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Welrod MkII/Story

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Welrod MkII Story Quotes Live2D

Story Involvement[edit]

Chapter 8 Night - The Eagle and the Jackdaw[edit]

Welrod carried out a joint operation alongside Team Steyr, which was under the lead of RF IWS 2000IWS 2000IWS 2000. They were ordered to locate and extract the remains of what were speculated to be NBC weapons.

IDW Digimind Upgrade[edit]

A new recruit, SMG IDWIDWIDW, was in a heated argument with her fellow teammate MG BrenBrenBren over IDW’s capabilities. Welrod broke up the fight, proposing that IDW prove herself in their newest mission.

Bren Digimind Upgrade[edit]

Welrod conversed with Bren on behalf of the team, who had noticed Bren wasn’t acting like her usual self. It turned out Bren wanted to withdraw from the team, as she believed they were holding back her ambitions. Not long after being transferred, Bren is pinned down by Sangvis forces during a mission but gets rescued by her former team. After the mission, Bren asks Welrod the key to her strength. Welrod revealed her secret, giving Bren motivation and opportunity to become stronger.

Sten Mk II Digimind Upgrade[edit]

Following a mission, Welrod’s team argue among themselves about the outcome of their mission. Bren had deemed it a failure since SMG Sten MkIISten MkIISten MkII received aid from a human during the mission, something she believed led to her punishment in the form of being transferred to a different team. Welrod and AR L85A1L85A1L85A1 consoled Sten, stating that Bren was wrong, that being transferred wasn't the end of everything, and that she would be able to visit during her free time for tea.