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**Elite Commando
**Elite Commando
**Elite Scout
**Elite Scout
Straightforward combat map where Anderson briefly becomes playable. Note that the tank will require multiple rocket shots to destroy.
Straightforward combat map where Anderson briefly becomes playable. Note that the tank will require multiple rocket shots to destroy.
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Stealth map with very low visibility and high concentration of enemies. The additional map is a tad obtuse but still contains the hints you'll need to locate some unmarked objectives. This a good level to get the Heaven's Eye achievements due to the extreme concentration of ELIDs.
Stealth map with very low visibility and high concentration of enemies. The additional map is a tad obtuse but still contains the hints you'll need to locate some unmarked objectives. This a good level to get the Heaven's Eye achievements due to the extreme concentration of ELIDs.
The enemies only have a one-tile detection radius and you will be provided with 12 items to lure them away for 1 turn (more can be found on the map). Go down from the starting position and Jefuty will start shivering from the presence of a Haunted House Passage tile, which will let you teleport around the map (but don't end a turn on them or you'll lose a small amount of HP). Several of these exits lead to dead ends.
The enemies only have a one-tile detection radius and you will be provided with 12 items to lure them away for 1 turn (more can be found on the map). Go down from the starting position to find a Haunted House Passage tile, which will let you teleport around the map (but don't end a turn on them or you'll lose a small amount of HP). Several of these exits lead to dead ends.
To activate the top switch, you'll need to get the Administrator Access Card from an enemy. Take it out by luring it in a mushroom field before igniting it with an incendiary grenade, or with a rocket launcher and either flee or distract the incoming enemies with acoustic generators. The leftmost switch will require both characters to activate. The level will end as soon as you activate the last switch.
To activate the top switch, you'll need to get the Administrator Access Card from an enemy. Take it out by luring it in a mushroom field before igniting it with an incendiary grenade, or with a rocket launcher and either flee or distract the incoming enemies with acoustic generators. The leftmost switch will require both characters to activate. The level will end as soon as you activate the last switch.
The collectible is unlocked with the bonus item Event Planning Manual, located on the entrance tile of the hotel on the top left corner. You'll need to use a lot of generators to lure the enemies away first.
The collectible is unlocked with the bonus item Event Planning Manual, located on the entrance tile of the hotel on the top left corner. You'll need to use a lot of generators to lure the enemies away first.
In this level, Jefuty will start shivering from fear if she is more than three tiles away from Mendo.
''Secret Skip'' (grants an achievement): {{spoiler|Reach the upper right corner of the map and enter the cable car.}}
File:RC CG 9 2 2 en.png|Annotated version of the map.
File:RCCB 3-1 Secret.jpg|Location of [[Secret Documents#Chapter 3|Secret Document]] "Investigation Materials on Paradeus".
File:RCCB 3-1 Secret.jpg|Location of [[Secret Documents#Chapter 3|Secret Document]] "Investigation Materials on Paradeus".
File:RCCB 3-1 Collection.png|Location of [[Reverse Collapse Collection#Chapter 3|Collectible]] "".
File:RCCB 3-1 Collection.png|Location of [[Reverse Collapse Collection#Chapter 3|Collectible]] "Robot Model".
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The Training Simulation - Shootout will be unlocked at the start of this level.
The Training Simulation - Shootout will be unlocked at the start of this level.
As too many ELIDs arrive into the area, Mendo modifies the acoustic generators into sonic bombs to redirect them to the URNC troops. The enemy deploys AA-03s, who hold enough firepower to fight off the monsters. When Jefuty and Mendo arrive at the bridge to leave the area, they run into Lige. Distracted, Jefuty is about to be attacked by ELIDs, but Lige temporarily takes back control of her body, rushes into the ELIDs and absorbs them into her body. As Sugar watches the scene with interest, Jefuty declares Lige is too dangerous to capture now and they run away.
The Werewolves secure the area and Beria's reinforcements arrive late, having made a detour to avoid the heavily contaminated area. To punish them, Sugar lures their commander near Lige and pushes him towards her, devouring him. Lige asks for more food to recuperate and the Werewolves feed her the corpses of fallen URNC soldiers until Lige falls unconscious.
Jefuty and Mendo link up with Atena and Jefuty mentions the presence of Sugar and Shrike specimens. Atena demands that Jefuty explains why her blood can kill Shrikes and why her sister is infected by Shrike cells. Jefuty explains that the URNC keeps their fully-immune individual from the GAVIRUL project, Noylu, completely sealed. To experiment on her, they rely on mitotic specimens of her created using Shrike cells. Lige was once a mitotic specimen who gained her own consciousness, and can share consciousness with Jefuty and even communicate with higher dimensional beings. The effect of Jefuty's blood on Shrikes is a countermeasure created by Mendo's parents against William's research. Jefuty also reveals that her foresight comes from the memories of a version of herself from another dimension who already experience the battle.
To leave the contamination area, Carl directs Atena, Mendo and Jefuty to an checkpoint located near the gate of the quarantine zone. The location is equipped with the firepower to drive out ELIDs and will allow them to leave the area if they can take over it. They enter one of the abandoned checkpoint towers and Atena hacks into the local network to gather intel. They find that the gate is guarded by many AA-03 Assault Artillery units. Considering the amount of preparations and Sugar's uncharacteristic restraint, Atena believes the enemy commander is Captain Oleg of the Werewolves. Mendo recognizes his name as a famous Werewolf commander who once fought Jevon in France, though Atena considers TASA to be the equals of the Werewolves in a fight. They take control of the towers' howitzers to prepare for the fight.
At the URNC main base, Sugar reports that the troops are closing the net around the gate of the quarantine zone to capture Jefuty. Sugar attempts to convince Oleg to let her torture the objective before bringing her back by invoking his hatred of Shrikes after the Warszawa incident, but Oleg will lead the hunt personally.
**Elite COmmandos
**Shrike Mitotic Specimens
**Transmogrified Infected Individual
**Terminally Infected Individuals
Don't rush to craft too many expensive blood bullets before the fight, you'll be granted several as the fight starts.
The map is the same as Chapter 2 Act 7. You can leave some structures behind you as you advance to distract the ELIDs. Don't get bogged down fighting at the starting zone as an ELID will arrive there on turn 3. Jefuty can snipe the enemies that will arrive to guard the objective area from the overlooking cliff, if not, these enemies will charge once you get near at the same time other ELIDs arrive from the edges of the map, pincering you.
The left most Shrike holds a weapon accessory. Shrikes will always prioritize your units over ELIDs if you enter their large (and invisible) detection range, it would be to your advantage to wait for one to use its Crippling Dash on an ELID before approaching. Worth noting that Camouflage Standees don't fool Shrikes.
File:RCCB 3-2 Collection.png|Location of [[Reverse Collapse Collection#Chapter 3|Collectible]] "Collapse Crystal".
==Act 3: Miraculous Survival==
The Anti-Stealth Visual Range of the entire team will be increased from 1 to 2 at the start of this level.
As Atena, Jefuty and Mendo approach another checkpoint tower, they see ELIDs attacking the URNC guards. Atena hacks into the tower to gain visibility over the area and control the long-range guns to lure the ELIDs and the howitzers to blast them and the URNC forces, attracting the attention of the nearby AA-03s. An brutal battle rages between the ELIDs and the URNC, and a new mechanized unit arrives at the quarantine wall. At that time, Atena follows Carl's plan and sends one of the paragliders kept for emergencies in the towers outside the wall to divert the new unit's attention. The TASA group then moves closer to the wall to bombard the gate and open it.
The plans of the URNC are disturbed by the unexpected appearance of an unstoppable Lambda ELID, which Sugar becomes locked in combat with. When the TASA force goes through the ruins of the gate, they are encircled by enemies, but then saved by a bombardment. An enemy commander reveals himself as the infiltrated Carl, who guides Jefuty, Mendo and Atena to a transport. Sugar catches up and attacks Atena, but Jefuty interposes and her hand is wounded by Sugar's tail. Jefuty rips off her hand to prevent the neurotoxins from spreading before embarking on Carl's transport to flee. Sugar notices that the part of her body that got splashed with Jefuty's blood is corroding.
In the transport, Jefuty's hand is already being "projected" back, in a process Jefuty compares to Reverse-Collapse of her previous body. Since Jefuty already knows that Carl's objective is to kill William, Carl reveals that Colonel Kämpfe has launched an NP-90 "Trolley" Material Shuttle Warship to raze the local URNC base and William with cruise missiles. But Jefuty warns that William can survive even such an attack by ordering Shrike mitotic specimens to protect him, and so she insists they infiltrate the base to recover Lige and take out the mitotic specimens with bombs made with her blood, leaving William vulnerable. Despite Carl's insistence, Jefuty wants to take part in the infiltration because of the unexpected number of mitotic specimens in the Epiphyllum field, as the situation developed in a completely different manner despite the points of divergence of her last jump being the same. Carl gives Jefuty and Mendo thirty minutes to complete the infiltration before calling in the bombardment, and draws up a plan to enter the base by attacking an outpost and stealing the URNC soldiers' identities to be brought into the base as wounded.
**Elite Scouts
**Elite Snipers
**Machine Gunners
**Special Forces - Skull
**Transmogrified Infected Individual
**Terminally Infected Individuals
**Super Mutant Lambda
A stealth map, in the "if nobody's left alive, it counts as stealth" definition. Each tower can lure ELIDs 30 times and fire 3 times.
The purple tile nearest to the starting point has the materials to craft a new radar. The one in the ruins is a weapon accessory and the one on the cliff a cheat item. The commander during the second part of the map holds an intermediate weapon blueprint, and the purple tile on the bottom tower the materials to make another Electric Barricade.
The requirement "Allied units don't use Normal Attack" still counts if you use objects, so you can rely on grenades to clean up enemies that survived cannon shots on little HP with grenades if necessary. The level will be won as long as one unit is standing when the gate is destroyed, so risky strategies are okay to use.
File:RCCB 3-3 Secret.jpg|Location of [[Secret Documents#Chapter 3|Secret Document]] "Lunasia Von Oberstein".
File:RCCB 3-3 Collection.jpg|Location of [[Reverse Collapse Collection#Chapter 3|Collectible]] "Damaged Jammer".
==Act 4: Camouflage==
The TASA force take in the enemy presence at the outpost while filching some supplies before reaching the uniforms they were looking for. Carl plans to enter the base through a heavily-guarded gate, but the closest one from the objective. Though they can't contact their air support yet because the high-powered radio station necessary to reach it will expose them, Carl promises that they will be on time to kill the "pseudo-Rossartrists" of the URNC. Thanks to Atena's quick hacking, their identities are recognized by the URNC database and the truck enters the base.
**Elite Scouts
**Elite Commandos
**Elite Medic
**Elite Sniper
**Special Forces - Skull
**Commander - Gregory
The first area of the map can be cleared with stealth, but you'll have to alternate fight and stealth once you cross the bridges. The tanks will be unmanned when the fighting begins, you can rush to intercept the Elite Commando pilot before they are activated. You'll get a chance to take down another tank when you approach the top right of the map, but beware as the boss has a whole heap of HP and the ability to double damage taken by your units. Consider having a unit on standby near the last objectives to clear the map if things go south. The density of buildings in the final area can make enemies difficult to hit, have shockwave grenades on hand to dislodge them.
The bottom left purple tile has materials to craft a new electric fence, and the top right one the materials to craft a standard turret. The Special Force arriving as you approach the last area holds a weapon accessory, same for the boss (if you can empty his huge HP pool).
File:RCCB 3-4 Secret.jpg|Location of [[Secret Documents#Chapter 3|Secret Document]] "Antarctic Union's Genetics Breeding Technology Investigation Reports".
File:RCCB 3-4 Collection.jpg|Location of [[Reverse Collapse Collection#Chapter 3|Collectible]] "Superchip" (destroy the truck, be careful an enemy will exit it).
==Act 5: Base Infiltration==
The Max AP of the entire team will be increased from 13 to 14 and the Normal Visual Range of the entire team will be increased from 5 to 6, and the outfit URNC Commander Coat for Carl will be unlocked at the start of this level.
After the TASA force arrive into the base, Atena departs to the signal tower to establish surveillance while Mendo and Jefuty are planting bombs to cover their escape while making their way towards the lab. Meanwhile, Carl uses his URNC commander outfit to gather intel, such as rumors of the Central Army Werewolves coming to relieve Colonel Beria from duty. Atena runs into a key card lock while hacking into the lab, and Carl tracks down the soldier holding on it. Jefuty and Mendo enter the lab and Carl's 30-minutes countdown begins.
Meanwhile, Kirill infiltrates William's lab and plants explosives while Beria distracts the Werewolves' commanders, intending to destroy all the tests subjects, William, and the TASA force. Jefuty warns Mendo that there will be an ambush in the lab, where Atena died in a previous loop, but Mendo insists to follow her. When Mendo asks, Jefuty explains neither she nor Mendo's parents could figure out why she had the ability to perceive the future due to the "recurrence possibility" of the world. When her brain is destroyed, her memories and torments are Reverse-Collapsed into another possible version of herself. They enter the lab, where Kirill is hiding to confirm Jefuty's arrival. She warns that William is always carrying a lump of flesh infected with Shrike cells, which has mutated to become much more dangerous than normal in order to protect himself. Jefuty surmises her blood is the only thing capable of taking it down.
Inside her stasis tank, Lige senses Jefuty approaching, but also another threat. The voice prevents her from acting too soon, since she already came close to alarming the Progenitor's consciousness in her virtual cognition image the last time she attempted to break free of its control to protect Jefuty. The voice, named Lusica and using Jefuty's appearance, pulls Lige into her virtual cognition image in the form of a manor garden. She invites Lige to drink tea with her sisters, Jessica and Lisa, while their other sister Jefuty attempts to drive the Progenitor's consciousness from Lige's body. Lusica insists that they must continue fooling the Progenitor as she suspects both it and their "friend" William can see high-dimensional projections, which would ruin their plan in any subsequent attempt.
While Jefuty can sense Lige isn't under the Progenitor's control, she's wearing William's neural inhibitor and won't be able to retain her consciousness for long. Sugar appears with intact mitotic specimens, but is surprised by the explosives planted by Kirill and crushed by falling rebars. Jefuty recognizes the situation from her previous attempt and takes Lige before running to Atena and Carl's transport to leave the base before the airstrike arrives. Though they couldn't make sure William was taken out in the lab, they manage to leave the area, and Jefuty allows Carl to tranquilize Lige in case she loses control over her Shrike cells. The vehicle arrives at Krasnoyarsk Mountains in the morning to rendezvous with Jevon and Squad Razor, but they are stopped by a Werewolf Commando team.
**Elite Scouts
A stealth map where you can talk to some of the enemies with Carl while the others must sneak their way in. You can see the names of the soldiers on the bottom left of the screen by hovering over them. Ask the first enemy (Alexander) about the duty roster, you'll need it to identify Heris's teammate Andrei during the second phase of the mission. When it comes time to talk with Boris, threaten him to get the key item (or go to the cafeteria as early as possible to skip the fetch quest). The third phase only requires you to bring one character to the end zone, Jefuty being the easiest.
The first patrolling soldier (Anisim) will hand over the searchlight routes if you ask for the defense plan. The Elite Scout at the bottom (Pankratty) can be ordered to get one of the Scouts at the top of the map to leave the area, making Jefuty's work easier. The Elite Scout above barrack 12 (Gennady) controls the searchlights, allowing you to skip the searchlight movements for 1 turn (repeatable) or turn off all searchlights for 3 turns (one time only). This last one will be mandatory to get the last bomb planting objectives for Jefuty and Mendo. Carl's bomb planting tile will require you to fetch some vodka from the vending machine near the basketball field then talk twice to the soldier (Niknovic) to get him to move. Get the Lime liqueur too to score this map's collectible.
The bottom purple tile has a weapon accessory and the top top right one turret materials.
The level's Secret Document is unlocked by first asking Pasha about recycling, then subtly asking Valentin for info, then offering reassurance to Vitkor to locate the file at the bottom right of the map.
File:RCCB 3-5 Secret.jpg|Location of [[Secret Documents#Chapter 3|Secret Document]] "Small Raptor Photography Project" (only after completing the dialogues requirement).
File:RCCB 3-5 Collection.jpg|Location of [[Reverse Collapse Collection#Chapter 3|Collectible]] "Lime Liqueur".
==Act 6: Snow Mountain Rendezvous==
The Training Simulation - Breakthrough and Jefuty's weapon Petrel will be unlocked at the start of this level.
The TASA force fights its way up a hill towards Squad Razor, causing avalanches to slow down the enemy. They eventually meet Jevon, who arrives late due to running into "an old friend": Captain Oleg. Oleg and some of his men get through Squad Razor's barricade and confront the TASA force until Jevon's men come to help them retreat.
In the camouflaged transport, Mendo receives a call from Crane, who wants to trade a neural inhibitor that could stabilize Lige's condition. Carl agrees to claim this extra objective despite Atena and Jevon's disapproval.
**Elite Scouts
**Elite Snipers
**Elite Commandos
**Elite Commander
**Special Forces - Skull
The AA-03 arriving from the left and one of the Skulls have a weapon accessory for Jevon when he joins for the second phase of the level. The purple tiles near the last objective contain useful weapon accessories and materials.
You won't have to fully empty the boss' life bar. Prepare every rocket launcher you have to reach the amount of damage needed to cause to it.
File:RCCB 3-6 Collection.png|Location of [[Reverse Collapse Collection#Chapter 3|Collectible]] "Moon Photo".
==Act 7: Trap==
The Max SP of the entire team will be increased from 60 to 70, Atena will unlock the weapon Oryx, Mendo and Atena will unlock the TASA Combat Uniform and Jevon the Combat Bodysuit at the start of this level.
The TASA force reaches the abandoned village at the foot of Mount Kushtau where Crane will meet them. As they suspected, it is a URNC trap led by Kirill, who thoroughly mined the area. The TASA force decide to fight and take the neural inhibitor by force. The AU soldiers prove tougher than Kirill expected, and he calls in rail-bound Jarilo tanks and a Diberg mobile fortress, but even it fails to stop them. Jefuty is about to pursue Kirill to get the neural inhibitor when the TASA soldier call to warn that Lige has become very unstable. Since only Jefuty can recognize a neural inhibitor, she sends Carl, Jevon and Atena to restrain Lige with a triple dose of sedatives while she goes with Mendo to finish Kirill off.
Kirill refuses to surrender and Mendo kills him when her tries to kill Jefuty, making a stand against "the monster" for humanity's sake. When they search his body, they can't find the neural inhibitor, confirming Jefuty's suspicions that Kirill wasn't Crane. Jefuty must return quickly to Lige, as she's a β Shrike sample, an advanced Shrike cell similar to the one William carries with him, and the tranquilizers will soon stop enabling her to maintain her personality.
**Elite Scouts
**Elite Commandos
**Elite Snipers
An autonomous recon vehicle will be provided at the start to map out the mines. The purple tile in the forest contains a cheat item, and the one in the ruins contains materials for a standard turret. The fight will move to the top part of the map during phase 2 so don't get caught up trying to get the items too early, but disarming the traps in advance will work to your advantage (it's safe since equipments deployed during phase 1 on tiles occupied by enemies at the start of phase 2 will be returned instead of destroyed).
During phase 1, the boss can be distracted using barriers. You'll have an occasion to make more rocket launchers to deal with the mobile fortress before phase 2. The mobile fortress and the bottom tank hold weapon accessories. The energy drain grenades you'll gain at the start of the phase are used to hamper the Jarilo's tracking shot ability.
Note that there are two possible triggers for phase 2, which is the arrival of the mobile fortress: friendly unit stepping on any tile of the row directly below the roadblocks visible at the right, or Kirill reaching 0 HP. This means it is possible to preemptively move units above the roadblocks before bringing Kirill to low HP. This way, it is possible to take out the mostly static enemy forces, disable all the traps and lastly bring Kirill to 0 HP, making the mobile fortress fight easier by having to fight only the tanks.
You'll want to wrap up the fight fast, as Kirill will return near the end of the fight with an energy charger and defense installations, and an awful lot of elite reinforcements.
File:RCCB 3-7 Secret.jpg|Location of [[Secret Documents#Chapter 3|Secret Document]] "Warszawa Incident Original Report".
File:RCCB 3-7 Collection.jpg|Location of [[Reverse Collapse Collection#Chapter 3|Collectible]] "Red Gloves".
==Act 8: Battle of the Peak==
When Jefuty and Mendo return to the rendezvous point, they find the TASA forces, including Atena, Jevon and Carl, have been wiped out by Shrike puppets in the form of URNC soldiers. They save only one soldier, Sergei, who flees to ask reinforcements from HQ while Jefuty and Mendo fight their way towards Lige, whose body is controlled by the Shrike Progenitor due to the lack of neural inhibitor and transformed her appearance into that of the original β Shrike. During the fight, β Shrike creates Shrikes from the corpses of TASA soldiers, but on their death they leave a blood blister, which Jefuty theorizes is due to the modified genetics of Antarcticans.
Right as Jefuty manages to subdue Lige, Sugar, who wasn't yet dead at the base, appears and runs Jefuty through with her tail. Mendo and Lige attack Sugar, but she kills Mendo before Jefuty can pin her down. Sugar taunts Jefuty, saying that fleeing to another timeline is useless before Jefuty stabs her in the heart. Jefuty embraces Lige, who is about to lose her consciousness to the Progenitor again, and grants her wish to set her free by dissolving her with her blood. Standing in Lige's liquefied body, Jefuty shoots herself in the head with her sidearm, entrusting her next self to succeed where she failed.
**Scouts (Shrike)
**Commandos (Shrike)
**TASA Members (Shrike)
**Atena (Shrike)
**Jevon (Shrike)
**Carl (Shrike)
**Shrike β
Craft as many blood bullets as you can before this fight in order to quickly take out the Shrikes during the boss fight (do not use them on the boss as they don't have any special effect). Some more can be found on the map. Advancing in the battle will depend on the amount of Shrikes killed, not how much HP the boss has lost. Use the tiles with low mobility at the center of the map and barriers to buy time.
The Crimson Blisters left by TASA Members will triple damages taken by the boss (a stronger version of the effect caused by the Blood Grenades obtained as the fight drags on). Jevon, Carl and Atena will, leave multiple Crimson Blisters as well as a Deep Blue Blister that weakens the boss' attacks.
Note that any object planted on top of corpses will be deleted when they are resurrected rather than detonate (this includes traps and mines).
The two purple tiles contain weapon accessories.
File:RCCB 3-2 Secret.png|Location of [[Secret Documents#Chapter 3|Secret Document]] "".
File:RCCB 3-8 Collection.jpg|Location of [[Reverse Collapse Collection#Chapter 3|Collectible]] "Red Dragon Pendant".
File:RCCB 3-2 Collection.png|Location of [[Reverse Collapse Collection#Chapter 3|Collectible]] "".

Latest revision as of 16:33, 3 May 2024


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This is a list of levels in Chapter 3 of Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery.

Prologue: The Beginning[edit]


Lige has a vision of the Nirvana Domain, where Mendo laments that "the Relic isn't responding", dashing his hopes for the future. Lige muses that she doesn't want to remember what happened "before the changes", but can't ignore the regret. Mendo asks her to return to the surface and leave Antarctica with the general evacuation, while he will sacrifice himself.

Jefuty wakes Lige up, they are in Squad Fox 2's convoy. Anderson, Fox 2-2's leader, warns them of the URNC ambush. After they fend off the first wave, Anderson realizes they're not fighting a simple patrol but well-prepared enemies and order Jefuty and Lige to flee while he and the surviving MID agents slow down the URNC troops. The sisters run into a snowstorm but are discovered by enemy soldiers. Jefuty tells Lige to run away in a direction supposedly clear of enemies, but Lige runs into a tank, which shoots her with its chain guns and main canon, then with a missile volley until the only thing that remains of her body is a puddle of blood and flesh. Jefuty flies into a murderous rage, picking up a rocket launcher from the corpse of a soldier to take down the tank. She attempts to return to Lige's remains, but they are blocked by enemies and she resolves to come back later after checking on Fox 2-1's convoy.

Lige's consciousness is contacted by another voice, who allowed her control her own body "until everything changes". The other party offers to let the Progenitor back in control so Lige can escape the URNC, but she refuses, even though there is a chance that their plan is discovered by the Progenitor or "him". The voice promises she'll do something about the situation. Over Lige's remains, Colonel Beria scolds the URNC soldiers for losing track of Jefuty and orders a blanket search of the mountain. Kirill warns Beria that William's private plane will be landing soon, and that he ordered all parts of Lige's body to be gathered. Beria and Kirill want to deny William the test subjects to ensure that "the soul of Warszawa, their hometown, rests in peace", but they need to lay low and comply due to William's ties with Lieutenant General Vasiliy, from the Central Defense Bureau. Cursing the bureaucrats who look down on frontier regions, Beria still orders to find and destroy Jefuty, and to torch the area after Lige's remains with flamethrowers to ensure no Shrike cell survives.

Back at the base, Beria welcomes Captain Oleg of the Werewolf Commando, who was sent ahead by Vasiliy and William, along with his vice-captain, Sugar. Beria reports the actions he took against the Antarctican forces, and justifies the destruction of Lige as a means to neutralize and capture her, knowing that "William's masterpiece" would still survive. Oleg announces that he was sent specifically to deal with the problematic Jefuty and protect William, and assumes command of all units of the Inner Caucasus theater. Beria requests to still be involved in the search due to his familiarity of the theater, and Oleg agrees to leave command of the garrison troops to Beria. Sugar gives Jefuty's location, which she obtained by talking with Lige's consciousness. Sugar's speed in discovering Jefuty's whereabouts plays against Beria and Kirill's plans to avenge Warszawa by completely destroying the test subjects, and Kirill speedily assembles a small extermination squad to hunt down Jefuty.

That night during the operation to the signal towers at the Küie Cliffs with Mendo and Atena, Jefuty receives the memories from her previous attempt. This is the first time she received them at this location, maybe because she connected with Lige there in another timeline. She now knows that Lige is in the Epyphillum field in the contamination zone, and that Carl is alive and has the authority to call in an air strike. Jefuty pieces together that Carl's mission involves the assassination of William through the air strike. Atena uses Carl's traces in the URNC systems to open a transmission with him so Jefuty can expose her plan. Jefuty and Mendo will search for Lige in the contamination zone, while Atena will link up with Carl and lure the garrison out of the base in case Lige is not in the contamination zone.

Jefuty and Mendo reach the contamination zone from a new area, an amusement park. Having studied ELIDs for personal interest, Mendo notices traces of black blood left by a fight between two hunting ELID creatures, and advises Jefuty not to engage as they don't have enough firepower to kill these monsters.

  • Playable
    • Jefuty
    • Lige
    • Anderson
  • Enemies
    • Scouts
    • Commandos
    • Sniper
    • Elite Commando
    • Elite Scout
    • Svarog

Straightforward combat map where Anderson briefly becomes playable. Note that the tank will require multiple rocket shots to destroy.


Act 1: Night Crisis[edit]

The Backpack Capacity of the entire team will be increased from 18 to 24 at the start of this level.


After entering the abandoned amusement park, Mendo and Jefuty find a map that guides them to the exit. However, they find it blocked by a heavy metal gate. To lure the ELIDs away from the control room, Mendo uses low-frequency acoustic generators. They find that the switches from three other control rooms must be activated to open the gate and eventually exit the area. However, Mendo starts loosing perception from acute Collapse radiation sickness. When Jefuty leads him by the hand, he remembers a memory from 2084, when Kämpfe brought him to the GAVIRUL Project lab to see his parents.

Tired of waiting for them, Mendo exited the room Kämpfe had locked him in through the vents. In Professor Philip's office, he met Jefuty, who restrained and blindfolded him so he wouldn't get into troubles, but was impressed that he evaded the guards through the high-security area. Mendo's parents had been kept at a conference by William, and Jefuty guided him to his father. In the end, Mendo never got a chance to learn her name or even see what she looked like at the time.

In the present, Mendo comes to after Jefuty flushes the Collapse particle by injecting him with her own blood. The lack of rejection, coupled with the rapid healing abilities Mendo displayed previously, indicate that Philip modified Mendo's body in some way. Jefuty wonders if his blood has the same properties as hers. Jefuty confirms she was the one who helped Mendo in his memory, and Mendo insists to make good on his old promise to thank her with a present once the operation is over and they head over to the Epiphyllum field. There, Sugar has Lige guide her to Jefuty, though Lige's consciousness is not in control of her body. Sugar forces her to produce more mitotic specimens, causing Lige's consciousness to fade from the pain. She meets the voice again, who explains that the Progenitor is in control of her body again. The voice concealed both Lige and her own consciousness in this body, and they must wait for Jefuty to appear before taking back control.

When Mendo and Jefuty reach the Epiphyllum field, they plant a low-frequency acoustic generators in order lure the ELIDs and have them fight the URNC troops once they arrive. Since Jefuty knows in advance when the enemy will arrive and can seemingly see the future, he asks why she didn't save his parents. Jefuty replies that she tried thousands of time without succeeding, and that she can only "make up for her mistakes" instead of predicting the future. Mendo laments that Jefuty feels more like his parent's child than him, since they had tighter bonds, but Jefuty points out that Mendo's modified body proves they still looked out for him. They prepare bullets filled with Jefuty's blood to make the fight against Lige easier. However, multiple mitotic specimens appear instead of Lige herself, so Jefuty lures the ELIDs in to distract the mitotic specimens while they leave the contamination zone to search for Lige in the URNC base.

  • Playable
    • Mendo
    • Jefuty
  • Enemies
    • Transmogrified Infected Individual
    • Terminally Infected Individual

Prepare rocket launchers for this mission.

Stealth map with very low visibility and high concentration of enemies. The additional map is a tad obtuse but still contains the hints you'll need to locate some unmarked objectives. This a good level to get the Heaven's Eye achievements due to the extreme concentration of ELIDs.

The enemies only have a one-tile detection radius and you will be provided with 12 items to lure them away for 1 turn (more can be found on the map). Go down from the starting position to find a Haunted House Passage tile, which will let you teleport around the map (but don't end a turn on them or you'll lose a small amount of HP). Several of these exits lead to dead ends.

To activate the top switch, you'll need to get the Administrator Access Card from an enemy. Take it out by luring it in a mushroom field before igniting it with an incendiary grenade, or with a rocket launcher and either flee or distract the incoming enemies with acoustic generators. The leftmost switch will require both characters to activate. The level will end as soon as you activate the last switch.

The collectible is unlocked with the bonus item Event Planning Manual, located on the entrance tile of the hotel on the top left corner. You'll need to use a lot of generators to lure the enemies away first.

In this level, Jefuty will start shivering from fear if she is more than three tiles away from Mendo.

Secret Skip (grants an achievement): Reach the upper right corner of the map and enter the cable car.


Act 2: Crossroad[edit]

The Training Simulation - Shootout will be unlocked at the start of this level.


As too many ELIDs arrive into the area, Mendo modifies the acoustic generators into sonic bombs to redirect them to the URNC troops. The enemy deploys AA-03s, who hold enough firepower to fight off the monsters. When Jefuty and Mendo arrive at the bridge to leave the area, they run into Lige. Distracted, Jefuty is about to be attacked by ELIDs, but Lige temporarily takes back control of her body, rushes into the ELIDs and absorbs them into her body. As Sugar watches the scene with interest, Jefuty declares Lige is too dangerous to capture now and they run away.

The Werewolves secure the area and Beria's reinforcements arrive late, having made a detour to avoid the heavily contaminated area. To punish them, Sugar lures their commander near Lige and pushes him towards her, devouring him. Lige asks for more food to recuperate and the Werewolves feed her the corpses of fallen URNC soldiers until Lige falls unconscious.

Jefuty and Mendo link up with Atena and Jefuty mentions the presence of Sugar and Shrike specimens. Atena demands that Jefuty explains why her blood can kill Shrikes and why her sister is infected by Shrike cells. Jefuty explains that the URNC keeps their fully-immune individual from the GAVIRUL project, Noylu, completely sealed. To experiment on her, they rely on mitotic specimens of her created using Shrike cells. Lige was once a mitotic specimen who gained her own consciousness, and can share consciousness with Jefuty and even communicate with higher dimensional beings. The effect of Jefuty's blood on Shrikes is a countermeasure created by Mendo's parents against William's research. Jefuty also reveals that her foresight comes from the memories of a version of herself from another dimension who already experience the battle.

To leave the contamination area, Carl directs Atena, Mendo and Jefuty to an checkpoint located near the gate of the quarantine zone. The location is equipped with the firepower to drive out ELIDs and will allow them to leave the area if they can take over it. They enter one of the abandoned checkpoint towers and Atena hacks into the local network to gather intel. They find that the gate is guarded by many AA-03 Assault Artillery units. Considering the amount of preparations and Sugar's uncharacteristic restraint, Atena believes the enemy commander is Captain Oleg of the Werewolves. Mendo recognizes his name as a famous Werewolf commander who once fought Jevon in France, though Atena considers TASA to be the equals of the Werewolves in a fight. They take control of the towers' howitzers to prepare for the fight.

At the URNC main base, Sugar reports that the troops are closing the net around the gate of the quarantine zone to capture Jefuty. Sugar attempts to convince Oleg to let her torture the objective before bringing her back by invoking his hatred of Shrikes after the Warszawa incident, but Oleg will lead the hunt personally.

  • Playable
    • Mendo
    • Jefuty
  • Enemies
    • Scouts
    • Commandos
    • Snipers
    • Medics
    • AA-03s
    • Elite COmmandos
    • Shrike Mitotic Specimens
    • Transmogrified Infected Individual
    • Terminally Infected Individuals

Don't rush to craft too many expensive blood bullets before the fight, you'll be granted several as the fight starts.

The map is the same as Chapter 2 Act 7. You can leave some structures behind you as you advance to distract the ELIDs. Don't get bogged down fighting at the starting zone as an ELID will arrive there on turn 3. Jefuty can snipe the enemies that will arrive to guard the objective area from the overlooking cliff, if not, these enemies will charge once you get near at the same time other ELIDs arrive from the edges of the map, pincering you.

The left most Shrike holds a weapon accessory. Shrikes will always prioritize your units over ELIDs if you enter their large (and invisible) detection range, it would be to your advantage to wait for one to use its Crippling Dash on an ELID before approaching. Worth noting that Camouflage Standees don't fool Shrikes.


Act 3: Miraculous Survival[edit]

The Anti-Stealth Visual Range of the entire team will be increased from 1 to 2 at the start of this level.


As Atena, Jefuty and Mendo approach another checkpoint tower, they see ELIDs attacking the URNC guards. Atena hacks into the tower to gain visibility over the area and control the long-range guns to lure the ELIDs and the howitzers to blast them and the URNC forces, attracting the attention of the nearby AA-03s. An brutal battle rages between the ELIDs and the URNC, and a new mechanized unit arrives at the quarantine wall. At that time, Atena follows Carl's plan and sends one of the paragliders kept for emergencies in the towers outside the wall to divert the new unit's attention. The TASA group then moves closer to the wall to bombard the gate and open it.

The plans of the URNC are disturbed by the unexpected appearance of an unstoppable Lambda ELID, which Sugar becomes locked in combat with. When the TASA force goes through the ruins of the gate, they are encircled by enemies, but then saved by a bombardment. An enemy commander reveals himself as the infiltrated Carl, who guides Jefuty, Mendo and Atena to a transport. Sugar catches up and attacks Atena, but Jefuty interposes and her hand is wounded by Sugar's tail. Jefuty rips off her hand to prevent the neurotoxins from spreading before embarking on Carl's transport to flee. Sugar notices that the part of her body that got splashed with Jefuty's blood is corroding.

In the transport, Jefuty's hand is already being "projected" back, in a process Jefuty compares to Reverse-Collapse of her previous body. Since Jefuty already knows that Carl's objective is to kill William, Carl reveals that Colonel Kämpfe has launched an NP-90 "Trolley" Material Shuttle Warship to raze the local URNC base and William with cruise missiles. But Jefuty warns that William can survive even such an attack by ordering Shrike mitotic specimens to protect him, and so she insists they infiltrate the base to recover Lige and take out the mitotic specimens with bombs made with her blood, leaving William vulnerable. Despite Carl's insistence, Jefuty wants to take part in the infiltration because of the unexpected number of mitotic specimens in the Epiphyllum field, as the situation developed in a completely different manner despite the points of divergence of her last jump being the same. Carl gives Jefuty and Mendo thirty minutes to complete the infiltration before calling in the bombardment, and draws up a plan to enter the base by attacking an outpost and stealing the URNC soldiers' identities to be brought into the base as wounded.

  • Playable
    • Mendo
    • Jefuty
    • Atena
  • Enemies
    • Scouts
    • Commandos
    • Snipers
    • Elite Scouts
    • Elite Snipers
    • Machine Gunners
    • Commanders
    • Special Forces - Skull
    • Sugar
    • AA-03s
    • Transmogrified Infected Individual
    • Terminally Infected Individuals
    • Super Mutant Lambda

A stealth map, in the "if nobody's left alive, it counts as stealth" definition. Each tower can lure ELIDs 30 times and fire 3 times.

The purple tile nearest to the starting point has the materials to craft a new radar. The one in the ruins is a weapon accessory and the one on the cliff a cheat item. The commander during the second part of the map holds an intermediate weapon blueprint, and the purple tile on the bottom tower the materials to make another Electric Barricade.

The requirement "Allied units don't use Normal Attack" still counts if you use objects, so you can rely on grenades to clean up enemies that survived cannon shots on little HP with grenades if necessary. The level will be won as long as one unit is standing when the gate is destroyed, so risky strategies are okay to use.


Act 4: Camouflage[edit]


The TASA force take in the enemy presence at the outpost while filching some supplies before reaching the uniforms they were looking for. Carl plans to enter the base through a heavily-guarded gate, but the closest one from the objective. Though they can't contact their air support yet because the high-powered radio station necessary to reach it will expose them, Carl promises that they will be on time to kill the "pseudo-Rossartrists" of the URNC. Thanks to Atena's quick hacking, their identities are recognized by the URNC database and the truck enters the base.

  • Playable
    • Mendo
    • Jefuty
    • Atena
    • Carl
  • Enemies
    • Scouts
    • Snipers
    • Commandos
    • Medics
    • Elite Scouts
    • Elite Commandos
    • Elite Medic
    • Elite Sniper
    • Special Forces - Skull
    • Commander - Gregory
    • Svarogs
    • AA-03s

The first area of the map can be cleared with stealth, but you'll have to alternate fight and stealth once you cross the bridges. The tanks will be unmanned when the fighting begins, you can rush to intercept the Elite Commando pilot before they are activated. You'll get a chance to take down another tank when you approach the top right of the map, but beware as the boss has a whole heap of HP and the ability to double damage taken by your units. Consider having a unit on standby near the last objectives to clear the map if things go south. The density of buildings in the final area can make enemies difficult to hit, have shockwave grenades on hand to dislodge them.

The bottom left purple tile has materials to craft a new electric fence, and the top right one the materials to craft a standard turret. The Special Force arriving as you approach the last area holds a weapon accessory, same for the boss (if you can empty his huge HP pool).


Act 5: Base Infiltration[edit]

The Max AP of the entire team will be increased from 13 to 14 and the Normal Visual Range of the entire team will be increased from 5 to 6, and the outfit URNC Commander Coat for Carl will be unlocked at the start of this level.


After the TASA force arrive into the base, Atena departs to the signal tower to establish surveillance while Mendo and Jefuty are planting bombs to cover their escape while making their way towards the lab. Meanwhile, Carl uses his URNC commander outfit to gather intel, such as rumors of the Central Army Werewolves coming to relieve Colonel Beria from duty. Atena runs into a key card lock while hacking into the lab, and Carl tracks down the soldier holding on it. Jefuty and Mendo enter the lab and Carl's 30-minutes countdown begins.

Meanwhile, Kirill infiltrates William's lab and plants explosives while Beria distracts the Werewolves' commanders, intending to destroy all the tests subjects, William, and the TASA force. Jefuty warns Mendo that there will be an ambush in the lab, where Atena died in a previous loop, but Mendo insists to follow her. When Mendo asks, Jefuty explains neither she nor Mendo's parents could figure out why she had the ability to perceive the future due to the "recurrence possibility" of the world. When her brain is destroyed, her memories and torments are Reverse-Collapsed into another possible version of herself. They enter the lab, where Kirill is hiding to confirm Jefuty's arrival. She warns that William is always carrying a lump of flesh infected with Shrike cells, which has mutated to become much more dangerous than normal in order to protect himself. Jefuty surmises her blood is the only thing capable of taking it down.

Inside her stasis tank, Lige senses Jefuty approaching, but also another threat. The voice prevents her from acting too soon, since she already came close to alarming the Progenitor's consciousness in her virtual cognition image the last time she attempted to break free of its control to protect Jefuty. The voice, named Lusica and using Jefuty's appearance, pulls Lige into her virtual cognition image in the form of a manor garden. She invites Lige to drink tea with her sisters, Jessica and Lisa, while their other sister Jefuty attempts to drive the Progenitor's consciousness from Lige's body. Lusica insists that they must continue fooling the Progenitor as she suspects both it and their "friend" William can see high-dimensional projections, which would ruin their plan in any subsequent attempt.

While Jefuty can sense Lige isn't under the Progenitor's control, she's wearing William's neural inhibitor and won't be able to retain her consciousness for long. Sugar appears with intact mitotic specimens, but is surprised by the explosives planted by Kirill and crushed by falling rebars. Jefuty recognizes the situation from her previous attempt and takes Lige before running to Atena and Carl's transport to leave the base before the airstrike arrives. Though they couldn't make sure William was taken out in the lab, they manage to leave the area, and Jefuty allows Carl to tranquilize Lige in case she loses control over her Shrike cells. The vehicle arrives at Krasnoyarsk Mountains in the morning to rendezvous with Jevon and Squad Razor, but they are stopped by a Werewolf Commando team.

  • Playable
    • Mendo
    • Jefuty
    • Carl
  • Enemies
    • Scouts
    • Elite Scouts
    • Commandos

A stealth map where you can talk to some of the enemies with Carl while the others must sneak their way in. You can see the names of the soldiers on the bottom left of the screen by hovering over them. Ask the first enemy (Alexander) about the duty roster, you'll need it to identify Heris's teammate Andrei during the second phase of the mission. When it comes time to talk with Boris, threaten him to get the key item (or go to the cafeteria as early as possible to skip the fetch quest). The third phase only requires you to bring one character to the end zone, Jefuty being the easiest.

The first patrolling soldier (Anisim) will hand over the searchlight routes if you ask for the defense plan. The Elite Scout at the bottom (Pankratty) can be ordered to get one of the Scouts at the top of the map to leave the area, making Jefuty's work easier. The Elite Scout above barrack 12 (Gennady) controls the searchlights, allowing you to skip the searchlight movements for 1 turn (repeatable) or turn off all searchlights for 3 turns (one time only). This last one will be mandatory to get the last bomb planting objectives for Jefuty and Mendo. Carl's bomb planting tile will require you to fetch some vodka from the vending machine near the basketball field then talk twice to the soldier (Niknovic) to get him to move. Get the Lime liqueur too to score this map's collectible.

The bottom purple tile has a weapon accessory and the top top right one turret materials.

The level's Secret Document is unlocked by first asking Pasha about recycling, then subtly asking Valentin for info, then offering reassurance to Vitkor to locate the file at the bottom right of the map.


Act 6: Snow Mountain Rendezvous[edit]

The Training Simulation - Breakthrough and Jefuty's weapon Petrel will be unlocked at the start of this level.


The TASA force fights its way up a hill towards Squad Razor, causing avalanches to slow down the enemy. They eventually meet Jevon, who arrives late due to running into "an old friend": Captain Oleg. Oleg and some of his men get through Squad Razor's barricade and confront the TASA force until Jevon's men come to help them retreat.

In the camouflaged transport, Mendo receives a call from Crane, who wants to trade a neural inhibitor that could stabilize Lige's condition. Carl agrees to claim this extra objective despite Atena and Jevon's disapproval.

  • Playable
    • Mendo
    • Jefuty
    • Atena
    • Carl
  • Enemies
    • Scouts
    • Elite Scouts
    • Snipers
    • Elite Snipers
    • Commandos
    • Elite Commandos
    • Medic
    • Commander
    • Elite Commander
    • Special Forces - Skull
    • Oleg
    • Simargl
    • Marzanna
    • AA-03s

The AA-03 arriving from the left and one of the Skulls have a weapon accessory for Jevon when he joins for the second phase of the level. The purple tiles near the last objective contain useful weapon accessories and materials.

You won't have to fully empty the boss' life bar. Prepare every rocket launcher you have to reach the amount of damage needed to cause to it.


Act 7: Trap[edit]

The Max SP of the entire team will be increased from 60 to 70, Atena will unlock the weapon Oryx, Mendo and Atena will unlock the TASA Combat Uniform and Jevon the Combat Bodysuit at the start of this level.


The TASA force reaches the abandoned village at the foot of Mount Kushtau where Crane will meet them. As they suspected, it is a URNC trap led by Kirill, who thoroughly mined the area. The TASA force decide to fight and take the neural inhibitor by force. The AU soldiers prove tougher than Kirill expected, and he calls in rail-bound Jarilo tanks and a Diberg mobile fortress, but even it fails to stop them. Jefuty is about to pursue Kirill to get the neural inhibitor when the TASA soldier call to warn that Lige has become very unstable. Since only Jefuty can recognize a neural inhibitor, she sends Carl, Jevon and Atena to restrain Lige with a triple dose of sedatives while she goes with Mendo to finish Kirill off.

Kirill refuses to surrender and Mendo kills him when her tries to kill Jefuty, making a stand against "the monster" for humanity's sake. When they search his body, they can't find the neural inhibitor, confirming Jefuty's suspicions that Kirill wasn't Crane. Jefuty must return quickly to Lige, as she's a β Shrike sample, an advanced Shrike cell similar to the one William carries with him, and the tranquilizers will soon stop enabling her to maintain her personality.

  • Playable
    • Mendo
    • Jefuty
    • Atena
    • Carl
    • Jevon
  • Enemies
    • Scouts
    • Elite Scouts
    • Commandos
    • Elite Commandos
    • Snipers
    • Elite Snipers
    • Kirill
    • Jarilo
    • Diberg

An autonomous recon vehicle will be provided at the start to map out the mines. The purple tile in the forest contains a cheat item, and the one in the ruins contains materials for a standard turret. The fight will move to the top part of the map during phase 2 so don't get caught up trying to get the items too early, but disarming the traps in advance will work to your advantage (it's safe since equipments deployed during phase 1 on tiles occupied by enemies at the start of phase 2 will be returned instead of destroyed).

During phase 1, the boss can be distracted using barriers. You'll have an occasion to make more rocket launchers to deal with the mobile fortress before phase 2. The mobile fortress and the bottom tank hold weapon accessories. The energy drain grenades you'll gain at the start of the phase are used to hamper the Jarilo's tracking shot ability.

Note that there are two possible triggers for phase 2, which is the arrival of the mobile fortress: friendly unit stepping on any tile of the row directly below the roadblocks visible at the right, or Kirill reaching 0 HP. This means it is possible to preemptively move units above the roadblocks before bringing Kirill to low HP. This way, it is possible to take out the mostly static enemy forces, disable all the traps and lastly bring Kirill to 0 HP, making the mobile fortress fight easier by having to fight only the tanks.

You'll want to wrap up the fight fast, as Kirill will return near the end of the fight with an energy charger and defense installations, and an awful lot of elite reinforcements.


Act 8: Battle of the Peak[edit]


When Jefuty and Mendo return to the rendezvous point, they find the TASA forces, including Atena, Jevon and Carl, have been wiped out by Shrike puppets in the form of URNC soldiers. They save only one soldier, Sergei, who flees to ask reinforcements from HQ while Jefuty and Mendo fight their way towards Lige, whose body is controlled by the Shrike Progenitor due to the lack of neural inhibitor and transformed her appearance into that of the original β Shrike. During the fight, β Shrike creates Shrikes from the corpses of TASA soldiers, but on their death they leave a blood blister, which Jefuty theorizes is due to the modified genetics of Antarcticans.

Right as Jefuty manages to subdue Lige, Sugar, who wasn't yet dead at the base, appears and runs Jefuty through with her tail. Mendo and Lige attack Sugar, but she kills Mendo before Jefuty can pin her down. Sugar taunts Jefuty, saying that fleeing to another timeline is useless before Jefuty stabs her in the heart. Jefuty embraces Lige, who is about to lose her consciousness to the Progenitor again, and grants her wish to set her free by dissolving her with her blood. Standing in Lige's liquefied body, Jefuty shoots herself in the head with her sidearm, entrusting her next self to succeed where she failed.

  • Playable
    • Mendo
    • Jefuty
  • Enemies
    • Scouts (Shrike)
    • Commandos (Shrike)
    • TASA Members (Shrike)
    • Atena (Shrike)
    • Jevon (Shrike)
    • Carl (Shrike)
    • Shrike β

Craft as many blood bullets as you can before this fight in order to quickly take out the Shrikes during the boss fight (do not use them on the boss as they don't have any special effect). Some more can be found on the map. Advancing in the battle will depend on the amount of Shrikes killed, not how much HP the boss has lost. Use the tiles with low mobility at the center of the map and barriers to buy time.

The Crimson Blisters left by TASA Members will triple damages taken by the boss (a stronger version of the effect caused by the Blood Grenades obtained as the fight drags on). Jevon, Carl and Atena will, leave multiple Crimson Blisters as well as a Deep Blue Blister that weakens the boss' attacks.

Note that any object planted on top of corpses will be deleted when they are resurrected rather than detonate (this includes traps and mines).

The two purple tiles contain weapon accessories.


Previous Chapter: Chapter 2 Next Chapter: Chapter 4