< Clukay
name | Meteoric Nocturne | |||||||||
icon | clukay_skill | |||||||||
text | Fires an anti-material grenade towards the area most populated with enemies, dealing Operand Damage equal to ($hashrate)% Hashrate that can crit in a 1 tile radius centered on the target, applying [Operand Corrosion]
[Operand Corrosion]: Takes Operand Damage equal to 10% of Clukay's Hashrate every second, and will always [Bloom] when defeated. | |||||||||
hashrate | 230 | 248.4 | 266.8 | 285.2 | 308.2 | 335.8 | 363.4 | 391 | 425.5 | 460 |
cooldown | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 |