| backgroundinfo = The OTs-44 is the largest sniper rifle produced by TsKIB SOO. It is similar to the VKS, VSS Vintorez and VSK-94 in that it is also a silent sniper rifle. The OTs-44 is a bullpup anti-materiel rifle with an odd reloading method. Apparently, the barrel has to be offset forward for reloading. Reloading is done manually, which implies it is fed from an internal magazine. The rifle has an adjustable monopod at the rear, as well as an adjustable bipod up front. The giant silencer can be removed either.
| backgroundinfo = The OTs-44 is the largest sniper rifle produced by TsKIB SOO. It is similar to the VKS, VSS Vintorez and VSK-94 in that it is also a silent sniper rifle. The OTs-44 is a bullpup anti-materiel rifle with an odd reloading method. Apparently, the barrel has to be offset forward for reloading. Reloading is done manually, which implies it is fed from an internal magazine. The rifle has an adjustable monopod at the rear, as well as an adjustable bipod up front. The giant silencer can also be removed.
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* The developer of OTs-44, TsKIB SOO announce to produce 14,5mm variant.
* The developer of OTs-44, TsKIB SOO announce to produce 14,5mm variant.