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=== Design ===
=== Design ===
=== Personality ===
=== Personality ===
IDW has a very energetic character which has contributed largly to her infamous status among players, likely owing to the fact that the weapon itself is one of the few that is powered by a battery.  Her speech mannerisms also include heavy use of cat puns. 
Some of her dialogue suggests that she sees herself as a stray cat.  This is likely a reference to how the Bushman IDW was never formally adopted by the British military nor found any popularity in the civilian market.  Additionally she believes herself to be a very capable bodyguard and finds great pride in being able to protect her comrades in combat.  While she often has a very positive and upbeat attitude, IDW appears to express annoyance at being compared to a pistol.
=== In-Game ===
=== In-Game ===
IDW is a front row evasion tank sporting one of the highest base evasion stats in the game even among higher rarity SMGs.  While this does come at a cost of her own HP being on the lower end of her class, her evasion stat often more than makes up for it in actual combat.  Her skill, Cover Focus, increases her evasion by 60-110% depending on her level which can serve as an extra buffer to maximize the effectiveness of her relatively low HP pool.  Due to her high evasion, leveling her skill is not as a priority as it would be with low-evasion SMGs with the same skill, such as Spectre M4, if players are short on resources as the skill even at lower levels will scale naturally with her high evasion stat as she levels up.  This combination of a high evasion stat coupled with an evasion buff skill allows IDW to fill a unique niche of solo-tanking without defensive buffs from AR or HG T-Dolls.  As a result, IDW can function well as a general-use budget tank in any formation.
IDW's greatest weakness is perhaps her low HP pool.  High accuracy enemies like Jaegers can kill her very quickly if the damage-dealers of her team aren't strong enough.  For this reason Guard/Jaeger teams can give her trouble if she is set up with an AR team who can't burn through the opposing front row before the Jaegers get into firing position.  Vespids can also pose a threat to IDW due to their moderate accuracy and damage coupled with a high fire rate that ensures some shots will get through.  Placing her in a RF team is a great counter to Guard/Jaeger teams while AR teams, in addition to providing defensive buffs, can quickly kill Vespids and Scouts before they have a chance to wear down her HP.


Revision as of 22:28, 1 August 2018

IDW93<img src="//iopwiki.com/images/b/b1/Infobox_name_2star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-top:355px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/b/b8/Icon_SMG_2star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:1px;margin-top:1px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/8/86/Icon_star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:225px;margin-top:2px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/8/86/Icon_star.png" style="position:absolute;margin-left:200px;margin-top:2px;z-index:3"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/2/2c/Infobox_border.png" style="position:absolute;z-index:2"/><img src="//iopwiki.com/images/b/bd/IDW_S.png" id=fullart_S style="margin-top:21px;min-width:256px"/>
Full name Bushman IDW/Parker-Hale PDW
Country of Origin United Kingdom
Manufacturer Bushman/Parker-Hale
Artist Ki桑
Voice actor Itou Asuka

IDW is an obtainable Tactical Doll in the game.

Weapon Background

The Bushman IDW (Individual Defence Weapon) was designed by George D. Ealovega, who marketed it through the firm of Bushman Ltd. However due to a lack of interest, the rights for the weapon was sold to Parker-Hale and after some modifications was rebranded as the Parker-Hale PDW. The weapons was pitched to the British army as a self defense weapon for vehicle crews but was not selected. It was made entirely out of an experimental polymer, making it very light. It used Ealovega's patented rate regulator, which used a electrically-powered hydraulic system governed by a computer chip (with the battery pack stored in the pistol grip), this allows the weapon to fire with a rate of fire between 450-1400 rpm which helps in taming the recoil of the weapon.

Character Info



IDW has a very energetic character which has contributed largly to her infamous status among players, likely owing to the fact that the weapon itself is one of the few that is powered by a battery. Her speech mannerisms also include heavy use of cat puns.

Some of her dialogue suggests that she sees herself as a stray cat. This is likely a reference to how the Bushman IDW was never formally adopted by the British military nor found any popularity in the civilian market. Additionally she believes herself to be a very capable bodyguard and finds great pride in being able to protect her comrades in combat. While she often has a very positive and upbeat attitude, IDW appears to express annoyance at being compared to a pistol.


IDW is a front row evasion tank sporting one of the highest base evasion stats in the game even among higher rarity SMGs. While this does come at a cost of her own HP being on the lower end of her class, her evasion stat often more than makes up for it in actual combat. Her skill, Cover Focus, increases her evasion by 60-110% depending on her level which can serve as an extra buffer to maximize the effectiveness of her relatively low HP pool. Due to her high evasion, leveling her skill is not as a priority as it would be with low-evasion SMGs with the same skill, such as Spectre M4, if players are short on resources as the skill even at lower levels will scale naturally with her high evasion stat as she levels up. This combination of a high evasion stat coupled with an evasion buff skill allows IDW to fill a unique niche of solo-tanking without defensive buffs from AR or HG T-Dolls. As a result, IDW can function well as a general-use budget tank in any formation.

IDW's greatest weakness is perhaps her low HP pool. High accuracy enemies like Jaegers can kill her very quickly if the damage-dealers of her team aren't strong enough. For this reason Guard/Jaeger teams can give her trouble if she is set up with an AR team who can't burn through the opposing front row before the Jaegers get into firing position. Vespids can also pose a threat to IDW due to their moderate accuracy and damage coupled with a high fire rate that ensures some shots will get through. Placing her in a RF team is a great counter to Guard/Jaeger teams while AR teams, in addition to providing defensive buffs, can quickly kill Vespids and Scouts before they have a chance to wear down her HP.

Game Data

Chibi image
75(x1)150(x1) / 750(x5)
25(x1) / 85(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5)
9 26,
10 85
2 15
Rate of Fire
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
49 75
Movement Speed
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
100 100
Critical Hit Rate
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.
Affects assault rifles
Increases evasion by 20%


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition IDW哦!您就是那位肯收留人家的长官吗?我会努力的! アイデイダブユー(IDW)だにゃ。引き取ってくれるのかにゃ?指揮官。よかったにゃー!Play IDW here ! Are you the commander who is willing to adopt me ? I'll do my best !
Introduction IDW冲锋枪哦,原本是作为防身武器而设计的,不过因为弹药口径等问题,销量不是很好……后来的我换了好几次主人,经过改进成了现在的样子,当作冲锋枪的话,我还是很有潜力的!
Secretary 长官,喜欢猫嘛?喜欢人家嘛? 指揮官、ねこは好きかにゃ?じゃあ私は?Play You like cats, Commeownder? So you like me?
咦?出生地?哎呀,被长官选中的地方,就是出生地! え?年齢?指揮官と出会ったときが私の誕生日だにゃ。Play Huh? My age? I was born the day I met you, Commeownder!
再靠上一点!没错没错,就是这里!终于不痒啦,多谢长官啦! もっと上…そうそう、そこ!そこがかゆい!あ~よかった、ありがとうにゃー!Play Up a bit! Yes, yes, right there! Thanks Commeownder!
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, how's the weather outside? Let's go sunbathing together, I've been wanting to do that since forever!
What? Really? All I wanted...was home. I never though about having you all to meowself. But if that's what you want, Commeownder...I'm helping meowself
Greeting 早啊,长官!今天就让人家来打下手吧,至少看家是没问题的! おはよう、指揮官!手伝ってあげますにゃー!Play Morning commander! Let me give you a hand~!
T-Doll Produced 新的朋友哦!来和人家玩吧! 新しい友達、一緒に遊ぶにゃ!Play A new friend, Les't play togather~!
Joining an echelon 也轮到IDW大显身手了! IDWの出番だにゃー!Play IDW is comming~!
Enhancement 变得更强啦!能卖个好价钱啦! 強くなったにゃ!かわいがって貰えそうにゃ!Play I'm stronger! It seem to be lovery!
Dummy-linking 哇!更多的人家!可以愉快地抱团啦! ねこ耳がいっぱいにゃ!Play I'm got a lot of cat nya!
Logistics (start) 出门觅食了! エサを探しに行くにゃー!Play Les't go searching for food!
Logistics (end) 回来了!肚子饱饱的啦! ただいまなのにゃ。お腹いっぱいだにゃー!Play I'm back! I'm really full nya~!
Autobattle 不要担心!专业保镖登场啦! ボディガードのお出ましにゃん!Play Time to be bodyguard

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 护卫任务,出发啦! 任務、始めるにゃー!Play Commence a missionnya~!
Starting a battle 是抢饭碗的家伙!快赶走吧! 奴らを追っ払うにゃ!Play I'll chase them nya!
Skill activation 轮到人家的回合啦! 私の番だにゃー!Play Now my turn nyan~!
不会让你们得逞的! いかせないにゃ!Play No, you can't!
别把人家当成手枪!明明是很可靠的! 拳銃扱いしないで欲しいにゃ!Play Don't treat me as pistols!
Heavily damaged 糟糕啦!这样下去,又要卖不出啦! やばいよ, このままじゃ舍てられるにゃ...Play Not good, I can't stay in place like this...
Retreat 呜……失败了,明明已经没什么人气了…… 失敗にゃ・・・人気がなくなるにゃ…。Play I'm failure, It won't be popular ...
MVP 大胜利!长官,这样的结果,是不是稍稍可以报答您了? 大勝利!指揮官、よくできましただにゃー!Play Victory! Commander, Well done nya~!
Restoration 呜……长官,请不要说出去,不然又卖不出去了。 うぐぅ…誰にも言わないで欲しいにゃ。嫌われちゃうにゃー。Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 呜……今晚,果然还是有点冷啊……正、正因为出生地太多这种故事,我才不擅长啊! Play
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day



  • One of the SMG that able to upgrade through Digi-Mind.
  • Her introduction quotes seems to be a reference of how the weapon was not adopted by any armed forces in the world.
  • A popular meme among the playerbase due to many reasons, namely annoying appearance and voice, being a common sight in T-doll production and sharing the same craft timer as HG Grizzly MkVGrizzly MkVGrizzly MkV (which, along with her constantly showing up in crafting, brings not only frustration but also disappointment to the players).
  • While her in-game art and chibi sprite depicts her as being equipped with a suppressor and red dot sight, she is unable to equip both attachments at once in the game.
