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Kord/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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General EN translations
Acquisition line slightly different, as I saw it today. There is acquisition screen https://ibb.co/YpDdGjD
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| GAIN_CN = 您好,指挥官。Kord向您报到。啊……这里有点热啊……
| GAIN_CN = 您好,指挥官。Kord向您报到。啊……这里有点热啊……
| GAIN_JP = 始めまして。Kord、参上しました。んん、ここ、少し熱いですね。
| GAIN_JP = 始めまして。Kord、参上しました。んん、ここ、少し熱いですね。
| GAIN_EN = Greetings, Commander. Kord reporting in. Ahh... it's kind of hot here...
| GAIN_EN = Privyet, Commander. Kord reporting for duty. Ugh... it's a bit warm in here...
| GAIN_KR =  
| GAIN_KR =  

Latest revision as of 14:48, 11 April 2024

Kord Story Quotes Live2D

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 您好,指挥官。Kord向您报到。啊……这里有点热啊…… 始めまして。Kord、参上しました。んん、ここ、少し熱いですね。Play Privyet, Commander. Kord reporting for duty. Ugh... it's a bit warm in here...
Secretary 重要的事情已经整理好了,有需要请随时喊我哦。 タスクを「」しておきました。なにかありましたら、いつでも呼んでください。Play I've taken care of all the important tasks, give me a shout anytime if you need me.
怎么了?……我没有在笑吗?抱歉,我走神了。 どうかしました?笑ってない?私がですか?失礼、ちょっとぼーっとしてました。Play What's wrong? ...I wasn't laughing? Sorry, I was distracted.
无论是人还是人形,都是优胜劣汰的吧?所以无论是我还是指挥官,都得做得更好才行。 この弱肉強食の世界では、人も人形も同じ。ですから、指揮官さんも私も、もっとレベルアップしなければ。Play Whether it's humans or dolls, it's survival of the fittest after all. We both have to do better and improve ourselves, Commander.
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander! Turn around and give me a hug! Woah! You actually did it... am I allowed to be affectionate like this too? Then I won't hold back anymore, okay?
Is there something you need assistance with, Commander? Eh, you don't need help? You've just uttered something profound. Can we really be honest with each other? Then, let us show our true selves from now on.
Greeting お早いですね。Play It's quite early.
T-Doll Produced 今回のオーダーもうまく行きました!さあ、新人さん、自分の型番は言えますか?Play That order went well! Come now, rookie, can you say your model number?
Joining an echelon 私の苦手な状況に、装具しないといいのですが…まあ、滅多もないですけどね。Play In my current weakened state, I hope I won't have to put a brace on...welp, that's a rare occurrence.
Enhancement んん、この感じ、悪くないですね。もう少し強化してくださいませんか?Play Well, that didn't feel bad at all. Would you please strengthen me a little more?
Dummy-linking もちろん助っ人多ければ多いほど助かります。Play Of course, the more helpers, the better.
Logistics (start) 仕方ありません。私が行きます。Play It can't be helped. I will go.
Logistics (end) 指揮官さん、今度は戦闘任務行かせてください。Play Commander, send me on combat missions next time.
Autobattle イメージを保ちしゅつ、敵も撃滅する。それもまた芸術ですよねPlay Maintaining the image while destroying the enemy. That, too, is an art.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 無事に帰ってきますから、心配しないでください。Play I'll come back safely, so no need to worry.
Starting a battle ハッピーマジックタイムが始まり!Play Happy magic time begins!
Skill activation 食らえ!Play Eat this!
ナイス!クリティカルヒット!Play Nice! Critical hit!
痛く、ストレス発散!「」の飲酒!Play It relieves pain and stress! Now, time to drink up!
Heavily damaged やだ!スカートが破れちゃった…Play Oh no! My skirt just got ripped...
Retreat 大失敗ね…どう報告すればPlay A total failure...how do I report that?
MVP 撤収です。指揮官さん、また基地で会いましょう!Play Full retreat. Commander, see you back at base!
Restoration すみません、ちゃんと反省します。Play I'm sorry, I will reflect on this.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween うわあ!なんだ、指揮官さんですか?さっきほどから何度も脅らかされてるです。少し休ませてください。Play Uwaah! Oh, it was only you Commander? I've been spooked many times since the last. Please give it a rest.
Christmas あら、指揮官さん、ここにいらっしゃったのですね。あの、こちら、プレゼントのクリスマスツリーです。どうぞ。Play Oh, Commander, you're here. Um, here, this is a Christmas tree for the presents. Please take it.
New Year's Day 新しい一年にはやっぱり新しいお召しものですね?指揮官さん、もし用意出来てないであれば、一緒に買いに行けませんか?


Don't you think we should find some new dresses for the new year? Commander, if you're not too busy, wanna go shopping together?
Valentine's day ボート人のことを見つめるのはやめてください!ボートしてるんじゃなくて…私を見てるだけ?いつもそうやって、気恥ずかしいことばかり言うんですから!


Stop staring at me if you're going to be the boater! You're not boating...you just wanna stare at me? That's why I'm always saying such embarrassing things.
Tanabata 七夕ってお昔バレンタインデイでもあったそうですね?でも、誰かに告白するより、みんなが遊びに行ってる間に、静かにいっぱい、楽しいみたいものです。


It would seem that Tanabata was once a Valentine's Day, don't you think? But instead of confessing to someone, it's more about keeping quiet and having fun while everyone is up and about.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
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