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FNP-9/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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今日も = "today as well" so adjusted ; for Tanabata, なら expresses a need like "If only"...
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| GAIN_CN = FNP-9,华丽登场啦!指挥官,让我加入您吧!
| GAIN_CN = FNP-9,华丽登场啦!指挥官,让我加入您吧!
| GAIN_JP = FNP-9拳銃が華麗に登場よぉ。指揮官、応援お願いねっ。
| GAIN_JP = FNP-9拳銃が華麗に登場よぉ。指揮官、応援お願いねっ。
| GAIN_EN = <!--TL:FNP-9 making a splendid entrance ! Commander, let me join you !-->It's time for FNP-9's... glorious...debut! Commander... please give me... your support from now on...
| GAIN_EN = <!--TL:FNP-9 making a splendid entrance ! Commander, let me join you !-->It's time for FNP-9's... glorious...debut! Commander... please give me... your support from now on...
| INTRODUCTION_CN = 我是FNP-9,在FNP系列手枪中,我可是最早的型号呢!为了摆脱勃朗宁系列成功的阴影,我们采用了很多时下流行的设计。另外,我还有各种衍生型号和不同的配色。不管市场如何,至少闪亮的外表还是挺受欢迎吧。
| INTRODUCTION_CN = 我是FNP-9,在FNP系列手枪中,我可是最早的型号呢!为了摆脱勃朗宁系列成功的阴影,我们采用了很多时下流行的设计。另外,我还有各种衍生型号和不同的配色。不管市场如何,至少闪亮的外表还是挺受欢迎吧。
| INTRODUCTION_EN = I'm FNP-9, I was the earliest model amongst the whole FNP series of pistols! Due to Browning series' massive success, we used some less popular designs. Also I have many variations and customizable ability. Whatever the market demands are like, beautiful cosmetics and exteriors are still popular!
| INTRODUCTION_EN = I'm FNP-9, I was the earliest model amongst the whole FNP series of pistols! Due to Browning series' massive success, we used some less popular designs. Also I have many variations and customizable ability. Whatever the market demands are like, beautiful cosmetics and exteriors are still popular!
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 嗯?指挥官,什么指示啊?
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 嗯?指挥官,什么指示啊?
| DIALOGUE1_JP = 指揮官、今日はレッスン以外何がありますか?
| DIALOGUE1_JP = 指揮官、今日はレッスン以外何がありますか?
| DIALOGUE1_EN = Commander, is there anything beside practice today?
| DIALOGUE1_EN = Commander, is there anything beside practice today?
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 制服的话,我可是有很多种呢,指挥官,要不要看一下?
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 制服的话,我可是有很多种呢,指挥官,要不要看一下?
| DIALOGUE2_JP = 制服なら、いっぱい持ってます。どれも可愛いですよ~。
| DIALOGUE2_JP = 制服なら、いっぱい持ってます。どれも可愛いですよ~。
| DIALOGUE2_EN = I brought plenty of clothes. They are all cute.
| DIALOGUE2_EN = I brought plenty of clothes. They are all cute.
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 一直这样看着我,指挥官,我果然还是有些闪光点的吧?
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 一直这样看着我,指挥官,我果然还是有些闪光点的吧?
| DIALOGUE3_JP = 指揮官、いくらわたしが魅力的だと言っても、わたしをずっと見つめるのはやめてください、恥ずかしいですぅ…。
| DIALOGUE3_JP = 指揮官、いくらわたしが魅力的だと言っても、わたしをずっと見つめるのはやめてください、恥ずかしいですぅ…。
| DIALOGUE3_EN = You've been looking at me like this the whole time, Commander. I am somewhat attractive right?
| DIALOGUE3_EN = You've been looking at me like this the whole time, Commander. I am somewhat attractive right?
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 嘿嘿,今天的我也很活跃哦,大家的评价越来越高涨了呢。这都多亏了您的指点,我会继续加油的!
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 嘿嘿,今天的我也很活跃哦,大家的评价越来越高涨了呢。这都多亏了您的指点,我会继续加油的!
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = Hehe, I'm super enthusiastic today too, getting more and more positive reviews from everyone. This is all because of your guidance, I will continue to work hard!
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = Hehe, I'm super enthusiastic today too, getting more and more positive reviews from everyone. This is all because of your guidance, I will continue to work hard!
| SOULCONTRACT_CN =什……什么!指挥官,我活跃的样子,终于被您注视到了吗!太好啦!不管将来会不会受欢迎,但是指挥官,现在的我,最——喜欢你啦!
| SOULCONTRACT_CN =什……什么!指挥官,我活跃的样子,终于被您注视到了吗!太好啦!不管将来会不会受欢迎,但是指挥官,现在的我,最——喜欢你啦!
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = 指揮官、わたしのどこがいいですか?…やはり笑顔ですか?笑顔なら誰にも負けませんよ。わたし、これからも笑顔のままで頑張ります。え、えへへぇ〜。嬉しい…
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = 指揮官、わたしのどこがいいですか?…やはり笑顔ですか?笑顔なら誰にも負けませんよ。わたし、これからも笑顔のままで頑張ります。え、えへへ。嬉しい…
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = Wh... What! Commander, you've finally taken notice of my activeness! Yes! No matter how popular I become in the future, I really love you right now Commander!
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = Wh... What! Commander, you've finally taken notice of my activeness! Yes! No matter how popular I become in the future, I really love you right now Commander!
| HELLO_JP = おはようございます、指揮官。今日も何人ものファンが増えて、嬉しいです。
| HELLO_JP = おはようございます、指揮官。今日も何人ものファンが増えて、嬉しいです。
| HELLO_EN = Good morning, commander. I'm happy because number of my fans have increased.
| HELLO_EN = Good morning, commander. Yet again, today I've gotten a lot more fans. I'm happy.
| BUILDOVER_JP = 新しいメンバーですか?
| BUILDOVER_JP = 新しいメンバーですか?
| BUILDOVER_EN = Is it new member?
| BUILDOVER_EN = Is it new member?
| FORMATION_JP = わぁい、わたしがセンター?精一杯頑張ります!
| FORMATION_JP = わぁい、わたしがセンター?精一杯頑張ります!
| FORMATION_EN = Aah, i'm center? I'll give my all!
| FORMATION_EN = Aah, I'm center? I'll give my all!
| FEED_JP = 仲間と手を取り合って、精一杯頑張りますね。
| FEED_JP = 仲間と手を取り合って、精一杯頑張りますね。
| FEED_EN = Together with comrade, and giving our best.
| FEED_EN = Hand in hand with comrades, let's give it our best.
| COMBINE_JP = うぉお、ファンのために腕を磨いて、もっと輝きたいです!
| COMBINE_JP = うぉお、ファンのために腕を磨いて、もっと輝きたいです!
| COMBINE_EN = Wah, refining my ability for the sake of my fans, I want to shine more!
| COMBINE_EN = Wah, refining my ability for the sake of my fans, I want to shine more!
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP = 遠征の時間ですね。行ってまいります!  
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP = 遠征の時間ですね。行ってまいります!  
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = It's expedition time, I will go!
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = It's expedition time, I will go!
| OPERATIONOVER_JP = 戻りました。わたしのファンと会えなかったのはちょっと残念です、えへへへ…。
| OPERATIONOVER_JP = 戻りました。わたしのファンと会えなかったのはちょっと残念です、えへへへ…。
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = I'm back. Unable to meet with the fans is disappointing, ehehe.
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = I'm back. Unable to meet with the fans is disappointing, ehehe.
| BLACKACTION_JP = どんなライブでも頑張りますよ。私はよく見てくださいね、指揮官。
| BLACKACTION_EN = I'll keep giving my best, regardless of what kind of live performance it is. Make sure to look at me, commander.
| GOATTACK_JP = ステージに立つ機会がきましたね。
| GOATTACK_JP = ステージに立つ機会がきましたね。
| GOATTACK_EN = The chance to stand on the stage has come.
| GOATTACK_EN = The chance to stand on the stage has come.
| MEET_JP = ここはファンサービスですねぇ、頑張っちゃいます~
| MEET_JP = ここはファンサービスですねぇ、頑張っちゃいます~
| MEET_EN = We are doing fan service here, let's do our best~
| MEET_EN = We are doing fan service here, let's do our best~
| SKILL1_JP = 笑顔、笑顔です!
| SKILL1_JP = 笑顔、笑顔です!
| SKILL1_EN = Smile, smile!
| SKILL1_EN = Smile, smile!
| SKILL2_JP = もっと輝きたいです!
| SKILL2_JP = もっと輝きたいです!
| SKILL2_EN = I want to shine more!
| SKILL2_EN = I want to shine more!
| SKILL3_JP = これが、アイドルの実力です!
| SKILL3_JP = これが、アイドルの実力です!
| SKILL3_EN = This is the ability of an idol!
| SKILL3_EN = This is the true power of an idol!
| BREAK_JP = …こんなことではアイドルになどなれません!
| BREAK_JP = …こんなことではアイドルになどなれません!
| BREAK_EN = With this I can't be an idol
| BREAK_EN = With this I can't be an idol
| RETREAT_JP = 頑張るだけじゃ、無理みたい…。
| RETREAT_JP = 頑張るだけじゃ、無理みたい…。
| RETREAT_EN = Just by trying hard, seems impossible...
| RETREAT_EN = Just by trying hard, seems impossible...
| WIN_CN =
| WIN_JP = ステージは大成功、わたしの努力が実を結びました!
| WIN_JP = ステージは大成功、わたしの努力が実を結びました!
| WIN_EN = The stage great success, my effort is paid!
| WIN_EN = The stage great success, my effort is paid!
| WIN_KR =
| FIX_CN =
| FIX_JP = 修理の間は自主練してもいいですか?もっと頑張りたいです。
| FIX_JP = 修理の間は自主練してもいいですか?もっと頑張りたいです。
| FIX_EN = Can I do self training during repair? I want to work harder
| FIX_EN = Can I do self training during repair? I want to work harder.
| FIX_KR =
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 唔哦!这次要糖活动,就由我来带路吧!诶,大家已经出发了?!
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 唔哦!这次要糖活动,就由我来带路吧!诶,大家已经出发了?!
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = おおお、{{ruby|今日|きょう}}はお{{ruby|菓子|おかし}}のイベントですね。
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = Ooohhh! I will lead this candy event! Eh, everyone has already left?!
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = Ooohhh! Today is a sweets festival, eh?|
| CHRISTMAS_JP = {{ruby|指揮官|しきかん}}…{{ruby|私|わたし}}のサンタさんの{{ruby|帽子|ぼうし}}{{ruby|似合|にあ}}ってますか?えへへ
| CHRISTMAS_EN = Commander, does this santa hat suit me? Ehehe
| NEWYEAR_JP = {{ruby|指揮官|しきかん}}、{{ruby|明|あ}}けましておめでとうございます。{{ruby|今年|ことし}}はもっと{{ruby|輝|かがや}}けたらいいなと{{ruby|思|おも}}います。
| NEWYEAR_EN = Commander, Happy New Year. I hope I can shine even more this year.
| VALENTINE_JP = {{ruby|指揮官|しきかん}}、ファンからバレンタインチョコをもらえると{{ruby|嬉|うれ}}しいですね。
| VALENTINE_EN = Commander, I'm happy to receive valentine chocolate from my fans.
| TANABATA_JP = お{{ruby|願|ねが}}い{{ruby|事|ごと}}はもっと{{ruby|多|おお}}くの{{ruby|人気|にんき}}。いや…それはずるいわね。うーん…あっ!もっと{{ruby|多|おお}}くの{{ruby|制服|せいふく}}なら…
| TANABATA_EN = My wish is to get more famous. Eh, I don't think that's fair. If I had more uniforms...

Latest revision as of 14:27, 25 April 2022

FNP-9 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition FNP-9,华丽登场啦!指挥官,让我加入您吧! FNP-9拳銃が華麗に登場よぉ。指揮官、応援お願いねっ。Play It's time for FNP-9's... glorious...debut! Commander... please give me... your support from now on...
Introduction 我是FNP-9,在FNP系列手枪中,我可是最早的型号呢!为了摆脱勃朗宁系列成功的阴影,我们采用了很多时下流行的设计。另外,我还有各种衍生型号和不同的配色。不管市场如何,至少闪亮的外表还是挺受欢迎吧。 I'm FNP-9, I was the earliest model amongst the whole FNP series of pistols! Due to Browning series' massive success, we used some less popular designs. Also I have many variations and customizable ability. Whatever the market demands are like, beautiful cosmetics and exteriors are still popular!
Secretary 嗯?指挥官,什么指示啊? 指揮官、今日はレッスン以外何がありますか?Play Commander, is there anything beside practice today?
制服的话,我可是有很多种呢,指挥官,要不要看一下? 制服なら、いっぱい持ってます。どれも可愛いですよ~。Play I brought plenty of clothes. They are all cute.
一直这样看着我,指挥官,我果然还是有些闪光点的吧? 指揮官、いくらわたしが魅力的だと言っても、わたしをずっと見つめるのはやめてください、恥ずかしいですぅ…。Play You've been looking at me like this the whole time, Commander. I am somewhat attractive right?
Secretary (post OATH)
Hehe, I'm super enthusiastic today too, getting more and more positive reviews from everyone. This is all because of your guidance, I will continue to work hard!
Wh... What! Commander, you've finally taken notice of my activeness! Yes! No matter how popular I become in the future, I really love you right now Commander!
Greeting おはようございます、指揮官。今日も何人ものファンが増えて、嬉しいです。Play Good morning, commander. Yet again, today I've gotten a lot more fans. I'm happy.
T-Doll Produced 新しいメンバーですか?Play Is it new member?
Joining an echelon わぁい、わたしがセンター?精一杯頑張ります!Play Aah, I'm center? I'll give my all!
Enhancement 仲間と手を取り合って、精一杯頑張りますね。Play Hand in hand with comrades, let's give it our best.
Dummy-linking うぉお、ファンのために腕を磨いて、もっと輝きたいです!Play Wah, refining my ability for the sake of my fans, I want to shine more!
Logistics (start) 遠征の時間ですね。行ってまいります!Play It's expedition time, I will go!
Logistics (end) 戻りました。わたしのファンと会えなかったのはちょっと残念です、えへへへ…。Play I'm back. Unable to meet with the fans is disappointing, ehehe.
Autobattle どんなライブでも頑張りますよ。私はよく見てくださいね、指揮官。Play I'll keep giving my best, regardless of what kind of live performance it is. Make sure to look at me, commander.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission ステージに立つ機会がきましたね。Play The chance to stand on the stage has come.
Starting a battle ここはファンサービスですねぇ、頑張っちゃいます~Play We are doing fan service here, let's do our best~
Skill activation 笑顔、笑顔です!Play Smile, smile!
もっと輝きたいです!Play I want to shine more!
これが、アイドルの実力です!Play This is the true power of an idol!
Heavily damaged …こんなことではアイドルになどなれません!Play With this I can't be an idol
Retreat 頑張るだけじゃ、無理みたい…。Play Just by trying hard, seems impossible...
MVP ステージは大成功、わたしの努力が実を結びました!Play The stage great success, my effort is paid!
Restoration 修理の間は自主練してもいいですか?もっと頑張りたいです。Play Can I do self training during repair? I want to work harder.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 唔哦!这次要糖活动,就由我来带路吧!诶,大家已经出发了?! おおお、今日きょうはお菓子おかしのイベントですね。Play Ooohhh! Today is a sweets festival, eh?
Christmas 指揮官しきかんわたしのサンタさんの帽子ぼうし似合にあってますか?えへへPlay Commander, does this santa hat suit me? Ehehe
New Year's Day 指揮官しきかんけましておめでとうございます。今年ことしはもっとかがやけたらいいなとおもいます。


Commander, Happy New Year. I hope I can shine even more this year.
Valentine's day 指揮官しきかん、ファンからバレンタインチョコをもらえるとうれしいですね。


Commander, I'm happy to receive valentine chocolate from my fans.
Tanabata ねがごとはもっとおおくの人気にんき。いや…それはずるいわね。うーん…あっ!もっとおおくの制服せいふくなら…


My wish is to get more famous. Eh, I don't think that's fair. If I had more uniforms...

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play