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name Clearance Protocol
skilltype Passive
icon mantic2
skilllevelcount 5
text Once the battle starts, continuously produce Goliath reinforcements at a rate dependent on self attack speed. Each Goliath has 10 points of move speed and inherits ($hp_value)% of the Goliath Factory's HP and 10% of its damage. All other stats are the same as the main unit. upon contact with the enemy or upon reaching their maximum range, Goliaths immediately self-destruct, dealing ($dam_value)x explosive damage to all enemies within a radius of 3 units. In Defense and Charge Modes, Goliaths will move forward until they come into contact with an enemy; in Destroy Mode they will seek out the closest enemy unit.
hp_value 30 35 40 45 50
dam_value 12 14 16 18 20
initial 0
cooldown 0 0 0 0 0