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Sockdolager Story Profile Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Morning おはよ、きょーじゅ。Play Morning, Professor.
Afternoon 草原に寝転がって、日向ぼっこしたい…。Play I want to sunbathe on a field...
Evening 暗くなってきたね。焚火を囲んで歌でも歌わない?Play It's getting dark. Should we start a campfire and sing some songs?
Night むにゃ……こんな時間なのにまだ寝てないの、きょーじゅは。Play Hmm... Still awake at this time of night, Professor?
Main Interface Voice 私ね、「オアシス」って名前とっても気に入ってるんだ。だってなんだか生命力に満ち溢れるものを連想させるでしょ?たとえば~、朝、顔を出すお日さまとか、すくすく育つ木の苗とか。Play You know, I really like the name "Oasis". It evokes images of liveliness and vitality, such as sunrises and burgeoning saplings.
きょーじゅってハンティングは好き?すんごく古いスポーツなんだけど、今もたくさんの人に好かれているんだよ~Play Do you like hunting, Professor? It may be a very ancient sport, but it's still very popular nowadays.
あれ?寝ちゃったの?ふふ、こひつじちゃんみたい……Play Hmm? Are you asleep? Hehe, you look just like a little lamb...
今日は、お日さまも気温も最高だね~!きょーじゅ、一緒に狩りに行かない?Play We have pretty good weather and sunshine today. Shall we go for a hunt, Professor?
Interactive Voice むぅ……私の頬にえくぼ作りたいの、きょーじゅ?Play Huh...? Are you trying to poke dimples into my cheeks, Professor?
このナイフ、とーっても鋭いから、ケガしないように気を付けるんだよ、きょーじゅ。Play This knife is very sharp, be careful you don't hurt yourself with it.
どう?とっても頑丈でしょ?山の中を何日歩き回っても全然平気なんだよ。Play Well? Very sturdy, eh? They can walk for days and nights on end in the mountains.
Relationship Dialogues ここに来る前は「ハンターサポート」って仕事をしてたんだ。密猟を防ぐために、保護区内の狩猟行為をきつく制限する必要があってね。狩猟が法の範囲から出ないようにすることと、自然保護区内の秩序を守ることが私に課せられた責任ってやつだったの。Play I used to work as a ranger. To prevent poaching, hunts are all strictly regulated within conservation areas. My job was to ensure that hunts were conducted on legal grounds and to protect conservation areas.
ふぅ、今日はホントに疲れた──あーっっ!アンジェラの絵本の読み聞かせが始まっちゃう!急がないと!んん?子どもじゃなくても行っていいのかって?堅いなぁきょーじゅは。Play Phew, that was a hard day of work. Oh, Angela's story session is about to start, I'd better hurry. What? Listening to stories isn't just for kids, you know? Don't be such a killjoy.
まずはこう……そしたらこうして……次は……あーあ!また失敗。どうして綺麗に折れないんだろう、鶴さん……きっと難易度が高すぎるんだよね、うんうん。できる人はきっと天才だ!Play First, like this... Then do this... Then... Argh, I messed up again! Why can't I make a decent paper crane...? This must be a difficult challenge! That's right, whoever can do it must be a genius!
狩りをするうえで最も大切なのは、息を殺すこと。獲物を見つけたら音を立てずに、こっそり……こっそり……後ろから近づいて、急がず……焦らず──パンッ!!!ってね!あはははは!びっくりしたでしょ?Play The key to hunting is the ability to mask your presence. Once you have spotted your prey, you must quietly, stealthily... approach from behind, then slowly... slowly... BANG!!! Hahahahaha! You got scared, didn't you!?
私のとっておきを出す時が来たね、じゃじゃーん!このギター、会心の出来なの、とってもユニークな音が出るんだよ。どう?演奏聞きたくなった?そんなに聞きたいのなら、ここを出た後に、きょーじゅの為だけに一曲弾いてあげる。Play It's time to show off my unique talent! Ta-daaa! This guitar is a proud creation of mine. It can produce a very special sound. Well? Want me to play it for you? If you want to hear it so badly, I'll give you a private concert after we leave Magrasea.
Moods Play
Accept Play
Agree Play
Appreciate Play
Feeling Play
Oath すっ、すごく意外だよ、まさかきょーじゅが私を選ぶだなんて。ははは……。もしかして出会った時からもう私を狙っていたの?それともそれは逆で……まぁ、何にせよ、私をあなたは固く結ばれたことになるね。だからこれからは、ニックネームで呼ぶことにする!あ、そっか。きょーじゅにはニックネームないんだっけ、なら……「こひつじちゃん」、っていうのはどう?Play H-how unexpected. I'm surprised you'd choose me, hahaha... Have you had your eyes on me ever since the day we met? Or maybe it was the opposite... In any case, we're now bound together. From now on, I'll call you by your nickname! Oh, now that I think about it, you don't actually have a nickname yet, so... "Little Lamb," how's that?
Obtain おぉ?これでもきょーじゅには見つかっちゃうのかぁ。気配を隠しきれてなかったみたいだね、ふふっ。Play What? You still found me? Looks like I haven't been masking my presence very well, hehe.

Neural Cloud ニューラルクラウド


Neural Cloud

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Potential Breakthrough 嗅覚がもっと鋭くなったよ。Play My sense of smell has grown sharper.
Neural Expansion 密猟者は一人として逃がさない!Play I'll hunt down every single poacher!
Max Neural Expansion
自然と命に、敬意を込めて。Play Respect nature, respect life.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Join Team 弓の準備はもう済んでるよ。Play My arrow is nocked and ready.
Battle Start 一緒に狩りをしよう!Play Let's hunt.
Ultimate Skill 今回は逃げられるなんて思わないで!Play You're not getting away this time!
MVP1 うんうん、大猟大猟。Play Hmm, we've got a pretty good haul.
MVP2 あははは、こーんな簡単に勝てちゃうなんて、流石は私。Play Hahaha, what an easy victory! Way to go, me!
Retreat 矢……外れちゃった……


Hmm... I missed...


I'm standing sentry? Sure.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Christmas きょーじゅ、見て見て!これ、私の枕元に置いてあったプレゼントなんだ!まさかオアシスにもサンタさんが居たなんてね!それに私がギターが好きなのも知ってたんだよ!サンタさん、ほんっとさいこー!これで毎日きょーじゅに歌を聞かせてあげられるね!Play Look, Professor! I found a present sitting on my bedside table! There really is Santa Claus in the Oasis! And he knows I like playing the guitar! Santa is the best! Now I can sing for you every day!
Halloween うわぁ!きょーじゅ、外に変なのがいっぱい!わ……私の弓は……あった!準備できたよ、きょーじゅ、あのかぼちゃの怪物たちを狩りに行こう!……え?あれってただのハロウィンの飾りつけに使うロボットなの?Play Wah! Professor, there are lots of weird things outside! Bow and arrows... Where are my bow and arrows? Here they are! I'm ready, Professor! Let's go hunt down those scary pumpkin monsters! ... Huh? Those are just Halloween robots for decoration?
New Year うぅ……きょーじゅ、ここにいたんだね。もうすぐここに来る人形たちの対応、お願いできない?新年の挨拶に来るみたいなの、それにお年玉?ってやつをくれるって言ってた。けど私、みんなに会うの少し恥ずかしくてさ…いっそのこと一緒に逃げちゃう?Play Ugh... There you are, Professor. Can you help me deal with the Dolls who are about to come? They said they would be coming to pay me a New Year call and give me some kind of red packet money, but I feel kind of awkward about it... Hey, why don't we run away together?
Tanabata きょーじゅ、七夕のお人形を作ってみたんだけど、どう?かわいくない?こっちがきょーじゅで、こっちが私。でね、これを門のところに飾ると、織姫さまと彦星さまにお洋服を貸してあげられるし、変なものがうちに来るのも避けられるんだよ。Play Professor, I made these Tanabata puppets. Don't they look nice? This is me, and this is you. Here, hang them on your door. That will lend Hikoboshi and Orihime some clothes and prevent weird things from entering the house at the same time.
Valentine えっとさ……このチョコレート、見た目はちょっとへんてこりんだけど、受け取ってもらえないかな?すっごく頑張って作ったんだよ!けど、どうしてもうまくいかなくて……味のほうは絶対大丈夫だから!……たぶん。Play Um... I hope you'll accept this terrible-looking chocolate, Professor... I worked really hard on it, but I just couldn't get it right. The taste should be okay though... I think.
Player's Birthday ハッピーバースデーディアきょーじゅー!うん……やっぱり歌ったほうがいいかな?それはともかく、今日はきょーじゅにとって特別な意味を持つ日だよね。これからも誕生日は毎回一緒にいられるといいね~。Play Happy Birthday, Professor! Hmm... I suppose it's better if I sing it, after all? In any case, today is a special day for you. I hope I can celebrate your birthday with you every year from now on.