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Type 56/Quotes

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Type 56 Story Quotes

Base Voice Lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 56式半,正式报到!长官,战友们,你们好! 56式半自動歩槍、正式に入隊します。指揮官、そして皆さん、よろしくお願いします!Play Type 56 semi-automatic carbine, officially enlisting. Commander, everyone, it's nice to meet you!
Introduction 国产56半是西蒙诺夫半自动步枪的仿制品。不过,在她被AK47取代时,我却在停产许久后又被大量生产。一方面因为性能优秀, 另一方面也是艰苦卓绝的历史环境决定的,战士们凭借我立下的传奇功绩,我将永远以此为荣!
Secretary 长官,您辛苦了! 指揮官、お疲れ様です!Play Commander, you're working hard!
又买新玩具?现在的人真会享受啊…… またおもちゃですか、今時の人は物好きですねーPlay You bought a new toy again? People these days really do live in luxury.
您……您要做什么,长官!别以为我不懂,这是骚扰吧! なっ、何をするのですか指揮官!?知らないとでも思ってます?セクハラはだめですよ!Play Wh- what are you doing, Commander! Don't think I don't understand, this is sexual harrassment!
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, please have some water. I put in a special ingredient, do you know what it is? Ufufu, you'll get a reward if you figure it out.
何ですか、指揮官。っえ?これは何?とりあえずそこに置いてください、夕食の準備を手伝わなきゃ。っえ?置いといたら間に合わない?一体何なんですか。 っえ?嘘!?本当!?
What is it, Commander. Eh? What is this? For the time being, put it over there, I need to help prepare dinner. If we put it aside will it be too late? Just what on earth. Eh? You're lying!? Really!?
Greeting 56半、待機します、指揮官、ご指示を!Play Type 56, standing by. Commander, give me instructions!
T-Doll Produced 新しい戦友の到着です、歓迎しましょうPlay A new comrade has arrived, let's go welcome them.
Joining an echelon 56半準備完了、どうぞご検閲を!Play Type 56 semi-automatic, please review!
Enhancement 指揮官に感謝します、まだまだやれますPlay Thanks to you, Commander, I can still do more.
Dummy-linking 指揮官に感謝します、もっと力が増えましたPlay Thanks to you, Commander, I've gained more power.
Logistics (start) 56半、了解です、向かいます!Play Type 56, roger! I'm coming!
Logistics (end) 56半、帰隊しました、成果をチェックして下さい!Play Type 56, returning home, please check the results!
Autobattle 同士達よ、もう一踏ん張りです!Play Fellow comrades, we've taken another step forward!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 勝利に向かって、進みましょう!Play Let's proceed towards victory!
Starting a battle さあ、行きましょう!Play Now, let us go!
Skill activation 狙い撃つ!Play Aim and shoot!
最後まで踏ん張って!Play Hold on to the very end!
これぞ!エースの攻撃です!Play This is it! Ace attack!
Heavily damaged っあ、いいえ、みんなさん、気にせず進めて下さいPlay Ah, no, everyone, please don't mind me.
Retreat ごめんなさい指揮官…次は必ず任務を達成します!Play I'm sorry, commander... Next time I will certainly accomplish my mission!
MVP 56半、任務を達成しました!早く戦果をチェックしてくださいね、指揮官!Play Type 56, I have completed my mission! Commander, please check the battle results soon!
Restoration っんはー、私は平気です、他の仲間を先に修理して下さいPlay Haaaa, I'm fine, please fix the others first.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 今晚有什么活动?……跳舞?这可是我的拿手活啊。 今夜は何します?ダンス?私得意ステップがあるんですよ!Play What will you do tonight? Dance? I'm proud in my steps!
Christmas クリスマス?よく分からないけど、お肉を食べればいいです。Play Christmas? I don't really understand, but we should eat meat.
New Year's Day 明けましておめでとう指揮官!余ったお年玉は組織に差し出して下ださいね。


Happy New Years, Commander! If you have any excess gifts, you should give them to the organization.
Valentine's day 今日はチョコを「…」する日ですね。指揮官、どうぞご限月を。


Tanabata 私の願いは同視たちと共に最後の暁を迎えることです指揮官。


My wish is to greet the dawn with my comrades, Commander

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

MOD3 Voice Lines

Type 56 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 56式半,向您报到!嗯,这身装扮还不错吧? 56式半自動歩槍、着任します!はい、この装い、いいですよね?Play 56식 반, 신고합니다! 그쵸, 이 옷 괜찮죠? Type 56R reporting! Mm, this IS a nice outfit, isn't it?
Secretary 我能感觉到的最大的变化,就是能和战友们打成一片,现在我们彼此的距离已经拉近了好多呢! 私の感じ得る範囲でもっとも大きな変化と言えば、仲間たちと親密になれたことです。お互いの距離が凄く近くなったんですよ!Play 제가 느낀 가장 큰 변화는, 전우들과 친밀해진 점이에요! 지금 저희 서로 사이가 엄청 가까워졌어요! The biggest change that I can feel is that I can truly mix with my comrades now. I've gotten a lot closer to them as a result!
嗯,那个色号怎么样……确实不错吧!啊,指挥官,嘿嘿,今天计划传达什么精神呢? えっと、この色、どうでしょうか……悪くないですよね!あ、指揮官、えへへ、今日はどんなことを教えてくれるんですか?Play 음, 이 색상 코드는 어떨까... 괜찮겠다! 앗, 지휘관님. 헤헤, 오늘은 무엇을 가르쳐주실 건가요? Hm, how's that color... It's pretty good, right? Ah, Commander. Hehe, so what are your plans today going to convey?
“56酱”?如果您也喜欢这么叫我的话,当然是可以呀! 「56ちゃん」?そう呼びたいのであれば、もちろん構いませんよ!Play 오륙이요? 지휘관님도 그렇게 부르고 싶으시다면 당연히 좋죠! "56-chan?" Well, if you like calling me that too, then of course you can!
Secretary (post OATH)
앗, 죄송해요. 이건 저에게 온 편지에요... 내용이 궁금하세요? 후훗, 읽어드릴 수 있지만, 듣고서 질투하진 마세요?
Ah, sorry, but this letter is for me... Are you curious about the contents? Hehe, well, if I tell you, you have to promise not to get jealous, okay?
什么事儿,长官? 啊?这是什么?请放一边儿吧,我先准备一下伙食…… 啊?放一边儿就晚了?到底是什么啊…… 啊?……真的??!
なんですか指揮官? …え?これはなに?とりあえずそこに置いてください、夕食の準備を手伝わなきゃ… えっ?置いといたら間に合わない?いったい何なんですか… え?…うそ?本当??!
무슨 일이시죠, 지휘관?... 어? 이건 뭐예요? 일단 저쪽에 놔두세요, 저녁 식사 준비를 도와야 해서... 네? 그러면 너무 늦어버린다니? 대체 뭐길래 그러는 거죠?... 어? 진짜? 정말인가요?
What is it, Commander? Eh? What is this? Please hold on until later, as I need to prepare some food first... Eh? This can't wait? What is it even... Eh? ...Seriously?!
Greeting 指挥官,请问有什么指示? 指揮官、何かご指示はありますか?Play 지휘관님, 지시 있으십니까? What instructions do you have for me, Commander?
T-Doll Produced 新兵来报道了吗,想必也是一位可靠的同志啊! 新兵ですね!きっと頼りになる同志に違いありません!Play 신병이 신고하러 왔군요, 분명 믿음직한 동지겠죠! So, a new trooper has arrived? I'm sure she's a reliable comrade too!
Joining an echelon 报告,入列完毕! 入隊、完了しました!Play 보고, 집결 완료! Reporting! I have joined the ranks!
Enhancement 谢谢!我现在就想打靶试试看了! ありがとうございます!さっそく的を撃って試してみたいです!Play 감사합니다! 지금 당장 사격 훈련을 하고 싶어요! Thank you! I really want to try this out at the firing range!
Dummy-linking Play
Logistics (start) Play
Logistics (end) Play
Autobattle Play
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 看来都已经准备完毕了,队伍开拔! 準備はもう出来ているようですね。では、出発します!Play 모두 준비된 모양이군요! 부대, 전진! Looks like preparations are complete. Squad, march!
Starting a battle 三角队形,展开! デルタフォーメーション、展開!Play 쐐기 진형 전개! Delta formation, disperse!
Skill activation 你是躲不掉的! 逃げられませんよ!Play 피할 수 없을걸! There's no escape!
可不要小看了神枪手! 私のスナイパーとしての腕を舐めないでください!Play 명사수를 얕보지 마! Don't look down on a marksman!
为了胜利! Play 승리를 위해! For victory!
Heavily damaged 唔!这点伤还不至于退下火线! うっ!この程度の傷、なんてことありません!Play 큭! 아직 물러날 정도의 부상은 아니에요! Ugh! I'm not going to retreat from the firing line over a small wound like this!
Retreat 必须要保存自己…… 身を守らねば……Play 반드시 살아남아야 해... I need to protect myself...
MVP 胆敢还击的敌人就是这个下场~! 反撃する輩はこうなりますからね~!Play 겁 모르고 대드는 녀석은 이렇게 된다고요! Such is the fate of all enemies who dare to strike back!
Restoration Play
Attack 分组跃进,跟我来! 二手に別れ前進!私についてきてください!Play 조별로 약진, 따라오세요! Advance in bounds, follow me!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween Play
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day




Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 小队交替掩护,守住阵地! 交互に援護し、陣地を守るのです!Play 교대로 엄호, 진지를 수비하세요! Team, cover each other! Hold this position!
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

Children's Day Voice Lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 56式半,向您报到!嗯,这身装扮还不错吧? Play This is Type 56R reporting! Mm, this outfit looks nice, doesn't it?
Secretary 格琳娜小姐给大家发了小甜点?太棒了!这个盒子就是我那一份吧,那我就不客气……咦?怎么里面全是竹子?指、指挥官,是不是您偷偷给我换掉了! Play Miss Kalina's giving treats to everyone? Thank you! This box should be mine, right? Then don't mind if I do... Huh? How come it's filled with bamboo? C-Commander, did you swap out the contents?!
我给福利院的小朋友们做了好多熊猫耳朵,他们收到之后一定会很开心吧?真想快点送过去~! Play I made lots of panda ears for all the kids at the welfare house. Surely they'll be happy to get them, right? I wish I could send them over right away!
最近在基地里散步的时候,老是有人类雇员给我“盆盆奶”,还夸我像熊猫幼崽一样可爱……是熊猫耳朵做得太逼真了吗? Play Lately, all the humans on the base have been giving me basins of milk and said I was as cute as a panda cub... Were my panda ears too realistic?
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, I made lots of animal masks this time, could you try them on for me~ Aw, don't be shy!
Commander, I didn't think you'd wear panda ears on this occasion... Ahahahaha, I'm sorry, but it really does stand out. Still, they're adorable and suit you very well~ Yup! In that case, I'll make more accessories from you for now on. Look forward to them!
Greeting 指挥官,请问有什么指示? Play Commander, do you have any instructions?
T-Doll Produced 新兵来报道了吗,想必也是一位可靠的同志啊! Play Do we have a new recruit? I'm sure she'll be a reliable comrade!
Joining an echelon 好想骑着熊猫入列哦…… Play I wish I could ride a panda into formation...
Enhancement 谢谢!我现在就想打靶试试看了! Play Thank you! I'd like to test out my improvement at the range!
Dummy-linking 感谢长官,人多力量大! Play Thank you, Commander! Many hands make light work!
Logistics (start) 56半,收到命令,出发! Play Type 56R, setting out as ordered!
Logistics (end) 56半,归队!来看看收成吧! Play Type 56R, returning to unit! Come see what I got!
Autobattle 同志们,再加把劲啊! Play Strive harder, comrades!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン! 소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 看来都已经准备完毕了,队伍开拔! Looks like everything's ready. Squad, attack!
Starting a battle 三角队形,展开! Delta formation, move!
Skill activation 尝尝我的全力一击! Taste my full power!
这点距离不在话下! This range is nothing!
熊猫也是很可怕的! Pandas are scary too!
Heavily damaged 唔……纸做的东西真的好容易坏掉…… (Whimper) Stuff made of paper breaks so easily...
Retreat 必须要保存自己…… I need to take care of myself...
MVP 胆敢还击的敌人就是这个下场~! This is the price you pay for fighting back!
Restoration 趁这个机会,再做一些剪纸配饰吧。 Let's use this opportunity to make a few more paper accessories.
Attack 分组跃进,跟我来! Bounding advance, with me!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 今晚有什么活动?……跳舞?这可是我的拿手活啊。 What's happening tonight? ...A dance? I'm good at that.
Christmas 圣诞节?……虽然不太明白,不过只要能吃肉就好了! Christmas? ...I don't quite get it, but it's good as long as I can eat meat!
New Year's Day 过年好,长官!多收了红包的话,记得要上交组织哦。 Happy new year, Commander! If you received extra red packets, remember to turn them over to the company.
Valentine's day 今天是上交巧克力的日子,对吧。长官,请您检阅! Today is chocolate submission day, right? Here, Commander! Please have a look!
Tanabata 长官,我的愿望,就是能与同志们一起迎来最终的黎明! Commander, my wish is to greet the final dawn with my comrades!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 小队交替掩护,守住阵地! Cover each other and hold the line!
Phrase 为人民服务。 To serve the people.
Tip 我只告诉长官您一个人! I'm only going to tell you, Commander!
Loading 长官,等等我!我、不擅长跑步…… Commander, wait for me! I, I'm not good at running...