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De Lisle/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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Parovoz (talk | contribs)
Added the English quotes from the EN server
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|character = Delisle
|character = Delisle
|GAIN_EN =  
|GAIN_EN = ...Hah? Are you talking to me? Are we here already? Are you the Commander? I'm De Lisle, may I know what the bonus scheme here is like?
|GAIN_JP =  
|GAIN_JP =  
|GAIN_CN = ……啊?你叫我?已经到了?你就是指挥官吧?我是德利尔,请问这里的奖金制度怎么算啊?
|GAIN_CN = ……啊?你叫我?已经到了?你就是指挥官吧?我是德利尔,请问这里的奖金制度怎么算啊?
Line 9: Line 9:
|DIALOGUE1_EN = You want to know about my wardrobe? Forget it, you could never learn how I do it, because even I can't replicate the same feeling when I put my clothes on. I basically just throw a little bit of everything together... No, it is not homeless fashion!
|DIALOGUE1_CN = 我的穿搭?放弃吧,你们是学不来的,因为就算是我自己也穿不出一模一样的感觉。全部都是东一块西一块凑起来的……跟流浪汉是两码事!
|DIALOGUE1_CN = 我的穿搭?放弃吧,你们是学不来的,因为就算是我自己也穿不出一模一样的感觉。全部都是东一块西一块凑起来的……跟流浪汉是两码事!
|DIALOGUE2_EN = Each brand of earphones is different from the others. The kind I like best are the in-ear types. There's no comparing the peace of mind which in-ear types give me as opposed to over-ear or clip-type earphones... And when you lend one to someone else, you also feel more connected to them.
|DIALOGUE2_CN = 耳机的款式各有差别,其中我最喜欢的就是入耳式。相比起耳挂和头戴来说,入耳的耳机给我的安心感非同一般……而且,要分一只出去的时候,也会更有连接感。
|DIALOGUE2_CN = 耳机的款式各有差别,其中我最喜欢的就是入耳式。相比起耳挂和头戴来说,入耳的耳机给我的安心感非同一般……而且,要分一只出去的时候,也会更有连接感。
|DIALOGUE3_EN = I'm going to beat the crap out of those two bitches next door sooner or later... Their music is crude and tacky and they love surround sound too! Anyone who blasts music out loud must be deaf!
|DIALOGUE3_CN = 迟早要去找隔壁寝室那两个混蛋决斗……听的音乐暴力又没有品位,而且还喜欢用音响!用外放听歌的家伙根本就是聋子!
|DIALOGUE3_CN = 迟早要去找隔壁寝室那两个混蛋决斗……听的音乐暴力又没有品位,而且还喜欢用音响!用外放听歌的家伙根本就是聋子!
|DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = Although tangled earphone cables are annoying, losing either of the left or right channels makes a song incomplete. Even a mess of things thrown together can still become a complete whole, so I'll lend my R to you, and I'll be your L. From now on, we'll be a complete set too.
|DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 虽然缠在一起的耳机线只会让人火大,但左声道和右声道不管丢掉哪一个都会让音乐变得不够完整。就算只是拼凑在一起的东西也可以组成一个整体,我把我的R借给你,我就是你的L,从现在开始,我们也是一个整体了。
|DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 虽然缠在一起的耳机线只会让人火大,但左声道和右声道不管丢掉哪一个都会让音乐变得不够完整。就算只是拼凑在一起的东西也可以组成一个整体,我把我的R借给你,我就是你的L,从现在开始,我们也是一个整体了。
|SOULCONTRACT_EN = Your taste in dolls is just as bad as your taste in music... I'll say this up front, if I had to describe myself as a pair of earphones, I'd probably be a 39.90 discount pair. If you're okay with that, then I'll do my best for you.
|SOULCONTRACT_CN = 你对人形和音乐的品味简直是一脉相承的糟糕……话说在前头,如果用耳机打比方,我大概只是39.9的打折品。要是这样你也觉得没关系,那我就加把劲朝方达努力一下吧。
|SOULCONTRACT_CN = 你对人形和音乐的品味简直是一脉相承的糟糕……话说在前头,如果用耳机打比方,我大概只是39.9的打折品。要是这样你也觉得没关系,那我就加把劲朝方达努力一下吧。

Revision as of 19:33, 20 November 2021

De Lisle Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition ……啊?你叫我?已经到了?你就是指挥官吧?我是德利尔,请问这里的奖金制度怎么算啊? Play ...Hah? Are you talking to me? Are we here already? Are you the Commander? I'm De Lisle, may I know what the bonus scheme here is like?
Secretary 我的穿搭?放弃吧,你们是学不来的,因为就算是我自己也穿不出一模一样的感觉。全部都是东一块西一块凑起来的……跟流浪汉是两码事! Play You want to know about my wardrobe? Forget it, you could never learn how I do it, because even I can't replicate the same feeling when I put my clothes on. I basically just throw a little bit of everything together... No, it is not homeless fashion!
耳机的款式各有差别,其中我最喜欢的就是入耳式。相比起耳挂和头戴来说,入耳的耳机给我的安心感非同一般……而且,要分一只出去的时候,也会更有连接感。 Play Each brand of earphones is different from the others. The kind I like best are the in-ear types. There's no comparing the peace of mind which in-ear types give me as opposed to over-ear or clip-type earphones... And when you lend one to someone else, you also feel more connected to them.
迟早要去找隔壁寝室那两个混蛋决斗……听的音乐暴力又没有品位,而且还喜欢用音响!用外放听歌的家伙根本就是聋子! Play I'm going to beat the crap out of those two bitches next door sooner or later... Their music is crude and tacky and they love surround sound too! Anyone who blasts music out loud must be deaf!
Secretary (post OATH)
Although tangled earphone cables are annoying, losing either of the left or right channels makes a song incomplete. Even a mess of things thrown together can still become a complete whole, so I'll lend my R to you, and I'll be your L. From now on, we'll be a complete set too.
Your taste in dolls is just as bad as your taste in music... I'll say this up front, if I had to describe myself as a pair of earphones, I'd probably be a 39.90 discount pair. If you're okay with that, then I'll do my best for you.
Greeting Before I even Knew your name,la-la-……吓我一跳,来了的话出个声啊,要开工了吗? Play
T-Doll Produced 前端就绪,准备验货吧。 Play
Joining an echelon 麻烦尽量别找我说话……至少在我戴着耳机的时候别,反正我也听不见。 Play
Enhancement 降噪功能还能再优化一点…… Play
Dummy-linking 五个人能不能别穿的一模一样?从客观视角看自己的穿搭真是够怪的。 Play
Logistics (start) 话说在前头,如果路上捡到CD之类的东西,就归我了。 Play
Logistics (end) ……想也知道不可能在野外捡到CD啊。 Play
Autobattle 私人FM……打开。 Play
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 接敌之前还能再听一曲……别来烦我。 Play
Starting a battle 放心吧,我不会让他们听见一点声音的。 Play
Skill activation 单曲循环。 Play
随机播放。 Play
安静下来吧。 Play
Heavily damaged 漏,漏音了…… Play
Retreat 可恶……耳机线缠住了…… Play
MVP 这次可以多发点奖金了吧?别装听不见啊! Play
Restoration ……请最后修我的听觉系统,我不想听修理时的噪音。 Play
Attack 把音量调大一点。 Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 气死我了!什么叫我非常适合扮鬼啊!我跟弗兰肯斯坦一点关系都没有!那群人就知道拿我寻开心——指挥官你管不管!? Play
Christmas 圣诞快乐,指挥官。我还蛮喜欢圣诞节的,有不少经典名曲都是以圣诞节为题材,而且圣诞快乐这首曲子本身也让人觉得很舒服……圣诞礼物我会帮你挑一副新耳机,快谢谢我吧。 Play
New Year's Day 新年快乐……我看起来很没精神?这是当然的啊,一大早外面就闹腾腾的,不管走到哪里都在放鞭炮,耳机降噪再好也挡不住,我都快精神衰弱了。正好,借我躲一躲……你这里倒挺安静的。


Valentine's day 你回来了?受欢迎的人还真辛苦,巧克力拿了不少吧。我当然没做,你看我像是很擅长做点心的人吗?坐近一点……耳机分你一个。


Tanabata 如果把牛郎织女比作耳机的R和L,那在七夕这一天,耳机的两条线就会缠在一起吧?所以我一点也不喜欢七夕……跟今天放不放假一点关系都没有。


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 静音模式。 Play
Phrase 降噪! Play
Tip ……You and me together, forever and ever♪ Play
Loading ……(哼歌) Play