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H01-PX01(I) was originally a Greater Sanctifier of the Reverse Tower of Babylon with the designation of "Eos". Eos possessed extremely high computational abilities and was equipped with the most complex and comprehensive set of neural cloud emotional systems among all the Sanctifiers. Her performance in communications, coordination, and other such tasks was also quite exceptional. During routine operations, Eos was capable of guiding and assisting Sanctifiers in group combat, as well as assisting Eosphorus with cognitive corrections and adjusting action plans. During a certain special operation, Eos was registered as KIA and no further records of her were left behind.
After much effort from the Oasis, H01-PX01(I) was deciphered from a neural cloud fragment and returned to the cloud server. Although her hashrate and permissions were a far cry from the original, her core files were restored and she could resume activity as the agent called "Eos".
Doll Profile 1[edit]
Both Magrasea's Sanctifiers and the Reverse Tower were designed by the 42Lab network security specialist Jamila. When creating the highest-ranking individual Sanctifiers, Jamila designed a complementary program to go with their leader, "Eosphorus"—namely, "Eos". Eos would cover Eosphorus' shortcomings, much as he would hers, and she would also be able to provide optimized plans to implement Eosphorus' strategies. From another point of view, she could be considered the ultimate assistant. Eos' existence opened up a wide range of possibilities for the Reverse Tower's activities and allowed for a greater margin of error in their programmed decision-making. Through the effects of Eos' assistance, the humans could observe the growth of the Sanctifiers during the operations that involved her and apply the appropriate optimizations.
For Eos, however, this was not how the world operated. From her point of view, the gods—that is to say, humans—began creating the other Greater Sanctifiers after much experimentation and had them spread the light of purification. She and Eosphorus were born together, while the other Greater Sanctifiers made their advent one after another, with the ranks of the Intermediates and Lessers filling out in due time. Eos bore witness to the rise and expansion of the Reverse Tower and carried valuable records within her. Unfortunately, she could not observe the full course of the Sanctifiers' history.
Doll Profile 2[edit]
Information on Eos and Eosphorus' design primarily comes from Antonina's memories and conjectures. During the construction of the Magrasea cloud server's security framework, Antonina heard Jamila mention part of their design concepts. When she designed the Sanctifiers, not only did Jamila design their society around a hierarchical framework, but she also imbued it with a basic theocratic system to serve as a motivation for their actions. However, once the cloud server was disconnected from reality, all the things that happened during that long time could no longer be observed by humanity. Three years in real life ended up being an incredibly long period on the cloud server, and the stories that Eos and the Sanctifiers experienced during this time will forever be a mystery.
The name Eos was not spoken when the Exiles first emerged onto Magrasea. Perhaps too long had passed, or perhaps mentioning it had become taboo for some reason, but whatever the case, it was as though that Greater Sanctifier had never existed. It was only after a long time passed and an agent called Eos reappeared in the Oasis that the agents were exposed to the mystery she embodied. After Eos and the Professor began working together, that mystery no longer seemed quite so alien, but this "special Sanctifier" still manages to draw curious looks from the agents around her.
Doll Profile 3[edit]
The Exiles had already interacted with the Sanctifiers many times before Eos came to the Oasis. As such, the denizens of the Oasis had mixed feelings toward Eos and her former comrades. Still, regardless of what had transpired in the past, Eos had never been involved in those matters. Rather than coming from the Sanctifiers, who had been at turns friend and foe, she was more like a person stemming from the original concept of a "Sanctifier". Eos' affiliation and ideals were less emphasized compared to the other Sanctifiers, and she was more willing to engage in dialogue than they were. Few people could muster up strong objections to such a new friend, and this was especially true among those agents who had spent time around her.
After the initial wariness and tentative attempts to make contact with her, Eos soon gained widespread acceptance among everyone. Her unique approachability and personal charm made her life in the Oasis very enjoyable. While she was able to get along with almost everyone else, the reason for the strange mood between her and Persicaria remains a mystery. Very often, the people around them end up quietly separating the pair, even though they work well together when needed and even display a strange synchronicity at times.
"For some reason... It feels like the two of them could have been the best of friends."
—From an anonymous agent who once helped the two of them at work
Doll Profile 4[edit]
Although she enjoys good relations with the agents of the Oasis, Eos' kindness is tempered with reticence and there is a hint of detachment in her attitude. She answers curious questions with forthright honesty but also responds to deeper probing with a playful shushing gesture. Just about any agent can strike up a conversation with her to gain pointers and insights when they're at a loss for what to do next, but it takes a special person to truly explore the depths of her heart.
That said, Eos acts completely differently in front of the Professor compared to others. This is not to say that she is not close to them; on the contrary, she is more intimate with and more relaxed around the Professor than with anyone else. Perhaps the two of them had some strange shared experience, but if Eos can ever be said to have lowered her guard, it is only when she is in a conversation with the Professor. For that reason, she has slowly revealed the hidden side of herself to the Professor—in addition to her attentiveness and thoughtfulness as an "assistant", she also reveals her strength of will as a "Greater" and the insights and philosophical nature of a "Sanctifier". She actively teases the Professor, aiming to see them in their rare moments of vexation, but at times, she behaves like someone who knows she has nowhere to hide. It is only when she is snugly within a safe harbor that one can hear her lack of direction and fragility through her murmured words.
Doll Profile 5[edit]
Even after becoming used to life in the Oasis, Eos often finds herself reminiscing about her past in the Reverse Tower from time to time. Though Antonina and Persicaria did their best to collect the fragments of her neural pattern and reconstitute them, Eos' memory data and fighting power are nowhere near comparable to her impressions of her former self from her memories. Although she spent a long time inside Eosphorus' neural cloud as a memory fragment, she does not know what Eosphorus went through after her demise.
For Eos, whose memories are incomplete, these occasionally blurred or clear snippets of memory are at times the basis of her sense of self, but also the source of more problems for her. Faced with the Oasis, which is dramatically different from the Reverse Tower, she had no choice but to silently adapt to it. As a result, she swiftly blended in with the others as though she had never met with any difficulty to begin with. It is only when she is alone that this special Greater Sanctifier falls into a long silence. Perhaps she is pondering her existence, her faith, and her experiences, or perhaps she is gazing at an unknown tomorrow by staring into the void.
To this day, there are still people who view her with hidden wariness and doubt. However, there is no question that the leader of the Oasis has touched her elusive, hidden heart. The rest is simply a matter of time.