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CZ52/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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Christmas EN & JP : "75" corrected as the number; it was incorrectly written as 57 (see CZ75's Christmas dialogue for confirmation of reference)
gain EN: better translation to emphasize her humble attitude
Line 3: Line 3:
| GAIN_CN = 指挥官您好,我是CZ52,虽然还只是个新人,不过还请您多多关照。
| GAIN_CN = 指挥官您好,我是CZ52,虽然还只是个新人,不过还请您多多关照。
| GAIN_JP = 指揮官さん初めまして、CZ52(ちぇこごうにい)と申します。まだまだ新人ですけど、何卒よろしくお願いします。
| GAIN_JP = 指揮官さん初めまして、CZ52(ちぇこごうにい)と申します。まだまだ新人ですけど、何卒よろしくお願いします。
| GAIN_EN = Greetings Commander, I'm CZ52, even though I'm just a new member, I'll be troubling you to do look after me for now.
| GAIN_EN = Greetings Commander, I'm CZ52, even though I'm just a new member, I humbly implore you to look after me from now on.
| GAIN_KR =  
| GAIN_KR =  

Revision as of 15:01, 16 September 2019

CZ52 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官您好,我是CZ52,虽然还只是个新人,不过还请您多多关照。 指揮官さん初めまして、CZ52(ちぇこごうにい)と申します。まだまだ新人ですけど、何卒よろしくお願いします。Play Greetings Commander, I'm CZ52, even though I'm just a new member, I humbly implore you to look after me from now on.
Introduction (同上) (ditto)
Secretary 我希望每次战斗前都不忘记未曾完成的遗憾,所以我会写遗书留给自己。 未完成な夢を忘れないように、戦闘の前はいつも自分に遺書を書くんです。Play I do not wish to leave anything unfinished after going into combat, so I write wills to myself beforehand.
我想遇到更多的伙伴,去跟多的地方看看,得到跟多的幸福…… 私は、もっと沢山の仲間と出会って、もっと沢山の場所に行って、もっともっと幸せを感じたいです…Play I wish to meet more companions, go and see more places, to obtain more happiness...
指挥官需要帮忙吗?请尽管吩咐,我会一直在您的身边的。 指揮官さん、なにか手伝うことがありましたら、遠慮無く命令してください。私はいつもそばにいますから。Play Commander do you require assistance? Please just say so, I'm here by your side.
Secretary (post OATH)
虽然写过很多次遗书了,但情书还是不太熟练呢……不然指挥官教教我吧? 嘻嘻~
I've written many wills before, but I not very familiar with writing love letters... Maybe Commander can teach me? Heehee~
Commander, I thank you for fulfilling this wish of mine, to have received your response, I'm in a world of happiness... Please keep your eyes on me, keep guiding me, continue to hold me... And love me.
Greeting 指揮官さん、あなたが行てくれて、何より心強いです。Play Commander, nothing's more reassuring than having you around.
T-Doll Produced 良かった、また新しい仲間が入ってきました。Play I'm glad, there is new comrade joining in again.
Joining an echelon 仲間たちと一緒にいて、いつも楽しいですね。Play Being together with comrades is always pleasant.
Enhancement 私たちの未来のために、この力が必要です。Play For the sake of our future, this power is necessary.
Dummy-linking 指揮官さん…ありがとうございました。彼女たちの面倒は、しっかり見ますよ。Play Commander... thank you very much. I'll be sure to look after these girls.
Logistics (start) 今回の旅先は、どこでしょうか?Play For this journey, where is our destination?
Logistics (end) 指揮官さん…これだけあれば、充分でしょう?Play Commander, if we only got this, will it be enough?
Autobattle 自分の意志で、任務を遂行します!Play Through my own will, I'll accomplish this mission.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 遺言もちゃんと確認しましたし、行きますか。Play I've written my will. Shall we proceed?
Starting a battle 失礼ですが、お下がりください!Play Pardon me but, could you leave?
Skill activation みなさんのために、力を貸します!Play For everyone's sake, please lend me your strength!
みなさんの幸せのために!Play This is for everyone's happiness!
未練を残さないように!Play I wish to leave no regrets!
Heavily damaged ダメっ……!もう少し、頑張って!Play No...! Just a little more, keep going!
Retreat もう、進められないですか…?私の願いも……Play We can't advance anymore...? Even my wish is...
MVP 指揮官さん…本当に良かった!この勝利で、みなさんに幸せを齎しましょう。Play Commander, I'm so happy! This victory will bring everyone happiness.
Restoration 指揮官さん……心配をかけて、本当に申し訳ございませんでした。Play Commander... to make you worry like this, I truly apologize for my transgression.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween きっとこのように未練があるから幽霊になってるんですよね。本当に…可哀想ですよ。Play They became ghost because their regret is still lingering around. What a poor soul...
Christmas わぁぁ…!75(ななごう)がサンタのヒゲを…?こっ…これ…どうしたらいいですか?Play Whaa...! 75 is putting on a Santa's beard...? Th-this... what should I do?
New Year's Day 時間は必ず新たな答えを教えてくれます。だから今年も頑張っていきましょ。


The time will definitely bring the answer upon you. So this year as well, I will keep doing my best.
Valentine's day 指揮官さん、このチョコ受け取って下さい。あぁ…なんだか思ったよりずっと恥ずかしいですね。


` Commander, please take this chocolate. Ah, this is more embarrassing than I thought.
Tanabata 世界よ回れますように…私は信じていますよ。この世界の幸せは色んな場所で私を待っていますから。


It's all around the world... so I believed. There are happiness waiting for me in every corner of this world.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play