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Abigail Story Profile Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Morning Play Good morning, officer! You're looking good today!
Afternoon Play Oh? How's work going, you say? No problem for me, of course!
Evening Play Officer, did you see that cat? Hmm, what is her name... Betty? Or was it Buddy?
Night Play Good night!
Main Interface Voice Play Between me and Bet... I mean dogs and cats, which one do you think is cuter, officer? I'll give you five seconds!
Play After work, let's have a champagne party at the club together! See whose champagne sprays the furthest!
Play Betty! Stop running! Be good and I'll give you treats!
Play Do you dream of cats and dogs when you're asleep, officer?
Play I'm on duty with Abby today. Wanna come along?
Interactive Voice Play Ahahaha!
Play Yah!
Play Excuse me?
Relationship Dialogues Play Animal training is an old profession! It's said that humans have been domesticating animals since the very beginning of civilizations. Now, this job has been entrusted to Dolls like me!
Play Hmm... That's a nice bike! Apart from taking care of the cats and dogs, it's nice to go for a ride in the countryside once in a while. Yeah, it's authentic American Style! Have you watched The Dominator before, Officer? They rode on a big bike, and had a shotgun in the other hand. That was super cool!
Play Abby is quite irritable! She bares her teeth and barks at any stranger on sight. But if you spend some more time with her, she'll be way nicer to you.
Play As trainers, it is our responsibility to take care of the animals, so we can't help but feel some kind of attachment towards them. So... It can be painful to say goodbye. I've experienced it many times, and maybe– many more times in future.
Play Once this is all over... maybe I'll go back to work at the training base with Abby. Officer, you'll come visit us, right? We still have a long way to go, though... For now, let's do our best together!
Moods Play Ahahahaha
Play What?
Play Oh...
Accept Play Understood!
Agree Play Hmmm...
Appreciate Play Good Job!
Feeling Play That's right!
Oath Play Hmm... Officer, your preferences must be peculiar! I wonder if you picked me with some kind of strange ulterior motive? Well, I wouldn't mind even if that was the case!
Obtain Play I'm glad to see you again! I'm Abigail, ready to take your orders at any time!

Neural Cloud


Neural Cloud

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Potential Breakthrough Play Woof! Woof! Abby's getting sharper!
Neural Expansion Play Well-trained military dogs play an important role on the battlefield!
Max Neural Expansion
Play From now on, I'm an Ace Trainer! The best of the best, that is!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Join Team Play Finally, it's my turn!
Battle Start Play All set. Mission start!
Ultimate Skill Play Abby! Go!
MVP1 Play Good Job!
MVP2 Play Mission Complete!





Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Christmas Play Sorry for what went down today... Abby and Betty got too excited when I wasn't looking and made a big mess... Please let me buy you a Christmas dinner as my apology!
Halloween Play Finally, it's my showtime! Tonight, on Halloween, I shall embody the flaming Demonic Knight, tearing through the castle! I'm the Specter Rider!
New Year Play Hehe, what're your plans for New Year's Day? Oh yeah, want to go have a look at the cats and dogs together? Or do you want to duel at the club?
Tanabata Play Betty just ditched her station and went to mess around again... Oh, what a pain. Well, since it's Tanabata, maybe we can give her a pass. You must think the same, right, officer?
Valentine Play Abby seems angry... Did she get jealous from seeing us getting along? To think of it, today is Valentine's Day! Here, have this bone-shaped chocolate, you should have it!
Player's Birthday Play Yum... Nothing in this world compares to this delicious barbecue meat! Would you like to have some, officer? ... Oh, sorry. I got ahead of myself when it's supposed to be your birthday party... I guess it's fine as long as we're both having fun!