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Story/Operation Cube/E1-2 (Part2)/Script

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[...Squad 404 engages Hunter at the Area S06 outpost.]

Hunter: So you 404 rats have finally shown up!
Don’t think I’m unprepared for your underhanded methods! Let me see you vermin run for your lives and die as I cut you down one by one!

[...At Squad 404’s position.]

HK416: Gr G11, did you even hit your shots?

G11: I hit Hunter four times...but I think our intel is off, because she’s still alive!

HK416: This “Elite” modification is incredible... What else do they have up their sleeves?

UMP9: Enemies coming in from the right. We’ll be surrounded soon!

UMP45: Abandon objective. Cover our retreat with suppressive fire.

HK416: Suppressive fire, Gr G11!

G11: D-doing it!

UMP9: Deploying smoke grenade!

UMP45: Everyone! Run now!

Hunter: Tch...

Ouroboros: Why aren’t you after them, Hunter?

Hunter: That silver-haired brat destroyed my Exo equipment. I can’t chase after them unless it’s repaired first.

Ouroboros: So you’re giving up just like that? I thought you’d be more persistent in chasing after your prey.

Hunter: They’ll be back for the location of the jammer.
I can delay their guerrilla tactics as long as your reinforcements arrive on time.

Ouroboros: ...Very well. Stay there and guard the outpost before the reinforcements arrive.

Hunter: I will...
A true hunter knows how to stay silent.