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| GAIN_JP = 水中作戦専用SPP-1水中拳銃、地上でも使えるけど、水中こそあたしの見せ場だよ。
| GAIN_JP = 水中作戦専用SPP-1水中拳銃、地上でも使えるけど、水中こそあたしの見せ場だよ。
| GAIN_EN = Designed for underwater operation, underwater gun, SPP-1. Although I can be used on the surface, underwater is my strong point.
| GAIN_EN = Designed for underwater operation, underwater gun, SPP-1. Although I can be used on the surface, underwater is my strong point.
| INTRODUCTION_CN =为了水下作战而专门研发的SPP-1水下手枪,采用了全新的设计和专用弹药,虽然在陆地上也能使用,不过水下才是我的用武之地哦。后来还经过了不少改进,一直在特种部队服役,还出口到了国外,说明我……还是挺成功的吧?
| INTRODUCTION_CN =为了水下作战而专门研发的SPP-1水下手枪,采用了全新的设计和专用弹药,虽然在陆地上也能使用,不过水下才是我的用武之地哦。后来还经过了不少改进,一直在特种部队服役,还出口到了国外,说明我……还是挺成功的吧?
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 哦?指挥官,要开始工作了吗?
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 哦?指挥官,要开始工作了吗?
| DIALOGUE1_JP = あら指揮官、もう仕事ですか?
| DIALOGUE1_JP = あら指揮官、もう仕事ですか?
| DIALOGUE1_EN = Oh? Commander, is it time to start working?
| DIALOGUE1_EN = Oh? Commander, is it time to start working?
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 下次有机会的话,请来看看我的下潜训练吧。
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 下次有机会的话,请来看看我的下潜训练吧。
| DIALOGUE2_JP = 見てください、あたしのダイビング。
| DIALOGUE2_JP = 見てください、あたしのダイビング。
| DIALOGUE2_EN = Please see me diving!
| DIALOGUE2_EN = Please see me diving!
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 别这样啊指挥官!明明看到我在练习闭气还开这种玩笑!真是的!
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 别这样啊指挥官!明明看到我在练习闭气还开这种玩笑!真是的!
| DIALOGUE3_JP = やめてよ、息を止める訓練なのに。もうっ!
| DIALOGUE3_JP = やめてよ、息を止める訓練なのに。もうっ!
| DIALOGUE3_EN = Please cut it out, although I'm training to hold my breath. Geez!
| DIALOGUE3_EN = Please cut it out, although I'm training to hold my breath. Geez!
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 指挥官,闭气练得怎么样了?下次我们要挑战更深的水域呢,来不及的话,我可要对您进行特训了哦。
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 指挥官,闭气练得怎么样了?下次我们要挑战更深的水域呢,来不及的话,我可要对您进行特训了哦。
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = Commander, how is your training? Next time we have to challenge the deeper waters, if you don't have time, I have to train you.
| SOULCONTRACT_CN = 指挥官,要说什么请等一下,我刚刚从水里出来……诶?什么?!等一下!怎么突然说起这个啊!真是的,我全身还湿漉漉的,要是拥抱的话……好吧,你不介意的话,也没问题啦……
| SOULCONTRACT_CN = 指挥官,要说什么请等一下,我刚刚从水里出来……诶?什么?!等一下!怎么突然说起这个啊!真是的,我全身还湿漉漉的,要是拥抱的话……好吧,你不介意的话,也没问题啦……
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = 指揮官、ちょっと水から出たばっかりでよく聞こえない…えっ?はぁ?急に何言ってるの?もう…抱きしめるって、まだびしょ濡れだよ…。
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = 指揮官、ちょっと水から出たばっかりでよく聞こえない…えっ?はぁ?急に何言ってるの?もう…抱きしめるって、まだびしょ濡れだよ…。
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = Commander, I can't hear well since I just come out from water... eh? Aah? What are you saying suddenly? Geez... why you are hugging me, I'm still drenched...
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = Commander, I can't hear well since I just come out from water... eh? Aah? What are you saying suddenly? Geez... why you are hugging me, I'm still drenched...
| HELLO_JP = 指揮官、今日は水中任務ありますか?
| HELLO_JP = 指揮官、今日は水中任務ありますか?
| HELLO_EN = Commander, is there any underwater mission today?
| HELLO_EN = Commander, is there any underwater mission today?
| BUILDOVER_JP = 新しい仲間が入ってますよ。一緒に頑張ろう!
| BUILDOVER_JP = 新しい仲間が入ってますよ。一緒に頑張ろう!
| BUILDOVER_EN = New comrade is joining in. Let's do our best!
| BUILDOVER_EN = New comrade is joining in. Let's do our best!
| FORMATION_JP = SPP-1、作戦部隊に入ります!
| FORMATION_JP = SPP-1、作戦部隊に入ります!
| FORMATION_EN = SPP-1, joining the operation squad!
| FORMATION_EN = SPP-1, joining the operation squad!
| FEED_JP = 強化ありがとう、プールに行って練習します~。
| FEED_JP = 強化ありがとう、プールに行って練習します~。
| FEED_EN = Thanks for the strengthening, I'll go practice in the pool.
| FEED_EN = Thanks for the strengthening, I'll go practice in the pool.
| COMBINE_JP = おおっ?指揮官、そんなに水中拳銃が必要なの?
| COMBINE_JP = おおっ?指揮官、そんなに水中拳銃が必要なの?
| COMBINE_EN = Oh? Commander, do you need that many underwater gun?
| COMBINE_EN = Oh? Commander, do you need that many underwater gun?
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP = これ、防水なのかしら?  
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP = これ、防水なのかしら?  
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = Is this waterproof I wonder?
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = Is this waterproof I wonder?
| OPERATIONOVER_JP = ただいま。濡れてるけど。
| OPERATIONOVER_JP = ただいま。濡れてるけど。
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = I'm back, I'm drenched though.
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = I'm back, I'm drenched though.
| BLACKACTION_EN = Sneak around!
| BLACKACTION_EN = Sneak around!
| GOATTACK_JP = 潜入作戦ですか?
| GOATTACK_JP = 潜入作戦ですか?
| GOATTACK_EN = Is this infiltration operation?
| GOATTACK_EN = Is this infiltration operation?
| MEET_JP = あたしのサインを見て行きましょう!
| MEET_JP = あたしのサインを見て行きましょう!
| MEET_EN = Please go after my sign!
| MEET_EN = Please go after my sign!
| SKILL1_JP = スキあり!
| SKILL1_EN =  
| SKILL1_JP = 隙あり!
| SKILL1_EN = Got you off guard!
| SKILL2_CN =  
| SKILL2_JP = 消えろ!
| SKILL2_JP = 消えろ!
| SKILL2_EN = Get lost!
| SKILL2_EN = Get lost!
| SKILL3_JP = 射程にはいった!もう逃がさない!
| SKILL3_JP = 射程にはいった!もう逃がさない!
| SKILL3_EN = You're entering my range! You won't escape!
| SKILL3_EN = You're entering my range! You won't escape!
| BREAK_JP = うぅ…さすがです…。
| BREAK_JP = うぅ…さすがです…。
| BREAK_EN = Ugh... as expected...
| BREAK_EN = Ugh... as expected...
| RETREAT_JP = あたしに向いてない作戦ですね…。
| RETREAT_JP = あたしに向いてない作戦ですね…。
| RETREAT_EN = This is unsuitable strategy for me...
| RETREAT_EN = This is unsuitable strategy for me...
| WIN_CN =
| WIN_JP = 作戦成功だね。こういう作戦こそあたしにふさわしい。
| WIN_JP = 作戦成功だね。こういう作戦こそあたしにふさわしい。
| WIN_EN = Strategy success. This kind of strategy is suited for me.
| WIN_EN = Strategy success. This kind of strategy is suited for me.
| WIN_KR =
| FIX_CN =
| FIX_JP = そんな場所まで行かされて、どうするっていうの?
| FIX_JP = そんな場所まで行かされて、どうするっていうの?
| FIX_EN = What are we going to do in that kind of place?
| FIX_EN = What are we going to do in that kind of place?
| FIX_KR =
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 指挥官,您在准备什么呢,就算是今晚,也不许随便去吓小孩子哦。
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 指挥官,您在准备什么呢,就算是今晚,也不许随便去吓小孩子哦。
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = 指揮官、何の準備してるの?もしかして、今晩の?子供の祭りなのに、よくやりますね。
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = 指揮官、何の準備してるの?もしかして、今晩の?子供の祭りなのに、よくやりますね。
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = Commander, what are you prepared for? By any chance, tonight? This is well done for a children festival.
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = Commander, what are you prepared for? By any chance, tonight? This is well done for a children festival.
| CHRISTMAS_JP = メリークリスマス指揮官!あたしのプールもすっかりこうちゃったし。今は担は温かくして二年ぶりするのが一番だよね。
| CHRISTMAS_EN = Merry christmas commander!  
| NEWYEAR_JP = 指揮官、明けましておめでとうございます!昨年のあたしをどれくらい貢献出来た?今年も、期待してよね!
| CHRISTMAS_JP = メリークリスマス指揮官!あたしのプールもすっかり凍っちゃったし。今は暖炉で温かくして居眠りするのが一番だよね。
| CHRISTMAS_EN = Merry christmas commander! My pool was completely frozen. The best thing to do now is stay warm and sleep near the fireplace.
| NEWYEAR_JP = 指揮官、明けましておめでとうございます!昨年のあたしはどれくらい貢献出来た?今年も、期待してよね!
| NEWYEAR_EN = Commander, happy new year! How is my contribution last year? This year as well, please rely on me!
| NEWYEAR_EN = Commander, happy new year! How is my contribution last year? This year as well, please rely on me!
| VALENTINE_JP = 指揮官、これ… 貰って!あたしのいない所で上げてよね。そうよ、言わなくても分かるでしょ!
| VALENTINE_EN = Commander, please take this! Open it when I'm not around. That's… you can tell right!
| VALENTINE_JP = 指揮官、これ… 貰って!あたしのいない所であけてよね。そうよ、言わなくても分かるでしょ!
| VALENTINE_EN = Commander, please take this! Open it when I'm not around. That's… you know the drill alright!
| TANABATA_JP = あたしのお願い?もちろん、もっと強くなること…、一日でも早く、戦場に貢献すること…かな…?
| TANABATA_EN = My wish? Of course, I want to get stronger. Even just for one day, I want to participate in the battlefield.

Latest revision as of 04:54, 13 February 2021

SPP-1 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 特种水下手枪,简称SPP-1。指挥官,请让我留在这里,努力改进技艺吧。 水中作戦専用SPP-1水中拳銃、地上でも使えるけど、水中こそあたしの見せ場だよ。Play Designed for underwater operation, underwater gun, SPP-1. Although I can be used on the surface, underwater is my strong point.
Introduction 为了水下作战而专门研发的SPP-1水下手枪,采用了全新的设计和专用弹药,虽然在陆地上也能使用,不过水下才是我的用武之地哦。后来还经过了不少改进,一直在特种部队服役,还出口到了国外,说明我……还是挺成功的吧?
Secretary 哦?指挥官,要开始工作了吗? あら指揮官、もう仕事ですか?Play Oh? Commander, is it time to start working?
下次有机会的话,请来看看我的下潜训练吧。 見てください、あたしのダイビング。Play Please see me diving!
别这样啊指挥官!明明看到我在练习闭气还开这种玩笑!真是的! やめてよ、息を止める訓練なのに。もうっ!Play Please cut it out, although I'm training to hold my breath. Geez!
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, how is your training? Next time we have to challenge the deeper waters, if you don't have time, I have to train you.
Commander, I can't hear well since I just come out from water... eh? Aah? What are you saying suddenly? Geez... why you are hugging me, I'm still drenched...
Greeting 指揮官、今日は水中任務ありますか?Play Commander, is there any underwater mission today?
T-Doll Produced 新しい仲間が入ってますよ。一緒に頑張ろう!Play New comrade is joining in. Let's do our best!
Joining an echelon SPP-1、作戦部隊に入ります!Play SPP-1, joining the operation squad!
Enhancement 強化ありがとう、プールに行って練習します~。Play Thanks for the strengthening, I'll go practice in the pool.
Dummy-linking おおっ?指揮官、そんなに水中拳銃が必要なの?Play Oh? Commander, do you need that many underwater gun?
Logistics (start) これ、防水なのかしら?Play Is this waterproof I wonder?
Logistics (end) ただいま。濡れてるけど。Play I'm back, I'm drenched though.
Autobattle 回り込みよ!Play Sneak around!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 潜入作戦ですか?Play Is this infiltration operation?
Starting a battle あたしのサインを見て行きましょう!Play Please go after my sign!
Skill activation 隙あり!Play Got you off guard!
消えろ!Play Get lost!
射程にはいった!もう逃がさない!Play You're entering my range! You won't escape!
Heavily damaged うぅ…さすがです…。Play Ugh... as expected...
Retreat あたしに向いてない作戦ですね…。Play This is unsuitable strategy for me...
MVP 作戦成功だね。こういう作戦こそあたしにふさわしい。Play Strategy success. This kind of strategy is suited for me.
Restoration そんな場所まで行かされて、どうするっていうの?Play What are we going to do in that kind of place?
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 指挥官,您在准备什么呢,就算是今晚,也不许随便去吓小孩子哦。 指揮官、何の準備してるの?もしかして、今晩の?子供の祭りなのに、よくやりますね。Play Commander, what are you prepared for? By any chance, tonight? This is well done for a children festival.
Christmas メリークリスマス指揮官!あたしのプールもすっかり凍っちゃったし。今は暖炉で温かくして居眠りするのが一番だよね。Play Merry christmas commander! My pool was completely frozen. The best thing to do now is stay warm and sleep near the fireplace.
New Year's Day 指揮官、明けましておめでとうございます!昨年のあたしはどれくらい貢献出来た?今年も、期待してよね!


Commander, happy new year! How is my contribution last year? This year as well, please rely on me!
Valentine's day 指揮官、これ… 貰って!あたしのいない所であけてよね。そうよ、言わなくても分かるでしょ!


Commander, please take this! Open it when I'm not around. That's… you know the drill alright!
Tanabata あたしのお願い?もちろん、もっと強くなること…、一日でも早く、戦場に貢献すること…かな…?


My wish? Of course, I want to get stronger. Even just for one day, I want to participate in the battlefield.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play