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K5/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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new year JP kanji fixed: 占 is the verb for "fortune-telling" but is often missed in auto translations. / NewYear EN translation added
Added missing EN MOD3 quotes.
(7 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
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== Base Voice Lines ==
| GAIN_CN = 果然,无数的迹象都在表明……指挥官,我和您的相遇,是命中注定的。  
| GAIN_CN = 果然,无数的迹象都在表明……指挥官,我和您的相遇,是命中注定的。  
| GAIN_JP = 数多くの兆しからみると…指揮官さん、やはりこれは運命的な出会いです。
| GAIN_JP = 数多くの兆しからみると…指揮官さん、やはりこれは運命的な出会いです。
| GAIN_EN = So it is, as it is proven by countless evidences... Commander, our meeting, was fated.
| GAIN_EN = So it is, as it is proven by countless evidences... Commander, our meeting, was fated.
| GAIN_KR =  
| GAIN_KR = 수많은 징조들로부터 보아하니...지휘관, 역시 이것은 운명적인 만남이 확실해.
| INTRODUCTION_KR = 겉모습은 냉정하고 온화해 보이지만, 사실 엄청 급하고 오지랖이 넓은 스타일이다. 무슨 일을 하든 남들보다 한 발 앞서나간다. 사물을 관찰하길 좋아하는 운명론자이다. 점 치는 것을 좋아하고 어떤 일이 발생하기 전에는 그 조짐을 보인다고 믿으며, 인형들 사이에서 꽤나 믿을만한 점성술사로 통하는 모양이다.
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 会议方案已经决定了吧?……呵呵,果然是这样的结论呢,相应的材料我已经准备好了。  
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 会议方案已经决定了吧?……呵呵,果然是这样的结论呢,相应的材料我已经准备好了。  
| DIALOGUE1_JP = 会議の方針はもう決まったよね?…うふふ、やっぱりこういう結論かぁ。必要な資料は既に準備してきたよ。
| DIALOGUE1_JP = 会議の方針はもう決まったよね?…うふふ、やっぱりこういう結論かぁ。必要な資料は既に準備してきたよ。
| DIALOGUE1_EN = Have you decided on the content of the meeting? ...Heh, as I predicted, I've already prepared the correct materials here.
| DIALOGUE1_EN = Have you decided on the content of the meeting? ...Heh, as I predicted, I've already prepared the correct materials here.
| DIALOGUE1_KR = 회의 방침은 벌써 정해놓은 거야? 우후후, 역시 이럴 줄 알았다니까. 필요한 자료들이라면 내가 이미 준비를 마쳐놨어.
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 人形的心智再怎么强大,也会有无法演算的未来发生,不过只是占卜明天的天气的话,我还是有点自信的。  
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 人形的心智再怎么强大,也会有无法演算的未来发生,不过只是占卜明天的天气的话,我还是有点自信的。  
| DIALOGUE2_JP = 人形のメンタルがいくら強くても、見抜けない未来がある。でも明日の天気占いぐらいなら、少し自信があるよ。
| DIALOGUE2_JP = 人形のメンタルがいくら強くても、見抜けない未来がある。でも明日の天気占いぐらいなら、少し自信があるよ。
| DIALOGUE2_EN = No matter how strong the T-doll's digi-mind is, some things are still beyond our predictions. But I'm still confident in predicting tomorrow's weather.
| DIALOGUE2_EN = No matter how strong the T-Doll's neural cloud is, some things are still beyond our predictions. But I'm still confident in predicting tomorrow's weather.
| DIALOGUE2_KR = 인형의 마인드맵이 아무리 뛰어나도 예견할 수 없는 미래가 있어…그래도 내일 날씨가 어떤지 점치는 것 정도는, 조금 자신이 있어.
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 指挥官,有的时候少知道一点才更好哦。  
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 指挥官,有的时候少知道一点才更好哦。  
| DIALOGUE3_JP = 指揮官、たまには知らないほうがいいよ。
| DIALOGUE3_JP = 指揮官、たまには知らないほうがいいよ。
| DIALOGUE3_EN = Commander, sometimes it is better to know less.
| DIALOGUE3_EN = Commander, sometimes it is better to know less.
| DIALOGUE3_KR = 지휘관, 때로는 모르는 게 약일 때가 있어.
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 下次的任务结果,应该会有什么征兆才对……指挥官,最近请多留意一下大家的状态……特别是……我的。  
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 下次的任务结果,应该会有什么征兆才对……指挥官,最近请多留意一下大家的状态……特别是……我的。  
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_JP = 次の任務、何か兆しがあるはず…。指揮官、みんなの状態にくれぐれも気をつけてね…。特に…私の…。
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_JP = 次の任務、何か兆しがあるはず…。指揮官、みんなの状態にくれぐれも気をつけてね…。特に…私の…。
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = There will be some unexpected outcomes on the next mission's report... Commander, do pay more attention to everyone's condition... Especially... mine.
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = There will be some unexpected outcomes on the next mission's report... Commander, do pay more attention to everyone's condition... Especially... mine.
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_KR = 다음 임무 결과를 예지하는 징조가 분명 나타날 거야... 지휘관, 모두의 컨디션에 더 신경을 써 줘... 특히 내 컨디션을 말이야..
| SOULCONTRACT_CN = 虽然我已经有所察觉了,但还是一直有些怀疑……因为我不敢相信,自己能如此幸运,能和您如此接近。这样的命运,已经被您的手心抓住,无法逃离了……  
| SOULCONTRACT_CN = 虽然我已经有所察觉了,但还是一直有些怀疑……因为我不敢相信,自己能如此幸运,能和您如此接近。这样的命运,已经被您的手心抓住,无法逃离了……  
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = なんとなく察してたけど、やっぱりちょっと疑いたくなる…指揮官がこんなに近い存在になるなんて、本当に信じられない。でもこの運命は、逃げることができないっていうのも分かってる…。
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = なんとなく察してたけど、やっぱりちょっと疑いたくなる…指揮官がこんなに近い存在になるなんて、本当に信じられない。でもこの運命は、逃げることができないっていうのも分かってる…。
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = I have began to notice, but I was skeptical... Because I'm not willing to believe how lucky I am, to get so close to you. Looks like you have already grasped this fate, in the palm of your hands, there's no escape now...
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = I have began to notice, but I was skeptical... Because I'm not willing to believe how lucky I am, to get so close to you. Looks like you have already grasped this fate, in the palm of your hands, there's no escape now...
| SOULCONTRACT_KR = 비록 이전부터 낌새를 느쪘지만, 역시 의심스러워졌어...설마 이리도 가까이 지휘관에게 다가갈 수 있게 되다니, 믿기지가 않아.그래도 이 운명에서 벗어날 수는 없겠지...♥
| HELLO_CN =  
| HELLO_CN =  
| HELLO_JP = 良い始まりは、幸運を齎すよ。
| HELLO_JP = 良い始まりは、幸運を齎すよ。
| HELLO_EN = What a good beginning, this will bring good luck.
| HELLO_EN = What a good beginning, this will bring good luck.
| HELLO_KR =  
| HELLO_KR = 좋은 시작은 행운도 같이 가져온다고 한대.
| BUILDOVER_JP = 出た!新たな可能性が!
| BUILDOVER_JP = 出た!新たな可能性が!
| BUILDOVER_EN = It's here! The new possibility!
| BUILDOVER_EN = It's here! The new possibility!
| BUILDOVER_KR = 나왔어! 새로운 가능성들이!
| FORMATION_JP = このチームの未来は明るい!
| FORMATION_JP = このチームの未来は明るい!
| FORMATION_EN = This team's future is bright!
| FORMATION_EN = This team's future is bright!
| FORMATION_KR = 이 제대의 미래는 밝은 것 같은 느낌이야!
| FEED_CN =  
| FEED_CN =  
| FEED_JP = 見えた!私たちの勝利が!
| FEED_JP = 見えた!私たちの勝利が!
| FEED_EN = I can see it! Our victory!
| FEED_EN = I can see it! Our victory!
| FEED_KR =  
| FEED_KR = 보였어! 우리들이 거둘 승리가!
| COMBINE_JP = いらっしゃい、運命の人。
| COMBINE_JP = いらっしゃい、運命の人。
| COMBINE_EN = Welcome, a fated person.
| COMBINE_EN = Welcome, a fated person.
| COMBINE_KR = 어서 와, 운명의 사람.
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP = その先に、何が待っているのかな?
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP = その先に、何が待っているのかな?
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = What will await us in the other side, I wonder.
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = What will await us in the other side, I wonder.
| OPERATIONBEGIN_KR = 저 앞엔 과연 뭐가 기다리고 있을까?
| OPERATIONOVER_JP = どれだけ少ない物資でも、上手く使いこなせば、結構役に立つよ。
| OPERATIONOVER_JP = どれだけ少ない物資でも、上手く使いこなせば、結構役に立つよ。
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = No matter how limited a supply is, if you can manage it properly, that will be useful.
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = No matter how limited a supply is, if you can manage it properly, that will be useful.
| OPERATIONOVER_KR = 아무리 적은 자원도 잘 활용하면 괜찮은 결과를 얻을 수 있어.
| BLACKACTION_JP = この戦いの結果は、指揮官も見抜いてくれたでしょう?
| BLACKACTION_JP = この戦いの結果は、指揮官も見抜いてくれたでしょう?
| BLACKACTION_EN = This battle's outcome, you too can see it already, don't you?
| BLACKACTION_EN = This battle's outcome, you too can see it already, don't you?
| BLACKACTION_KR = 이 싸움의 결과는 지휘관도 꿰뚫어 봤겠지?

| GOATTACK_JP = 運命の導きに従)いなさい!
| GOATTACK_JP = 運命の導きに従いなさい!
| GOATTACK_EN = Follow the destiny's guidance!
| GOATTACK_EN = Follow the destiny's guidance!
| GOATTACK_KR = 운명이 이끄는 대로 따라가기만 하면 돼!
| MEET_CN =  
| MEET_CN =  
| MEET_JP = 全ては、思った通りに進んでいく!
| MEET_JP = 全ては、思った通りに進んでいく!
| MEET_EN = All will proceed just as expected!
| MEET_EN = All will proceed just as expected!
| MEET_KR =  
| MEET_KR = 모든 것은 내가 예상한 대로 흘러가고 있어!
| SKILL1_CN =  
| SKILL1_CN =  
| SKILL1_JP = 私たちは、勝利に恵まれている!
| SKILL1_JP = 私たちは、勝利に恵まれている!
| SKILL1_EN = We will be blessed with victory!
| SKILL1_EN = We will be blessed with victory!
| SKILL1_KR =  
| SKILL1_KR = 우리에게 승리가 미소짓고 있어!
| SKILL2_CN =  
| SKILL2_CN =  
| SKILL2_JP = 運命は、私たちの手の中にある!
| SKILL2_JP = 運命は、私たちの手の中にある!
| SKILL2_EN = Destiny is within our grasp!
| SKILL2_EN = Destiny is within our grasp!
| SKILL2_KR =  
| SKILL2_KR = 운명은 우리 손 안에 있어!
| SKILL3_CN =  
| SKILL3_CN = 모두! 조금만 더 힘내!
| SKILL3_JP = みんな!もうひと踏ん張り!
| SKILL3_JP = みんな!もうひと踏ん張り!
| SKILL3_EN = Everyone. Once more, stand firm!
| SKILL3_EN = Everyone. Once more, stand firm!
| SKILL3_KR =  
| SKILL3_KR = 얘들아, 조금만 더 힘내!
| BREAK_CN =  
| BREAK_CN =  
| BREAK_JP = ああ……私の予測が間違ってたの?
| BREAK_JP = ああ……私の予測が間違ってたの?
| BREAK_EN = Aah... was my prediction wrong?
| BREAK_EN = Aah... was my prediction wrong?
| BREAK_KR =  
| BREAK_KR = 앗, 내 예측이 완전히 빗나갔단 말야?
| RETREAT_JP = 一体……何を見逃したの?
| RETREAT_JP = 一体……何を見逃したの?
| RETREAT_EN = What exactly did I overlook?
| RETREAT_EN = What exactly did I overlook?
| RETREAT_KR = 난 대체, 어떤 걸 놓쳐버린 거야…?
| WIN_CN =  
| WIN_CN =  
| WIN_JP = やっぱり、思った通りの勝利だね。
| WIN_JP = やっぱり、思った通りの勝利だね。
| WIN_EN = As expected, that victory went just as I'd thought.
| WIN_EN = As expected, that victory went just as I'd thought.
| WIN_KR =  
| WIN_KR = 역시, 예상한 대로의 승리네.
| FIX_CN =  
| FIX_CN =  
| FIX_JP = この傷は…私たちが勝利に一歩近づいた証。
| FIX_JP = この傷は…私たちが勝利に一歩近づいた証。
| FIX_EN = This scratch is the proof that we are one step closer to victory.
| FIX_EN = This scratch is the proof that we are one step closer to victory.
| FIX_KR =  
| FIX_KR = 이 상처는 우리가 승리에 한 발 더 다가선 증거.

| ALLHALLOWS_JP = 巫女の占いは血を使うらしいよ。うふふ、私の場合はそんな怖い事をしおない。ちょっとお菓子をくられば十分だよ。
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = 巫女の占いは血を使うらしいよ。うふふ、私の場合はそんな怖い事をしおない。ちょっとお菓子をくられば十分だよ。
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = From this shrine maiden's fortune-telling, looks like you'll be drained of your blood. *giggles* In my case, there's nothing so scary. It'll be enough to just give me a bit of candy.
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = From this shrine maiden's fortune-telling, looks like you'll be drained of your blood. *giggles* In my case, there's nothing so scary. It'll be enough to just give me a bit of candy.
| ALLHALLOWS_KR = 무녀는 점칠 때 피를 사용한다고 들었어. 후후, 난 그런 무서운 짓은 절대 안 하니까 걱정하지 마. 과자를 조금만 주면 그걸로 충분해.
| CHRISTMAS_JP = 指揮官、メリークリスマス。私へのプレゼントの準備はどうなったのかな?
| CHRISTMAS_JP = 指揮官、メリークリスマス。私へのプレゼントの準備はどうなったのかな?
| CHRISTMAS_EN = Commander, Merry Christmas. I'm wondering what you've prepared as a present for me?
| CHRISTMAS_EN = Commander, Merry Christmas. I'm wondering what you've prepared as a present for me?
| CHRISTMAS_KR = 지휘관, 메리 크리스마스! 내게 줄 선물은 준비 잘 되어가고 있으려나?
| NEWYEAR_JP = 今日は新年の運勢を占なってもらう為に沢山の人が私の所へ来たよ。どう?指揮官も占って見る?
| NEWYEAR_JP = 今日は新年の運勢を占なってもらう為に沢山の人が私の所へ来たよ。どう?指揮官も占って見る?
| NEWYEAR_EN = Today, lots of people are coming to me to get their fortune told for the new year. So, how about it? Would Commander like to see what his fortune holds?
| NEWYEAR_EN = Today, lots of people are coming to me to get their fortune told for the new year. So, how about it? Would Commander like to see what his fortune holds?
| NEWYEAR_KR = 오늘은 한 해의 운세가 어떤지 궁금해하는 수많은 사람들이 점을 보기 위해서 날 찾아왔어. 어때? 지휘관도 한 번 점쳐볼래?
| VALENTINE_JP = 指揮官、これは縁起のいいチョコだよ。でも、食べたら幸せを招く降下がなくなっちゃうよ。
| VALENTINE_EN = Commander, this chocolate is an omen of good fortune. But, if you eat it, it'll invite happiness and make your depression go away.
| VALENTINE_KR = 지휘관, 이건 행운을 부르는 초콜릿이야. 그런데 이걸 먹어버린다면 효과가 없어질 지도 모른다구.
| TANABATA_JP = 指揮官の願いはまだ決めてないの?そんなにぐずぐずしてると運命は着いて来ないよ。
| TANABATA_EN = Haven't you decide on your wish yet, Commander? If you keep hesitating, destiny will never come about.
| DEFENSE_KR = 눈치챘어?!
| LOADING_KR = 지휘관의 오늘 운세는...
| ATTACK_KR = 앞으로 나아가라!
== MOD3 Voice Lines ==
| character = K5mod
| GAIN_EN = I spun the wheel of destiny with my own hands, and at last the moment of our reunion has arrived.
| INTRODUCTION_CN = <!-- Disregard this, its not being used -->
| INTRODUCTION_JP = <!-- Disregard this, its not being used -->
| INTRODUCTION_EN = <!-- Disregard this, its not being used -->
| INTRODUCTION_KR = <!-- Disregard this, its not being used -->
| DIALOGUE1_EN = Commander, why are you looking so intently at me? Do I have a rice grain on my face? ...Huh, you were waiting for me to do a divination? Aw, there's no need for that. If you want it, I'll do my best to make it happen.
| DIALOGUE2_EN = Want to go out with me this weekend? Such good weather doesn't come by often, and we won't have to queue up for the Ferris Wheel either... We have fortune-telling to thank for occasions like this.
| DIALOGUE3_EN = Sorry, I took a nap just now... Everything was dim and blurry, like I was back in that wreckage again. For a moment I couldn't tell the difference between dreams and reality and I wondered; was meeting you again just a sweet dream of mine?
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = Ahhh, you found out! Although fortune-telling means something else to me now, I can't help but want to cast a divination on our relationship... Fortunately, it seems to turn out well each time.
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = I had a hunch this was coming, but I couldn't help doubting it... That's because I didn't dare believe that I could be this happy and this close to you. It seems my fate is in your hands and there's no escaping it... ♥
| HELLO_EN = How was today? Perhaps something good will happen.
| BUILDOVER_EN = Does having one more person mean being able to save more lives?
| FORMATION_EN = Everyone, please wait until after we win to get your fortunes told.
| FEED_EN = As the shape of my destiny grows clearer and clearer, I rejoice that I have the strength to resist it... however futile those efforts might be.
| COMBINE_EN = Welcome, fated one.
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = I wonder what awaits us?
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = Even minimal resources can yield impressive results when used well.
| BLACKACTION_EN = I'm sure even you can tell the outcome of a battle like this, Commander.
| GOATTACK_EN = Blast through the dark fog ahead of us and march on toward our certain future!
| MEET_EN = From this moment on, your fate has been decided.
| SKILL1_EN = This is it... Time to turn things around!
| SKILL2_EN = There is no fate but what I make!
| SKILL3_EN = Believe in me!
| BREAK_EN = I can't let myself go down here...
| RETREAT_EN = So I can't change the ending, huh... I overestimated my abilities.
| WIN_CN =
| WIN_JP =
| WIN_EN = Now we're a step closer to the future you want, right?
| WIN_KR =
| FIX_CN =
| FIX_JP =
| FIX_EN = Every ache we suffer indicates we're one step closer to victory.
| FIX_KR =
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = They say witches demand a price in blood to tell fortunes... Haha, I'm not so bad, I'm content with candy.
| CHRISTMAS_EN = Merry Christmas, Commander. How's my gift going?
| NEWYEAR_EN = Lots of people asked me to tell their fortunes for the new year today. How about you, Commander? Want to give it a try?
| VALENTINE_JP = 指揮官、これは演技のいいチョコだよ。でも、食べたら幸せを招く降下がなくなっちゃうよ。
| VALENTINE_EN = Commander, this chocolate will bring you good luck, but if you eat it, it won't grant you good luck any more.
| TANABATA_JP = 指揮官の願いはまだ決めてないの?そんなにぐずぐずしてると運命は付いて来ないよ。
| TANABATA_EN = Haven't you decide on your wish yet, Commander? If you're keep hesitating, destiny will leave you in the dust.
| TANABATA_EN = Have you thought of your wish yet, Commander? If you delay too long, you won't be able to keep pace with your destiny, you know.
<!-- Misc lines are below -->
| ATTACK_EN = Allow me to take the lead!
| DEFENSE_EN = Everyone, take care of yourselves...
| PHRASE_EN = As I thought.
| TIP_CN =
| TIP_JP =
| TIP_EN = Want me to do a reading for you?
| TIP_KR =
| LOADING_EN = Your fortune today is...

Latest revision as of 11:43, 2 February 2024

K5 Story Quotes

Base Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 果然,无数的迹象都在表明……指挥官,我和您的相遇,是命中注定的。 数多くの兆しからみると…指揮官さん、やはりこれは運命的な出会いです。Play 수많은 징조들로부터 보아하니...지휘관, 역시 이것은 운명적인 만남이 확실해. So it is, as it is proven by countless evidences... Commander, our meeting, was fated.
Introduction 겉모습은 냉정하고 온화해 보이지만, 사실 엄청 급하고 오지랖이 넓은 스타일이다. 무슨 일을 하든 남들보다 한 발 앞서나간다. 사물을 관찰하길 좋아하는 운명론자이다. 점 치는 것을 좋아하고 어떤 일이 발생하기 전에는 그 조짐을 보인다고 믿으며, 인형들 사이에서 꽤나 믿을만한 점성술사로 통하는 모양이다.
Secretary 会议方案已经决定了吧?……呵呵,果然是这样的结论呢,相应的材料我已经准备好了。 会議の方針はもう決まったよね?…うふふ、やっぱりこういう結論かぁ。必要な資料は既に準備してきたよ。Play 회의 방침은 벌써 정해놓은 거야? 우후후, 역시 이럴 줄 알았다니까. 필요한 자료들이라면 내가 이미 준비를 마쳐놨어. Have you decided on the content of the meeting? ...Heh, as I predicted, I've already prepared the correct materials here.
人形的心智再怎么强大,也会有无法演算的未来发生,不过只是占卜明天的天气的话,我还是有点自信的。 人形のメンタルがいくら強くても、見抜けない未来がある。でも明日の天気占いぐらいなら、少し自信があるよ。Play 인형의 마인드맵이 아무리 뛰어나도 예견할 수 없는 미래가 있어…그래도 내일 날씨가 어떤지 점치는 것 정도는, 조금 자신이 있어. No matter how strong the T-Doll's neural cloud is, some things are still beyond our predictions. But I'm still confident in predicting tomorrow's weather.
指挥官,有的时候少知道一点才更好哦。 指揮官、たまには知らないほうがいいよ。Play 지휘관, 때로는 모르는 게 약일 때가 있어. Commander, sometimes it is better to know less.
Secretary (post OATH)
다음 임무 결과를 예지하는 징조가 분명 나타날 거야... 지휘관, 모두의 컨디션에 더 신경을 써 줘... 특히 내 컨디션을 말이야..
There will be some unexpected outcomes on the next mission's report... Commander, do pay more attention to everyone's condition... Especially... mine.
비록 이전부터 낌새를 느쪘지만, 역시 의심스러워졌어...설마 이리도 가까이 지휘관에게 다가갈 수 있게 되다니, 믿기지가 않아.그래도 이 운명에서 벗어날 수는 없겠지...♥
I have began to notice, but I was skeptical... Because I'm not willing to believe how lucky I am, to get so close to you. Looks like you have already grasped this fate, in the palm of your hands, there's no escape now...
Greeting 良い始まりは、幸運を齎すよ。Play 좋은 시작은 행운도 같이 가져온다고 한대. What a good beginning, this will bring good luck.
T-Doll Produced 出た!新たな可能性が!Play 나왔어! 새로운 가능성들이! It's here! The new possibility!
Joining an echelon このチームの未来は明るい!Play 이 제대의 미래는 밝은 것 같은 느낌이야! This team's future is bright!
Enhancement 見えた!私たちの勝利が!Play 보였어! 우리들이 거둘 승리가! I can see it! Our victory!
Dummy-linking いらっしゃい、運命の人。Play 어서 와, 운명의 사람. Welcome, a fated person.
Logistics (start) その先に、何が待っているのかな?Play 저 앞엔 과연 뭐가 기다리고 있을까? What will await us in the other side, I wonder.
Logistics (end) どれだけ少ない物資でも、上手く使いこなせば、結構役に立つよ。Play 아무리 적은 자원도 잘 활용하면 괜찮은 결과를 얻을 수 있어. No matter how limited a supply is, if you can manage it properly, that will be useful.
Autobattle この戦いの結果は、指揮官も見抜いてくれたでしょう?Play 이 싸움의 결과는 지휘관도 꿰뚫어 봤겠지? This battle's outcome, you too can see it already, don't you?
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 運命の導きに従いなさい!Play 운명이 이끄는 대로 따라가기만 하면 돼! Follow the destiny's guidance!
Starting a battle 全ては、思った通りに進んでいく!Play 모든 것은 내가 예상한 대로 흘러가고 있어! All will proceed just as expected!
Skill activation 私たちは、勝利に恵まれている!Play 우리에게 승리가 미소짓고 있어! We will be blessed with victory!
運命は、私たちの手の中にある!Play 운명은 우리 손 안에 있어! Destiny is within our grasp!
모두! 조금만 더 힘내! みんな!もうひと踏ん張り!Play 얘들아, 조금만 더 힘내! Everyone. Once more, stand firm!
Heavily damaged ああ……私の予測が間違ってたの?Play 앗, 내 예측이 완전히 빗나갔단 말야? Aah... was my prediction wrong?
Retreat 一体……何を見逃したの?Play 난 대체, 어떤 걸 놓쳐버린 거야…? What exactly did I overlook?
MVP やっぱり、思った通りの勝利だね。Play 역시, 예상한 대로의 승리네. As expected, that victory went just as I'd thought.
Restoration この傷は…私たちが勝利に一歩近づいた証。Play 이 상처는 우리가 승리에 한 발 더 다가선 증거. This scratch is the proof that we are one step closer to victory.
Attack Play 앞으로 나아가라!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 巫女の占いは血を使うらしいよ。うふふ、私の場合はそんな怖い事をしおない。ちょっとお菓子をくられば十分だよ。Play 무녀는 점칠 때 피를 사용한다고 들었어. 후후, 난 그런 무서운 짓은 절대 안 하니까 걱정하지 마. 과자를 조금만 주면 그걸로 충분해. From this shrine maiden's fortune-telling, looks like you'll be drained of your blood. *giggles* In my case, there's nothing so scary. It'll be enough to just give me a bit of candy.
Christmas 指揮官、メリークリスマス。私へのプレゼントの準備はどうなったのかな?Play 지휘관, 메리 크리스마스! 내게 줄 선물은 준비 잘 되어가고 있으려나? Commander, Merry Christmas. I'm wondering what you've prepared as a present for me?
New Year's Day 今日は新年の運勢を占なってもらう為に沢山の人が私の所へ来たよ。どう?指揮官も占って見る?


오늘은 한 해의 운세가 어떤지 궁금해하는 수많은 사람들이 점을 보기 위해서 날 찾아왔어. 어때? 지휘관도 한 번 점쳐볼래? Today, lots of people are coming to me to get their fortune told for the new year. So, how about it? Would Commander like to see what his fortune holds?
Valentine's day 指揮官、これは縁起のいいチョコだよ。でも、食べたら幸せを招く降下がなくなっちゃうよ。


지휘관, 이건 행운을 부르는 초콜릿이야. 그런데 이걸 먹어버린다면 효과가 없어질 지도 모른다구. Commander, this chocolate is an omen of good fortune. But, if you eat it, it'll invite happiness and make your depression go away.
Tanabata 指揮官の願いはまだ決めてないの?そんなにぐずぐずしてると運命は着いて来ないよ。


Haven't you decide on your wish yet, Commander? If you keep hesitating, destiny will never come about.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play 눈치챘어?!
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play 지휘관의 오늘 운세는...

MOD3 Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition I spun the wheel of destiny with my own hands, and at last the moment of our reunion has arrived.
Secretary Commander, why are you looking so intently at me? Do I have a rice grain on my face? ...Huh, you were waiting for me to do a divination? Aw, there's no need for that. If you want it, I'll do my best to make it happen.
Want to go out with me this weekend? Such good weather doesn't come by often, and we won't have to queue up for the Ferris Wheel either... We have fortune-telling to thank for occasions like this.
Sorry, I took a nap just now... Everything was dim and blurry, like I was back in that wreckage again. For a moment I couldn't tell the difference between dreams and reality and I wondered; was meeting you again just a sweet dream of mine?
Secretary (post OATH)
Ahhh, you found out! Although fortune-telling means something else to me now, I can't help but want to cast a divination on our relationship... Fortunately, it seems to turn out well each time.
I had a hunch this was coming, but I couldn't help doubting it... That's because I didn't dare believe that I could be this happy and this close to you. It seems my fate is in your hands and there's no escaping it... ♥
Greeting How was today? Perhaps something good will happen.
T-Doll Produced Does having one more person mean being able to save more lives?
Joining an echelon Everyone, please wait until after we win to get your fortunes told.
Enhancement As the shape of my destiny grows clearer and clearer, I rejoice that I have the strength to resist it... however futile those efforts might be.
Dummy-linking Welcome, fated one.
Logistics (start) I wonder what awaits us?
Logistics (end) Even minimal resources can yield impressive results when used well.
Autobattle I'm sure even you can tell the outcome of a battle like this, Commander.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン! 소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission Blast through the dark fog ahead of us and march on toward our certain future!
Starting a battle From this moment on, your fate has been decided.
Skill activation This is it... Time to turn things around!
There is no fate but what I make!
Believe in me!
Heavily damaged I can't let myself go down here...
Retreat So I can't change the ending, huh... I overestimated my abilities.
MVP Now we're a step closer to the future you want, right?
Restoration Every ache we suffer indicates we're one step closer to victory.
Attack Allow me to take the lead!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween They say witches demand a price in blood to tell fortunes... Haha, I'm not so bad, I'm content with candy.
Christmas Merry Christmas, Commander. How's my gift going?
New Year's Day Lots of people asked me to tell their fortunes for the new year today. How about you, Commander? Want to give it a try?
Valentine's day Commander, this chocolate will bring you good luck, but if you eat it, it won't grant you good luck any more.
Tanabata Have you thought of your wish yet, Commander? If you delay too long, you won't be able to keep pace with your destiny, you know.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Everyone, take care of yourselves...
Phrase As I thought.
Tip Want me to do a reading for you?
Loading Your fortune today is...