Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | HK433。幸会,指挥官。我会让您深深记住我的。 | I am HK433. Nice to meet you, Commander. I'll make sure you remember me. | ||
Introduction | ||||
Secretary | 指挥官,我知道您将作战报告书全权委托给了格琳娜小姐。但被动等待不是我的风格……这是我自己总结的作战报告书,请您指教。 | Commander, I know you've authorized Miss Kalina to make all combat reports. However, it is not my way to sit back and wait... This is my own summary combat report, for your perusal. | ||
咖啡浓度、座椅高度、最佳专注时间……我正在撰写《副官工作指南》,记录您的数据以规范副官的工作流程。如果再让我陪伴您10000小时,这本指南就能写得相当完美了。 | The richness of the coffee, the height of the chair, the most ideal time for concentration... I am writing "The Guide to an Adjutant's Duties", which records your personal data and defines the workflow for serving as an adjutant. If you allow me to accompany you for another 10000 hours, I can make it perfect. | |||
有人特意骇掉监控、潜入基地救助站撸猫?……呵,竟然还存在这样无聊的人形?精英人形的日常只有工作、训练和撰写作战报告而已吧?(偷偷关掉正在浏览的猫咪相册) | Someone hacked the security cameras and snuck into the rescue station to stroke the cats? ...Heh, to think such a lame doll would exist. An elite doll's schedule is nothing but work, training and writing combat reports, no? (Secretly closes tabs of cat pictures) | |||
Secretary (post OATH) | 猫咪挂件?!那个,我不是不喜欢,只是带在身上的话,队友们会质疑我身为精英的专业能力吧?……什么?这样可以显示您的偏爱?……呵,真是相当狡猾的战术呢。算了,既然您这么说,我就痛快地收下了。
A kitty ornament?! Ah, it's not like I don't like them, but if I carried one on me, my teammates would question my professional competence, would they not? ...What? It's a sign of your favor? ...Ahem, that is quite a cunning tactic. Oh well, since you've said so, I shall gladly accept.
| ||
OATH | 这一刻,我已经等待了太久……经过数万小时的努力,现在我终于明白,比起“需要你的作战实力”这种话,我更希望得到您纯粹的偏爱。谢谢您。明明什么都还没说,您就轻易洞穿了我的心意。那么往后的日子里,在依靠我作战之余,也请您多多照顾真实的我吧?
I have been waiting for this moment for too long... After tens of thousands of hours of effort, I finally understand now that rather than hearing things like "I need your strength", I'd rather receive your pure affections. Thank you. Even though I didn't say anything, you still managed to see through what I wanted, In that case, will you take care of the real me in between battles, for all the days to come?
| ||
Greeting | 下次接收作战报告书之前,请单独复制一份给我。 | The next time you accept combat reports, please make an extra copy for me. | ||
T-Doll Produced | 脆弱的新兵是入不了我的眼的。 | Weak rookies are not worthy of my gaze. | ||
Joining an echelon | 各位,请向我看齐。 | Everyone, eyes on me. | ||
Enhancement | 性能在提升……说明我还不够完美。 | My performance is increasing... Which means I'm not perfect enough. | ||
Dummy-linking | 我会把她也排进副官值班表里的。 | I will slot her into the adjutant's duty roster. | ||
Logistics (start) | 这种程度的作战和散心没什么区别。 | An operation like this is little more than a walk in the park. | ||
Logistics (end) | 散心结束,我可以开始工作了吗? | Now that the walk is over, can I get back to work? | ||
Autobattle | 感谢您的信任,我会严格训练她们的。 | Thank you for your faith. I will train them harshly. | ||
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン! | 소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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