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name Malachite Constraint
icon souchun_skill
text Souchun summons vines to Bind enemies within 1 tile, disarming them for 3 seconds. The bound units take Operand Damage equal to ($percent)% Hashrate every 0.6 seconds. Souchun then heals herself by 0.5% of her Max HP × the number of bound enemies.

Arma Inscripta II: Skill range is expanded to radius of 2 tile around self; self-healing is based on enemies within range. If any enemies cannot be bound, that unit counts double towards self-healing; [Malachite Constraint+]'s healing effect is increased by 100%.

percent 15 16.2 17.4 18.6 20.1 21.9 23.7 25.5 27.8 30
cooldown 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9