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GM6 Lynx/Quotes

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GM6 Lynx Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 哈哈,指挥官,你看起来缺一位猎手嘛! アハハ、指揮官、ハンターを欲してるみたいね?Play 하하, 지휘관. 여기 사냥꾼이 부족한 모양이네! Haha, you look like you're in need of a hunter, Commander!
Secretary 我的身体很柔韧,打对折也没问题。但这不是你摸上来的理由哦,指挥官。 私、体が柔らかいの。体を半分に折り曲げられるのよ。だからって、勝手に触っていい理由にはならないけど。Play 내 몸은 유연하니까 반으로 접어도 될 정도인데, 그렇다고 함부로 만져도 되는 건 아니야. My body is very supple, and you can bend me double with no problems. But that's not why you touched me, is it, Commander?
还在介意刚才的事情吗?别太在意啦,指挥官,放宽心。一切都会过去的! さっきのこと、気にしてるの?大丈夫よ、指揮官、心を広く持たなきゃ。きっとなんとかなるから!Play 아직도 방금 일로 신경 쓰는 거야? 괜찮아, 지휘관. 다 지나갈 일이니까! Are you still bothered by what just happened? Don't worry about it and relax, Commander. It'll pass!
什么?啊,没事的。真的没事啦……不用在意这个,开始工作吧!哈哈,今天的工作还有很多呢…… え?あ、何でもないの、何でもないんだってば……それよりも、仕事仕事!アハハ、今日も課題が盛りだくさんなんだから……Play 응? 아, 아무것도 아니야. 정말 아무 일도 없으니까... 빨리 업무나 하자! 하하, 오늘 일이 참 많네... What? Oh, it's nothing. Really, it's okay... Don't worry about that and let's get to work! Haha, looks like there's a lot to do today…
Secretary (post OATH)
이 스라소니에게 이름은 안 지어줬어, 이름을 지으면 책임져야 하잖아? 난 자신마저 책임질 수 없으니까... 지휘관이 대신 지어줄래?
I didn't name this lynx. After all, naming it means I'd have to be responsible for it, right? Well, I can't even take responsibility for myself, to say nothing of that lynx... So can you give me a new name, Commander?
指挥官,我们这样会不会有点太快了? 不会吗?我倒觉得有点快…… 但我想就算是以后,我也迟早会答应的吧。嗯,我愿意。
指揮官、私たち、ちょっとばかり進展が早すぎるとは思わない? そんなことないって?うーん、そうかしら…… まぁでも、結局いつかはこうなっていただろうし。いいわ、指揮官、喜んで。
지휘관, 이건 너무 이르지 않을까? 괜찮다고? 난 아직 준비가... 그래도 어차피 결국엔 받아들이겠지. 응, 받아줄게.
Commander, don't you think we're moving a little too fast? We're not? I think it's a little hasty, though... But I guess I'd say yes sooner or later. Yup, I do.
Greeting 我听到你的脚步声了,指挥官。 フフ、足音が聞こえたわよ、指揮官。Play 올 때 발소리를 들었어, 지휘관. I heard your footsteps, Commander.
T-Doll Produced 新的同伴加入了呢。 新しい仲間が増えたのね。Play 새로운 친구가 왔구나. A new friend has joined us.
Joining an echelon 来,我的朋友,和我一起站在这边。 はぁい、戦友さん、ご一緒しましょ。Play 자, 나의 친구, 나와 같이 이쪽에 서자. Come, my friends. Stand with me.
Enhancement 身体变得更灵巧了呢。 体が軽くなったわ。Play 몸이 더 유연해졌어. My body's become more agile.
Dummy-linking 这样就可以进行围猎了。 これで巻き狩りが出来るわね。Play 이걸로 몰이사냥을 할 수 있겠어. Now I'll be able to flush out my prey.
Logistics (start) 我走啦,祝我能回来吧? 行ってくるわ。無事に戻れるよう、祈ってて?Play 갔다올게, 무사히 돌아오길 빌어줘. I'm going. Wish me luck?
Logistics (end) 我回来了,一切顺利。 ただいまー、順調だったわよ。Play 돌아왔어, 모두 순조로웠어. I'm back. Everything went well.
Autobattle 悄悄地,潜入战场…… そーっと、戦場に忍び込んで……Play 조용히... 전장에 숨어들어서... And now, I'll quietly sneak onto the battlefield…
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 大家,准备出发了哦! さぁみんな、出発よ!Play 모두, 출발할 준비해! Everyone, get ready to move out!
Starting a battle 放低身体,准备冲锋。 体を低くして、突撃準備!Play 자세를 낮추고 돌격 준비! Lower your stance and prepare to charge.
Skill activation 穿透。 貫け。Play 꿰뚫어. Penetrate.
离我远点。 近づかないで。Play 좀 떨어져. Get away from me.
破碎吧。 砕け散れ。Play 깨져라. Shatter.
Heavily damaged 这点伤害不足挂齿。 こんな傷、どうってことないわ。Play 이 정도 상처는 아무것도 아니야. This level of damage is hardly worth mentioning.
Retreat 指挥官,请跟着我的朋友先走! 指揮官、みんなと先に逃げて!Play 지휘관, 내 친구를 따라서 먼저 가! Commander, please leave first along with my friends!
MVP 一次完美的狩猎行动呢,指挥官! 完璧なハンティングだったわね、指揮官!Play 완벽한 사냥이었어, 지휘관! That was a perfect hunt, Commander!
Restoration 睡一觉起来就都会好了吧? 一晩寝れば、すぐ直るでしょ。Play 한숨 자고나면 다 괜찮아지겠지? I'll just take a nap and everything will be better once I wake up, right?
Attack 现在正是进攻的好时机! 攻撃する絶好のチャンスよ!Play 지금이 공격할 기회다! Now's a good time to attack!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 我很擅长这种节日。要不要和我玩我追你逃的游戏啊,指挥官? こういうイベントは得意なの。指揮官、私と鬼ごっこなんてどう?Play 난 이런 명절이 제일 익숙해. 나랑 술래잡기 할래, 지휘관? I'm very familiar with this occasion. Want to play a game of tag with me, Commander?
Christmas 圣诞快乐。天气冷的时候就只想窝在屋子里了……哈欠。要不要一起睡一会儿? メリークリスマス。寒くなると、布団にくるまっていたくなるのよね……あふ……ねぇ、ちょっと寝ちゃおっか?Play 메리 크리스마스. 추운 날엔 그냥 방 안에 있고 싶어... 하암... 같이 눈 좀 붙일래? Merry Christmas. When it's cold, all I want to do is curl up at home and sleep... (Yawns) Want to join me for a short nap?
New Year's Day 新年会有新的动物出来透气吗,像是感染生物之类的?我想去捕猎呢。 正月の時期って、知らない動物が顔を出したりするのかしら。例えば、感染生物みたいな……狩りに出かけたいわね。


새해엔 새로운 동물이 바람을 쐬러 나온다고? 감염 생물 같은 거? 가서 사냥하고 싶은걸. Will new animals show their faces during the new year, like Infected creatures and the like? I want to hunt them.
Valentine's day 指挥官,怎么用那种眼神看着我?我没有准备巧克力哦……骗你的。给,大家都有份。 指揮官、なぁに、その目は?チョコレートなんて無いわよ……なーんちゃって。はい、どうぞ。みんなの分もあるからね。


지휘관, 왜 그런 눈으로 날 보는 거야? 난 초콜릿 준비 안 했어... 거짓말이야, 여기, 모두 하나씩 있어. Commander, why are you looking at me like that? I didn't prepare any chocolate... Just kidding. Here. There's enough for everyone.
Tanabata 我希望一切约定都能实现,一切愿望都……但是,有缺憾的发展才是命运吧。 全ての約束が果たされますように、全ての願いが……でも、そうはいかないのが運命なのかもね。


난 모든 약속과 소원이 이뤄지기를 바라... 하지만, 만사 순조롭지 않은 것이 운명이겠지. I wish that all promises would come true, and that all wishes would... But I guess a sense of loss and regret is my fate.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 小心!快回来! 危ない!はやく戻って!Play 조심해! 빨리 돌아와! Careful! Pull back quickly!
Phrase 嗨,笑一下吧! ほら、笑って!Play 짠, 웃어봐! Hi, say cheese!
Tip 这些要点很全呢。 へぇ、ためになるのね。Play 여기 요점이 다 적혀 있네. These hints are quite comprehensive.
Loading 嗯……我刚启动,这就来了。 うーん……起動したばかりなの、すぐ行くわ。Play 응... 방금 전원 켰어, 지금 갈게. Ugh... I just booted up, I'm coming now.