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Mayuri Shiina/Quotes

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Mayuri Shiina Story Profile Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Morning Tutturu♪~ Good morning, Professor! Mayushii didn't see you in the cafeteria today, so Mayushii came to wake you up.
Afternoon Mayushii brought lots of Juicy Chicken Number One for you! All we need to do is heat it up with the microwave, and tadaaaah~ A yummy fried chicken feast, all ready to eat.
Evening Tutturu♪~ You're working so hard tonight, Professor~ Mayushii brought a little something for you. Also... Tadaaah! Here's a can of "miso-flavored canned oden!" It'll restore your HP if you eat it!
Night Professor... are you still working? Granny said a healthy body is the foundation of everything... So make sure you get enough rest, okay, Professor... zzz...
Main Interface Voice Huh? When did you get here, Professor? Hm? You want to know what Mayushii is doing? Mayushii is looking for stars. The truth is, stars are everywhere, in the daytime or at night. So if you just reach out to the sky, it's like touching the stars.
Master~ Welcome to MayQueen+Nyan²~ Ehehe, you thought you'd stepped into the wrong place for a moment? Mayushii's prank was a great success!
Professor? You seem to be thinking about a really tricky question... Mayushii will quietly stay by your side and keep you company.
Professor, Professor~ Can you take Mayushii on a tour of the Oasis?
Interactive Voice Upas are really, really cute. You think so too, right, Professor? Ehhhh?! The Professor's world doesn't have Upas?!
I wonder if I can see the stars from here?
Mayushii likes bananas. But Mayushii doesn't like gelbanas... they're all gloopy, droopy, soft, and squishy... they don't taste like anything at all.
Relationship Dialogues Tutturu♪~ Professor! Mayushii is going to watch RaiNet Kakeru with Croque-chan and Nascita-chan. Mayushii didn't expect that the Oasis wouldn't have something so nice. Fortunately, the lab's computer had copies of RaiNet Kakeru on it. Want to join us, Professor?
Tutturu♪~ Mayushii's going to learn sewing with Chanzhi-chan today, and then I'll let Cascadia-chan and Zion-chan try on this outfit~ Huh? You want to know why Mayushii isn't wearing it? Mayushii would rather let Mayushii's friends wear it instead. Ah! Mayushii is sure these clothes would look great on you, Professor! Want to give it a try, Professor?
Hubble-chan invited Mayushii to go stargazing again. Hehehe, Mayushii's never seen the stars through such a large telescope before. Still, although looking at the stars through Hubble-chan's telescope is fun, Mayushii still prefers looking up and watching the stars directly. And if you reach out like this... Mhm, you've got it down perfect, Professor!
Mayushii likes staying in the lab and watching how everyone works and discusses things. Although there are times when Mayushii doesn't understand what everyone is doing, seeing everyone like that fills Mayushii with a sense of peace. If Mayushii had a wish, then it would be for everyone to be able to meet in the lab all the time, along with all of Mayushii's friends from the Oasis, like Croque-chan, Chanzhi-chan, Zion-chan... And of course, Okarin would be very happy if you could come by often, Professor.
Mayushii is Okarin's hostage. The day Mayushii lost Mayushii's granny... Mayushii felt like Mayushii was going to disappear. But Okarin said, "You must remain in this world." That's why Mayushii is here today. Although Mayushii doesn't know why, Mayushii knows you're like that too. I'm sure many important people here were saved because of you. Perhaps Mayushii was saved by the Professor in another Oasis, or another world entirely. Mayushii will support the Professor forever.
Moods Ehehe~
Appreciate Awesome!
Oath Professor, Professor, tutturu~– Hm? What's this... a symbol of a promise? So that's what it was... Hehehe, Mayushii's so happy. When Mayushii first came to this world, Mayushii was a little scared. Although Okarin and Kurisu-chan were with Mayushii, it was still an unfamiliar place, after all. But thanks to you, Mayushii and everyone else in the Lab don't feel so alone any more. Still, you don't always have to bear all the burden by yourself, Professor. Mayushii and everyone else will always be by your side. Therefore, even though Mayushii can't do much, you should still feel free to rely on Mayushii. It's a promise, then~
Obtain Tutturu♪~ LabMem No. 002 Mayushii reporting to the Oasis. Wha? Professor, your coat looks just like Okarin's. Ah, could it be that you're an insane mad scientist too?

Neural Cloud Neural Cloud~

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Potential Breakthrough Mayushii, Level Up!
Neural Expansion New Upa, GET!
Max Neural Expansion
Hehehehe, fuhahahaha! ...Now, ah, I can learn the truth of this world! Hm? Is this not impressive enough?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Join Team LabMem No. 002, heading out!
Battle Start Hehehe, Mayushii's ready!
Ultimate Skill U~pa~ Dash~!
MVP1 Ehehe~ Mayushii wins!
MVP2 As expected of Upa!
Retreat Mayushii's pockety has stopped... That's strange...
Mayushii's going to change into a maid outfit, okay~ Huh? I'm not doing that kind of duty?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Christmas Tutturu♪~ Hurry, hurry! Quick, change into the Santa costume Mayushii made! Wow, it does suit you after all. The Professor is Santa while Mayushii is a reindeer, so let's go bring presents to our new friends. Ah, you can't open that! That's for later, for you... Ack, I let it slip...
Halloween Tutturu♪~ Professor, what do you think of Mayushii's outfit? I made it all myself! Ehehe, I put it on because it's Halloween today. Trick or treat~
New Year Tutturu♪~ Happy New Year, Professor! Ehehe, Daiyan-san and I made New Year's Eve dinner. Thank you for taking care of Okarin and everyone from the lab, professor. Ah, Mayushii almost forgot, but thank you for taking care of Mayushii too. Ehehe, we might not be from the same world as everyone in the Oasis, but I'm happy we got to celebrate the new year together like this. Professor, Professor! Come, kampai~!
Tanabata So you can see Vega from the Oasis too. Have you heard, Professor? It's got a special name, the arc lamp of the sky. Mayushii's been wishing on it since Mayushii was a little girl... Wishing that Mayushii could become Orihime too. Do you think that wish can come true? Ah, yes, Mayushii has tanzakus ready! Let's write our wishes down and hang them up afterwards~ Ehehe, what are you going to write, Professor?
Valentine Tutturu♪~ It's Valentine's Day today. Here, this is the chocolate Mayushii made. Ehehe, making chocolate was surprisingly hard. Fortunately, Choco-chan and Luka-kun helped me out. There were a few little accidents and both the oven and microwave exploded, but Mayushii can proudly say Mayushii made yummy chocolate. Would you like to try some, Professor?
Player's Birthday Welcome to MayQueen+Nyan²~ Master~ Happy birthday~ (sound of firecrackers) Ehehe, how was that, Professor? Were you surprised? In Mayushii's world, many customers liked to visit MayQueen+Nyan² for their birthday cakes. Hm? You're okay with it being more ordinary? Ohhh, in that case... Let's try it again... Happy birthday, Professor~