Story/Deep Dive/3-2 (Part1)/Script
416: G11? You still alive?
G11: I'm fine...
Wait, why would I be dead...?
416: Just making sure if you're still there. You keep staring into space. I was just afraid you're lost in Cyber Wonderland forever.
G11: I'm just a bit tired. And do I look like an addict...?
"Everything in cyberspace is fictitious; the breath and pulsation of life is what matters most."
416: You sleep like a corpse every day. You're one to talk about life.
G11: That's what it means to enjoy life, 416.
What good is there in running around all day and get exhausted like you?
416: I have my own objectives.
G11, I told you. I won't stay here forever.
G11: We're renegade T-Dolls now, 416. 404 is the last home we have.
But what's so bad about this place...?
Do you hate us? I've never heard you talk about this before.
416: The problem lies with me, G11.
I won't give up if there's still something that I can do.
G11: You're not defined by what you do, 416.
416: ...
What did you just say, G11? I have a hard time believing you're capable of such wisdom.
G11: I don't sleep all the time, 416.
416: Really now. So you actually...
G11: I also watch anime.
You don't watch any anime? I've recently learned a very "ka-wai-ee" phrase, it goes "PO..."
Hey, wait up! Don't you want to hear it?
416: I don't have time for this.
(Mutters) What am I doing expecting anything out of this idiot...
G11: What? Did you say something, 416?
416: It's nothing important. Get ready for combat. The echelons are going to clear a path for us soon.
We'll gather as many neural fragments as we can and then get the hell out of this damn place.
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