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Kar98k Quotes Quotes (Old) Live2D

This page contains the CV files for Kar98k's current CV; Mitsuki Nakae

Base Voice lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 毛瑟98K,为您效劳。让我来为您扫除前方的障碍吧。 指揮官さん、このモーゼルカラビーナー・アハトウントノインツィヒ・クルツが、貴方の為に尽力します。 貴方の障害を一掃するわ。Play 지휘관씨, 마우저 카라비너 98 Kurz가 당신을 위해 있는 힘을 다하겠습니다. 당신에게 방해되는 것은 한 번에 처리해버릴게요. Mauser 98k, at your service. Please allow me to sweep aside the obstacles in our path.
Introduction 由于战争需要而改进完成的狙击武器,毛瑟98k,作为本国陆军的制式步枪,即使在战后也被广泛使用。


전쟁에서의 수요 때문에 개량, 완성된 저격무기 마우저 98 Kurz입니다. 독일의 육군 제식무기로써 사용하고 있었지만, 전후에는 광범위하게 사용되었어요. 어떻게 저같이 높은 정확도와 신뢰성 있는 무기를 손에 넣으셨는지 모르겠지만, 그 시절에는 매 사병의 의무였답니다. 오늘날에도, 저는 이전과 같이 여전히 당신을 위해 싸워 이겨 수없이 많은 명예를 바치겠지요. Because warfare necessitated to improve the already completed sniper weapons, the Mauser 98k became the standard rifle of its country. Even after the end of the war, it remains widely used. To master such a precise and reliable weapon was the duty of every soldier from that era. I will also win you countless glories, as I had in the past.
Secretary 偶尔想来我的房间,也不是不可以哦,哼哼…… 偶に、わたくしのお部屋に入らしてもいいはよ。うふふ~Play 가끔은 제 방에 오셔도 괜찮다구요? 후훗.. If you want to visit my room from time to time, I wouldn't be opposed to it, hmhm...
指挥官,别做这么过分的事,其他的孩子也会感到困扰的…… 指揮官さん、はしたないことはよしなさい。他の子たちは困ってるわ。Play 지휘관씨. 상스러운 행동은 그만두세요. 다른 아이들이 곤란해 하고 있어요. Commander, this is going too far, the other children won't be happy...
我现在正在进行战术方面的学习,指挥官,你也在好好做自己的份内之事吗? 今は戦術の勉強しておりますの、指揮官さんも指揮官としての勤めを果たしてくださいましたか?Play 지금은 전술공부를 하고 있답니다. 지휘관씨도 지휘관으로서의 일을 다 해주시기를 바라요. Right now, I'm studying tactics. Commander, are you properly carrying out your own duties?
Secretary (post OATH)
너무 일만 했나보네요. 그럼 조금만 제 곁에서... 요 며칠 동안의 지휘관님과 관련된 이야기를 나눌 수 있으면 좋겠어요. 후후...
Stop working all day and come talk with me a bit... Anything is fine, as long as you tell me what you've been up to these past few days, fufu...
哦?你已经打算,要永远服侍我?那么伸出手来,这份契约,将永远烙在你我血脉中… 接下来,哼哼,请多指教。
え?永遠にわたくしに仕えること、覚悟なさったのですか。では、手を出してください。この契約はわたくしの体に永遠に刻まれます…それでは、うへへ… よろしくお願いいたしますわ。
네? 영원히 저를 섬기기로 각오하신건가요...? 그럼...손을 내밀어 주세요. 이 계약은 저의 몸에 영원히 새겨지겠지요... 그러면... 후후, 잘 부탁드리겠어요.
Oh? You've already decided to serve me for eternity? Then give me your hand, this contract shall be forever carved into our veins... From now on, I'll be in your care, hehe...
Greeting ごきげんよう、指揮官さん。Play 평안하신가요, 지휘관님? Greetings, Commander.
T-Doll Produced あらあら、今回はどんな娘がきたかしら。Play 어머어머, 이번에는 어떤 아이가 온 것일까. My my, I wonder what girl has arrived this time.
Joining an echelon あら、わたくしでいいかしら。Play 어머, 저로 괜찮겠나요? My, I wonder if I can do this.
Enhancement まあ、素敵なことですわ。Play 어머나, 정말 근사하군요. Well, isn't this lovely.
Dummy-linking 編成拡大?わたくしの血統が薄くなってしまわないかしら。Play 편제확대요? 제 혈통이 묽어지는 건 아니겠죠? Combined Enhancement? I wonder if it will thin out my blood.
Logistics (start) わたくしが行くのですか?仕方ありませんね。Play 제가 가는 건가요? 어쩔 수 없군요. I'm going? I suppose it can't be helped.
Logistics (end) ただいま戻りました、収穫を御覧ください。Play 지금 복귀했습니다, 수확을 확인해주세요. I'm back, please take a look at the harvest.
Autobattle たまにはこんな事もしなければならないですね。では、得とご覧ある!Play 가끔은 이런 일도 해야하는군요, 그럼 지켜보시라고요. Occasionally, things like this must be done. Now then, have a look!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission さあ、わたくしの力…見せてあげますわ。Play 자, 저의 힘을 보여드리겠어요. Now, my power... I will show you.
Starting a battle あらあら、敵ですわ。Play 어머어머, 적이네요. Oh my, it's the enemy.
Skill activation 覚悟なさって!Play 각오하세요. Prepare yourselves!
いいこと?あなたの罪は死に値しますわ!Play 좋아요, 당신의 죄값은 죽음으로 치르세요! Something good? The price of your sins is death!
愚か者、わたくし達の技術は、世界一ですのよ!Play 어리석은 것... 우리의 기술은 세계 제일이랍니다! Fool, our power is number one in the world!
Heavily damaged ずいぶんとひどいことをしてくれますね。Play 참 못된 짓을 저질렀군요. You've done a terribly awful thing.
Retreat ごめんなさい…無理ですわ…Play 죄송합니다, 더는 무리예요... I'm sorry... It's impossible...
MVP 皆さん、今後もこの調子でお願いしますわ。Play 여러분, 다음에도 이렇게 잘 부탁드려요. Everyone, let us maintain this rhythm.
Restoration またお直し?誰がお世話をしてくれるのでしょう?Play 또 수복인가요? 누가 절 돌봐주나요? Repairs again? Who will take care of me?
Attack 今よ、一斉に攻めのよ!Play 지금입니다! 일제히 공격이에요!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 玩圣节吗…嘿,指挥官!要是不想被恶作剧的就要给糖哦呼呼。 ハロウィンですか… えい!指揮官さん、悪戯されたくないのなら、お菓子を頂戴、ふふふPlay 할로윈인가요... 앗! 지휘관님, 장난당하기 싫으시다면 과자를 주시죠, 후후후. Halloween ... Hey, commander! Give me candy if you don't want to be tricked, hehe...
Christmas 今日は聖なるクリスマス。喜びに満ちる日が来るように祈りましょう。Play 오늘은 거룩한 크리스마스. 기쁨에 찬 날이 오도록 기도합시다. Today is Holy Christmas. Let us pray that the coming days will be full of joy.
New Year's Day 明けましておめでとうございます。一年間お世話になりましたわ。


새해 복 많이 받으세요 지휘관. 한 해 동안 신세를 졌어요. Happy New Year. I've grown with your assistance.
Valentine's day 指揮官さん、どうぞチョコレートを召し上がりくださいませ。


지휘관씨, 초콜릿을 드셔 주세요. Commander, please enjoy this chocolate.
Tanabata 七夕ですか…願い事は書ますわ。指揮官はどんな願い事書いたんですか?


칠석이네요... 소원을 적어야겠네요.지휘관님께선 무슨 소원을 적으셨나요? Tanabata... I've wrote my wish. What kind of wish did you write, commander?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense ここを守るわよ!Play 이곳을 지키는 거예요!
Phrase Play 제게 맡겨주세요.
Tip Play
Loading Play 잠깐 기다려주실 수 있을까요?

MOD3 Voice lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 卡尔,归队。一切都和往常一样,我将继续陪伴在您的身边,为您扫除前行路上的阻碍。 Play This is Kar, returning to the unit. Everything's the same as before. I'll continue to stand by your side and clear all the obstacles from your path.
Secretary 这是一个计时器,请您收下,上面的时间是我预估的此次出勤所需时间。如果到了时间,我还杳无音讯的话,请您打开这个盒子。 Play This is a watch that I'd like you to keep. It displays the estimated time I'll be spending outside on my dispatch assignments. If the time comes and I haven't contacted you yet, please open this box.
什么?我竟然弄错了名单——不可原谅,请让我立刻纠正,就算已经是深夜,也要……这可关系着我的尊严。 Play What? I actually got a name wrong—This is unforgivable. Please allow me to rectify this immediately. It doesn't matter if it's late at night... This is a matter of dignity and pride.
抱歉,指挥官,就算您也希望我改掉严格的训练方式,我也不会做出妥协的。温柔与慈悲是残酷战场上最不需要的东西。 Play My apologies, Commander, but I cannot compromise my harsh teaching style even if you wish me to do so. Kindness and compassion are the least important things on a cruel battlefield.
Secretary (post OATH)
You want to go for a drink with me this weekend? Of course it's fine, it's just... Commander, I'm not in the habit of telling you all about myself after I get drunk, you know.
Commander, before you make your final decision, I must remind you that this and signing an employment contract are completely different from each other... Is that so? It seems you're fully prepared for this, as I understand. Then I shall stay by your side to protect and care for you, until Death casts a pall over my eyes.
Greeting 已为今日的任务做好了准备,指挥官,请下达命令。 Play I've finished preparing for today's mission. Your orders please, Commander.
T-Doll Produced 新人,请来这里,我会帮你完成入职手续。 Play Over here, rookie. I'll help you complete your onboarding procedures.
Joining an echelon 别担心,有我在。 Play Don't worry, I'm here.
Enhancement 感谢您的投入,指挥官。 Play Thank you for investing your resources in me, Commander.
Dummy-linking 不知道能继承我的多少……训练场上试试好了。 Play I wonder how much of my training they have... I guess I'll have to put them through their paces on the range.
Logistics (start) 需要的物资清单已经按优先级做好区分,请耐心等待。 Play I've already sorted the necessary items on the checklist by priority. Please be patient.
Logistics (end) 这次的物资收获,您是否满意? Play Are you happy with our supply haul?
Autobattle 偶尔也需要做这种事呢。那就好好看着吧。 Play We need to do these things every now and then. With that being the case, just sit back and watch.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 全体队友,出击。 Play All units, move out.
Starting a battle 敌人方位已标明,准备战斗。 Play The enemy's position is known. Begin combat.
Skill activation 下一颗子弹,将取走你的性命。 Play This next bullet will take your life.
为你们所犯下的罪恶付出代价吧。 Play You will pay for all the sins you have wrought.
这里就是你们的归宿。 Play This is your resting place.
Heavily damaged 无需挂念,优先任务。 Play Don't worry about me, just focus on the mission.
Retreat 耻辱……真是耻辱…… Play A disgrace... What a disgrace...
MVP 行动结束,一切正常。 Play The battle is over. Everything is normal.
Restoration 我暂时离开一会,很快回来。 Play I'll be gone for a while, but I'll be right back.
Attack 集中火力,开火! Play Concentrate your fire! Attack!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween Play
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day




Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 掩护后排队友! Play Cover your comrades in the rear!
Phrase 请交给我。 Play Please leave it to me.
Tip 可以稍微听一下吧? Play Mind hearing me out?
Loading 可以稍等片刻吗? Play Could you give me a moment, please?