking?!
New Year's Day 原来如此,地球人在自己的行星绕恒星公转一周后会这样庆祝啊?我还在同盟的时候,因为忙于训练,都不知道还有这种事……什,什么航天员训练中心?我不知道你在说什么! I see, so this is how Earthlings celebrate when their planet completes an orbit around its star? Back when I was with the Alliance, I was so busy training I never knew about this... W-what do you mean, Astronaut Training Center? I don't know what you're talking about!
Valentine's day 帝国还没有毁灭,哪里有过情人节的空闲啊!……不过做手工我还是很擅长的,看,我做的巧克力,跟月球很像吧?连脚印我都努力复刻了呢!给你吃! The Empire hasn't been destroyed yet – as if I'd have time for something as trivial as Valentine's Day! ...Still, I'm actually pretty crafty. Look, this chocolate I made looks a lot like your moon, doesn't it? I even recreated the footprints! Here you go!
Tanabata 把愿望挂在竹子上,然后对着宇宙祈愿……我懂了!也就是说,大家是在拜托身为宇宙驾驶员的我帮忙对吧!很好!大家的愿望就由我来实现!——第一个愿望就是世界和平!?等打倒帝国再说啦! So you hang your wishes on bamboos and pray to the stars... I see! In other words, you are asking me – a space pilot – for help, aren't you?! Very well! I shall make your wishes come true! ...The first wish is "world peace"?! That'll have to wait till we overthrow the Empire!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 降落!降落!不要给帝国军可乘之机! Land! Land! Do not give the Empire troops a chance to attack!
Phrase 宇宙来了! Here comes the universe!
Tip 我的手表?很帅气吧!在二手店花了半个月工资……咳!是宇宙反抗军同盟元帅亲自颁发给我的战术手表,可以实时监测帝国的动向! My watch? Looks very cool, doesn't it? I spent half of my monthly wage at the second-hand shop... Ahem! It's a tactical watch given to me personally by the Marshal of the Space Resistance Alliance. It can monitor the Empire's movements in real time!
Loading 等,等一下,我还没入戏啦…… W-wait a minute, I'm still trying to get into my role...