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Story/Arctic Warfare/E1-4 (Part3)/Script

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M16A1: This won’t do, RO. We still haven’t been able to get the upper hand in the last few attacks!

M4 SOPMOD II: At this rate, we’re gonna run out of ammo!
Where the hell is M1887? Is she really helping us…?

RO635: Focus on what you’re doing!
Another round is coming! Find cover, quick!


M4 SOPMOD II: Huh…? No explosions?

M1887: I’ve cut off the power to the cannons.
You have ten minutes before auxiliary power comes online. Break through Gager’s blockade and come to the safehouse in the valley!

M16A1: M1887...

RO635: Copy that! Let’s go, guys!

[Ten minutes later, everyone has made it to the safehouse.]

M4 SOPMOD II: Phew… That was close...

M16A1: Such thrills…
So, Miss M1887, I presume?

M1887: Pleasure, AR Team.

M16A1: Now, could you please explain how you’re navigating the Sangvis network?
Sorry, but we’re just a bit curious...

M1887: And suspicious. I understand.
You do know that 16Lab has recently gained some brand-new T-Doll manufacturing technology.

RO635: You’re the prototype that Persica mentioned, right? The prototype of THAT tech.

M1887: Guess whose parts I’m using?

RO635: …
Giving them a taste of their own medicine?

M1887: Not every person is born with a purpose…
But every T-Doll is created for one.

RO635: Alright, I believe you. Tell me everything you know.
SOP II, set up the comms.
We need a new encrypted network to send a progress report to Helian.

M4 SOPMOD II: Roger. On it now!

[Suddenly, M1887 raises her weapon.]

M16A1: …!
SOP II, watch your back!


What are you doing, M1887?! Why did you blast the comms to pieces?!

M1887: Your team is missing a T-Doll.
She’s gone because of Parapluie, hasn’t she?

M16A1: ...What has that got to do with what you did?

M1887: Parapluie modules are embedded into Sangvis equipment beforehand. They’re then implanted into your comms module through physical contact.
In other words, you’ll be a Parapluie carrier the moment you activate any electronic device that contains the virus.

M4 SOPMOD II: But…how did you know this specific device contains Parapluie?

RO635: Devices that carry Parapluie emit a different signal. It can be detected by an interceptor pattern even without direct contact.
This is the achievement of 16Lab’s research. I’m always extra careful before I hack into Sangvis systems...except this time…
I’m sorry, I’ve overlooked it due to my nerves...

M16A1: S.F. takes advantage of this and catches us off guard.
It’s fine, RO. Just be careful next time...

Gager: There will be no next time, AR Team.
I finally have you…
You may have seen through my superior’s little trap, but we’ve never placed all our bets on that anyway.
After all...I don’t like winning that way...

M16A1: Humph, so you’re the type to proudly bully people because you have more goons?

Gager: I merely don’t like probability. Only things with no variables keep me at ease.
And it must follow, as the day the night, you’ll be completely surrounded by my forces with no way to escape.

RO635: Everyone, heed my order! Fortify this shelter immediately!
Prepare to defend against S.F. attack and make it through the night!

M4 SOPMOD II: Is there hope after that?

RO635: I don’t know. But surely we’ll stand a better chance if we manage to last till dawn?
Besides, as M16 said on the way here, Helian must have something up her sleeve.

M16A1: Ha. You’re more optimistic than M4 in terms of personality.

RO635: (Smiles wistfully) All thanks to my background.
After all, this is my only saving grace.

[Three hours later, on the outdoor training ground at Griffin HQ.]

Helian: Ah, Mr. Kryuger...

Kryuger: Helian, still no news from them?

Helian: Apologies. We haven’t been able to get in touch.

Kryuger: The weather doesn’t seem to be the problem here.

Helian: Weather conditions have improved significantly, but… night has also fallen.

Kryuger: Then leave it to the experts. They’ll be there soon, right?

Helian: ETA in ten minutes...
For the experts who can handle this kind of thing.