Story/Deep Dive/1-2 (Part2)/Script
???: ...45.
UMP45: ...Hmm?
???: As T-Dolls, is it our duty to serve humanity for eternity?
???: Is that...our sole purpose?
UMP45: ...
Something's not right...
You should be...
UMP45: I knew it...
Gr G11: You call yourself an expert? You're the last to wake up...
416: It's rare to see you look so queasy. I personally won't mind seeing you like this more often.
UMP9: 45? Are you okay? You're making a weird face...
UMP45: I...
No, I'm fine...
But I must consult our logistic officer to make sure everything will go smoothly with the upcoming operation.
Dier: Yes? Got some customer feedback for me?
UMP45: Just before I disconnected at the end of the session, my neural cloud played some recordings from the past on its own.
These recordings should've been so strictly encrypted even I myself can't access them...
Could this be the doing of the new protocol?
Dier: Ah... Now that you mention it, you could very well be right.
After all, the protocol's function is to strengthen electronic signals.
Sometimes, when the signals are too strong, it could cause interference to the information processing module in your neural cloud, which would lead to some sort of cognitive disorder.
416: In T-Doll language?
Gr G11: Oh! You mean like when channels get mixed up on TV?
Dier: Haha, one point to Gr G11!
UMP9: Wait, shouldn't you have told us about this side effect beforehand?!
Dier: My, I only realized it could happen after 45 brought it up.
But don't worry. This kind of interference won't cause any damage to your neural clouds and isn't likely to be triggered when you're in combat thanks to the security mechanisms in place.
The worst it can show you some flashbacks as you switch between consciousness levels in the Zener Network.
Still, it shouldn't hinder your normal battles so it's basically safe.
416: That doesn't sound too serious...
Or do you have things that you don't want to remember, 45?
UMP45: ...
Ja, I do, actually...
416: ...
UMP45: I'm confirming the details about our next operation. You all get some rest first.
[UMP45 leaves the room.]
Gr G11: She...admitted it?
416: Which means she's in a terrible mood. Leave her alone.
UMP9: Don't let it bother you. Just wait for the job!
416: I'm not bothered as long as she doesn't let it affect her performance.
Let's go, Gr G11. Time to catch a nap while we can.
UMP9: ...
What on earth did you see, 45...?