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|INTRODUCTION_KR = 마우저 C96 권총의 가장 큰 장점은 바로 엄청나게 빠른 사격속도예요! 하지만 그러기위해 치른 대가가 너무 많아서, 동시기의 루거한테도 져버렸어요. 별로 눈에 띄지 않았던 저는 나중에 먼 곳으로 수출 당했죠. 그런데 그곳의 병사는 독특한 수평사격자세를 사용했고, 총구가 위로 튀는 문제는 가볍게 해결되었어요. 그 결과, 저 역시 혁혁한 전공을 올리게 되었죠.
|ALLHALLOWS_KR = 이번 분장파티는 어떤 모습이 좋을까? 에헤헤. 호박 마스크나 알몸 에이프런은 어때? 에? 센스가 없다니, 무슨 말이에요! 지휘관!
|DIALOGUEWEDDING_KR = 지휘관, 시끄러운 거 싫어해요? 제가 방해됐나요? ...알겠어요. 그럼 지휘관님이 퇴근하실 때까지 조용히 있을게요!
|GAIN_KR = 당신이 저의 지휘관이신 거군요.
<!--JP VOICE-->
| HELLO_KR = 저기 저기, 뭐하고 계셨나요?
| BUILDOVER_KR = 제조가 완료되었어요. 확인해 주세요.
| FORMATION_KR = 제 차례군요! 좋아!
| FEED_KR = 으으으, 됐다됐다됐다됐다됐다됐다됐다됐다~!
| COMBINE_KR = 내가 늘어났어. 됐다 됐다! 모두 잔뜩 조립해줘.
| OPERATIONBEGIN_KR = 가요, 갑니다, 간다구요. 밖은 좀 춥다구요. 정말…
| OPERATIONOVER_KR = 무사히 돌아 왔다구요!
| BLACKACTION_KR = 이번에는 저에게 맡겨주세요. 마음 내키는 대로 할 테니까요.
| GOATTACK_KR = 좋아! 힘내죠!
| MEET_KR = 적입니다! 적!
| SKILL1_KR = 쏴쏴쏴쏴쏴쏴쏴쏴쏴쏴쏴!
| SKILL2_KR = 오늘이 너희 제삿날이야!
| SKILL3_KR = 대답이 뒤집혀도 한 명도 살려보내지 않을 거야!
| BREAK_KR = 아야야야야야... 아니, 뭐하시는 겁니까!
| RETREAT_KR = 말도 안 돼…
| WIN_KR = 땀 많이 흘렸네~ 벗어버릴까~
| FIX_KR = 아아, 쉬자 쉬자. 새로운 옷을 사는 게 좋을까? 하지만 천이 아까운데. 으으음…
| VALENTINE_KR = 오늘은 멋진 날이야. 자아~ 지휘관! 내가 주는 조그마한 마음이야.
<!--CN QUOTE-->
| HELLO_CN = 呐,呐,指挥官去干嘛了啊?
| BUILDOVER_CN = 制造完成了,请验收。
| FORMATION_CN = 到我出场了呢!好—的!
| FEED_CN = 呜哦哦哦,来啦来啦来啦来啦来啦来啦来啦来啦—!
| COMBINE_CN = “我”变多了,太好啦太好啦!大家,要好好配合呢。
| OPERATIONBEGIN_CN = 知道啦知道啦我去就是啦。外头,有点冷呢。真是的…
| BLACKACTION_CN = 这次就交给我吧,我会尽全力的。
| GOATTACK_CN = 好—!要加油啦!
| MEET_CN = 是敌人!敌袭!
| SKILL1_CN = 开火开火开火开火开火开火开火开火开火开火开火!
| SKILL2_CN = 今天就是你们的忌日!
| SKILL3_CN = 即使收回刚才的答复,也不会放过你们任何一个的!
| BREAK_CN = 好痛好痛好痛好痛好痛,喂,看你们干的好事!
| RETREAT_CN = 不敢相信…
| WIN_CN =
| FIX_CN = 啊啊,休息休息。是不是该去买件新衣服比较好呢?但是布料好浪费啊,唉…
| CHRISTMAS_CN = 好期待圣诞老人送的礼物啊,指挥官!要是9mm帕拉贝鲁姆弹就好了。
| NEWYEAR_CN = 新年快乐,今年也请多多指教!
| VALENTINE_CN = 今天是个美好的日子呢,给~指挥官,这是我的一点心意。
| trivia = <!-- content under trivia header-->
| trivia = <!-- content under trivia header-->
* In WWI, C96s were used by Austro-Hungarian tail gunner. C96 known equipped with high-velocity bullet and long barrel to guarantee a higher accuracy in the era. While the effect of this modified C96 is like shotgun when hitting the target's aircraft due the lightweight material it used(mostly from canvas), it would take a longer time to reload each pistol.<ref>[http://rarehistoricalphotos.com/austro-hungarian-aircraft-gunner-mausers-1917/ Modified C96 page]</ref>
* In WWI, C96s were used by Austro-Hungarian tail gunner. C96 known equipped with high-velocity bullet and long barrel to guarantee a higher accuracy in the era. While the effect of this modified C96 is like shotgun when hitting the target's aircraft due the lightweight material it used(mostly from canvas), it would take a longer time to reload each pistol.<ref>[http://rarehistoricalphotos.com/austro-hungarian-aircraft-gunner-mausers-1917/ Modified C96 page]</ref>
The Mauser C96 (Construktion 96) is a semi-automatic pistol that was originally produced by German arms manufacturer Mauser from 1896 to 1937. Unlicensed copies of the gun were also manufactured in Spain and China in the first half of the 20th century.
The distinctive characteristics of the C96 are the integral box magazine in front of the trigger, the long barrel, the wooden shoulder stock which gives it the stability of a short-barreled rifle and doubles as a holster or carrying case, and a unique grip shaped like the handle of a broom. The grip earned the gun the nickname "Broomhandle" in the English-speaking world because of its round wooden handle, and in China the C96 was nicknamed the "box cannon" (盒子炮) because of its rectangular internal magazine and the fact it could be holstered in its wooden box-like detachable stock.
With its long barrel and high-velocity cartridge, the Mauser C96 had superior range and better penetration than most other pistols; the 7.63×25mm Mauser cartridge was the highest velocity commercially manufactured pistol cartridge until the advent of the .357 Magnum cartridge in 1935.
Mauser manufactured approximately 1 million C96 pistols, while the number produced in Spain and China was large but unknown due to the loss, non-existence or poor preservation of production records from those countries.[1]
Character Info
C96 wears a SS(Schutzstaffel) uniform, a SS armband with Balkenkreuz logo instead of controversial Hakenkreuz which used by SS Officer in real life and prohibited in several countries. She also has an emblem with 3 diamond and 3 lines on her collar, meaning she was a Sturmhauptführer(Storm Chief Leader) or Captain. She has a cross-shaped iris in her eyes.
Her launching flare skill can be an alternative for commander which lack of NV devices, as it will mitigate accuracy penalty in night battle and become more effective when the skill was maxed out. Thus making her skill very useful for commander whose entered the night battle for the first time, or some commander who doesn't want to put an NV device to increase accuracy.
마우저 C96 권총의 가장 큰 장점은 바로 엄청나게 빠른 사격속도예요! 하지만 그러기위해 치른 대가가 너무 많아서, 동시기의 루거한테도 져버렸어요. 별로 눈에 띄지 않았던 저는 나중에 먼 곳으로 수출 당했죠. 그런데 그곳의 병사는 독특한 수평사격자세를 사용했고, 총구가 위로 튀는 문제는 가볍게 해결되었어요. 그 결과, 저 역시 혁혁한 전공을 올리게 되었죠.
Today is a wonderful day. Here, commander! It's a heartfelt feeling from me!
In WWI, C96s were used by Austro-Hungarian tail gunner. C96 known equipped with high-velocity bullet and long barrel to guarantee a higher accuracy in the era. While the effect of this modified C96 is like shotgun when hitting the target's aircraft due the lightweight material it used(mostly from canvas), it would take a longer time to reload each pistol.[4]
The Trench Version of C96, M1917 Trench Carbine was manufactured in order to improve ability for trench raid and compete with 32-round Drum Magazine P08. M1917 Trench Carbine preferred 40-round box magazine and come with fixed buttstock over the original removable stock. However, due of manufacturing cost which affect other firearms production without firing mechanism improvement, the M1917 Trench Carbine ended with only a small quantity being manufactured. With Versailles Treaty signed, most of them was destroyed; thus making M1917 Trench Carbine extremely rare for collector with $34,500 for an unit.[5]