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name Empyreal Crescent
icon luna_ultimate
skilllevelcount 5
text Conjures 12 moonbeams over a duration of 3 seconds to attack the enemy with the lowest HP, each dealing Operand Damage equal to ($operand1)% Hashrate. Enemies hit by 4 moonbeams in a row gain a stack of [Rune of Anamnesis]. After using [Empyreal Crescent], [Empyreal Crescent] is upgraded for the remainder of the battle, dealing additional Operand Damage equal to ($operand2)% Hashrate. This can occur a max of 2 times. [Empyreal Crescent] has no cooldown after its first cast.

Rune of Anamnesis: Reduce the target's DEF by 3% for 8s, stacking up to 5 times. If a unit with [Rune of Anamnesis] dies, half of the stacks will be transferred to the enemy unit that currently has the lowest HP.

cooldown 30 30 30 30 30
operand1 50 62.5 75 87.5 100
operand2 10 15 20 25 30