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April 27th[edit]

Casual 7-day Sign In[edit]

Casual 7-day Sign In

April 29th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ May 5th 23:59 GMT+8
Sign in everyday to obtain following gifts!

Sign In Reward
1 day x1000
2 days x1500
3 days x2000
4 days x800
5 days x5
6 days Enhancement Pill x 30
7 days x200

April 22nd[edit]

Double Diamond Monthly Pass Event[edit]

Double Diamond Monthly Pass Event

April 22nd 00:00 GMT+8 ~ April 30th 00:00 GMT+8

Diamond gained from monthly pass doubled from 30 to 60 during the event.

Great Success rate boost from logistics[edit]

Great Success rate boost from logistics

April 22nd 00:00 GMT+8 ~ April 28th 23:59 GMT+8

Logistics success rate increased during the event. The boost is not shown in-game.

April 15th[edit]

Special Easter Package

April 15th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ April 22nd 00:00 GMT+8

x200, Oath Ring x1

Package cost: 1580

April 8th[edit]

Jackpot Package[edit]

Jackpot Package

April 1st 00:00 GMT+8 ~ April 30st 23:59 GMT+8

x6000, x2000, x6000, x4000, x50, x10

Package cost: 2888

April 1st[edit]

Lively Festival Special Operation[edit]

Lively Festival

April 1st 00:00 GMT+8 ~ April 21st 23:59 GMT+8
Lively Festival special event will be online during the time period. Obtain 1800 points (from totall 3000 points) to get exclusive T-doll CZ-75

  • For three weeks, at the start of every Saturday at 0AM a new set of quests will be available, which can be completed to obtain points
  • The activated quests will be available for completion anytime as long as it's within the event time period.
  • Reaching certain amount points will yield various rewards:

Total Points Reward
100 x3
200 x2000, x2000
500 Beginner Training Data x 500, x2
800 Enhancement Pill x 50, x10
1200 x100, x20
1650 CZ75, x30
2000 Advanced Training Data x 300, x30
2400 x200, Enhancement Pill x 100, Strawberry Cheesecake x 10

Operation Points[edit]

There are 3000 toints in total.

Mission Week 1 Reward
Accumulate 1 Day Login 10 Pts
Accumulate 2 Day Login 20 Pts
Accumulate 3 Day Login 30 Pts
Accumulate 5 Day Login 50 Pts
Accumulate 8 Day Login 50 Pts
Accumulate 10 Day Login 100 Pts
Win 10 Combat Missions 10 Pts
Win 20 Combat Missions 20 Pts
Win 30 Combat Missions 30 Pts
Win 100 Combat Missions 100 Pts
Accumulate 5 Exp Battle Simulation 10 Pts
Accumulate 10 Exp Battle Simulation 20 Pts
Accumulate 20 Exp Battle Simulation 50 Pts
Winning the Battle, Accumulate 30 Kills of Armored Mechanical Units 30 Pts
Winning the Battle, Accumulate 100 Kills of Armored Mechanical Units 50 Pts
Winning the Battle, Accumulate 30 Kills of Armored Humanoid Units 30 Pts
Winning the Battle, Accumulate 100 Kills of Armored Humanoid Units 50 Pts
Winning the Battle, Accumulate 10 Kills of Boss Hunter 20 Pts
Winning the Battle, Accumulate 10 Kills of Boss Executioner 20 Pts
Winning the Battle, Accumulate 10 Kills of Boss Architect 20 Pts
Winning the Battle, Accumulate 15 Kills of Boss Ouroboros 50 Pts
Accumulate 5 Defence Drills 10 Pts
Accumulate 10 Defence Drills 20 Pts
Accumulate 20 Defence Drills 50 Pts
Mission Week 2 Reward
Accumulate 5 Large-scale Constructions 20 Pts
Accumulate 10 Large-scale Constructions 30 Pts
Accumulate 20 Large-scale Constructions 50 Pts
Accumulate 50 Large-scale Constructions 100 Pts
Accumulate consumption of 10 T-Doll Crafting Contracts 20 Pts
Accumulate consumption of 20 T-Doll Crafting Contracts 30 Pts
Accumulate consumption of 50 T-Doll Crafting Contracts 50 Pts
Accumulate consumption of 100 T-Doll Crafting Contracts 100 Pts
Accumulate Crafting of 4 Star T-Doll x 1 10 Pts
Accumulate Crafting of 4 Star T-Doll x 5 30 Pts
Accumulate Crafting of 5 Star T-Doll x 1 50 Pts
Accumulate Crafting of 5 Star T-Doll x 5 100 Pts
Accumulate Consuming 10 Cores 20 Pts
Accumulate Consuming 50 Cores 50 Pts
Accumulate Consuming 100 Cores 100 Pts
Accumulate use of 10 Simulation Pts 10 Pts
Accumulate use of 30 Simulation Pts 30 Pts
Accumulate use of 50 Simulation Pts 50 Pts
Accumulate use of 100 Simulation Pts 100 Pts
Accumulate 30Hrs of Logistic Support 20 Pts
Accumulate 100Hrs of Logistic Support 50 Pts
Accumulate 300Hrs of Logistic Support 100 Pts
Mission Week 3 Reward
Spend 100 Procurement Coins 20 Pts
Spend 200 Procurement Coins 30 Pts
Spend 500 Procurement Coins 150 Pts
Spend 1000 Procurement Coins 190 Pts
Gain a Total of 50 Affection Pts 20 Pts
Gain a Total of 100 Affection Pts 30 Pts
Gain a Total of 200 Affection Pts 50 Pts
Accumulate 5 Equipment Calibration 10 Pts
Accumulate 10 Equipment Calibration 30 Pts
Accumulate 20 Equipment Calibration 100 Pts
Rescue 30 T-Doll from any maps or battle 20 Pts
Rescue 50 T-Doll from any maps or battle 30 Pts
Rescue 100 T-Doll from any maps or battle 50 Pts
Accumulate T-Doll repair x10 20 Pts
Accumulate T-Doll repair x30 30 Pts
Accumulate T-Doll repair x50 50 Pts
Give away 5 gifts in dorm 20 Pts
Give away 10 gifts in dorm 30 Pts
Give away 30 gifts in dorm 50 Pts
Give away 50 gifts in dorm 100 Pts

Coupon Discount Package[edit]

Battle Supplies Package

April 1st 00:00 GMT+8 ~ April 30st 23:59 GMT+8

x100, x1

Package cost: 248