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10 bytes added, 21:43, 2 June 2018
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the first edition appearance was based on English version L1A1, but the results was not that good, then changed it back to FAL, and kept original ideas of the ferret and the kukri on L1A1.
As one of the best three product of FN company, FAL must be the pride of FN. In this case the inspiration of her is about “Elite” and “Noble”, which lead to an outstanding and core member of the team.
Idea of T-Doll + T-pet Pet comes from the movie ''Cats & Dogs'', at the beginning the T-pet Pet was a cat, but it was too big, then I realized that ferret should be the one while in snow area, and changed into it. And it has a name fal (same as its master).
The flower on Wedding skin “The Most Important Day”, the flower on her hand is the National flower of Belgium—Azalea Flower (Same as Five-seveN).
[https://weibo.com/2104722627/ErrFZeP6q?filter=hot&root_comment_id=0&type=comment#_rnd1527926368876 The story behind creating the ferret]:
At beginning there was an idea about “Fox Hunter”, so the first impression was Arctic fox, its logo was also finished. Then thought again, fox is too big, changed into cat, but it seems cats are troublesome (in some ways), then suddenly a new idea flash through my head (Are you New-Type?), cats→mongoose→weasel→ferret, then the first generation ferret was born. (Connect to the previous mention about L1A1, [https://weibo.com/2104722627/CCn4ljc8L?type=comment#_rnd1527933662159 looks like L1A1 originally FAL has got pink hair at the beginning.])
After a bit time found out that the result feels kinda weird, so the ferret was reworked and became the current 2nd generation ferret fal.

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