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Lizzy Amaranth/skill3data

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name Vendetta Against Stars
icon LUlt2WM
skilllevelcount 5
text Amaranth dashes to her now-Vendetta and gains Limelight for 10 seconds. If she and her Vendetta still persist when Limelight fades, Amaranth gains Hopebearer and exits the fight for 5 seconds, dealing Operand Damage equal to ($percent)% and additional True Damage equal to ($percent2)% per stack of Burn over the duration across 75 strikes.

Limelight: Amaranth has Focus Fire and Super Armor; all enemies will target Amaranth, and Amaranth is immune to Control Effects.

Hopebearer: Upon gaining Hopebearer, Amaranth reduces all other allies' Hashrate by 90% of their total Hashrate and gaining the amount lost.

percent 75 93.75 112.5 131.25 150
percent2 30 37.5 45 52.5 60
cooldown 30 30 30 30 30