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name Hybrid Attack
skilltype Combat
icon Excutioner1
text Slash the enemy unit with the highest HP, inflicting 3 instances of damage to all enemies within a radius of 1 around the target for a total of ($dam_value1)x melee damage. This damage is evenly distributed over each dummy link of the target. Also deal ($dam_value2)x damage to all enemies in a radius of 4 and gain a ($hp_value)-point shield that lasts for ($duration) seconds.
initial 6
cooldown 15 14.7 14.3 14 13.7 13.3 13 12.7 12.3 12
dam_value1 7 8.3 9.3 10.4 11.7 12.7 14 15.3 16.3 17.5
dam_value1_4 10 11.7 13.3 15 16.7 18.3 20 21.7 23.3 25
dam_value2 0.35 0.39 0.43 0.47 0.51 0.54 0.58 0.62 0.66 0.7
dam_value2_4 0.5 0.56 0.61 0.67 0.72 0.78 0.83 0.89 0.94 1
hp_value 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38
duration 3 3.22 3.44 3.67 3.89 4.11 4.33 4.56 4.78 5