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OTs-12 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 秘密武器“紫杉树”,正式报到,指挥官,需要更详细的介绍吗? 秘密兵器チーセス、到着!指揮官、もっと詳しい説明いる?Play Secret weapon OTs-12 'Yew Tree', reporting. Commander, is any further explanation required?
Introduction 以AKS-74U为原型改造的“紫杉树”,主要是为了特种行动而研发的微声突击步枪,装配有特别标识的微声子弹。因为是秘密武器,关于我的资料没有太多可公开的,不过……也可能是因为和原型很像,并不需要太多介绍了吧? Modified version of AKS-74U, "Tiss". Low noise assault rifle designed mostly for special operation, equipped with the signature sub-sonic ammunition. Not a lot of information are declared about me, since I'm a secret weapon, well... Or maybe just too similar to the original model, there just isn't much to declare?
Secretary 那么……我近期的表现如何呢? 最近のわたしはどう?Play Um... What do you think of my recent performance?
指挥官,有我的任务吗? 待ってるから。Play Commander, are there any tasks for me?
稍稍有点吵呢,是你在我身后吗,指挥官?那……没关系的…… 騒がしいわね。さっきのは指揮官?ならいいわ。Play Stop messing around, Commander. Isn't this a covert mission?

(JP) Slightly noisy... Is that you behind me Commander? That fine then.

Secretary (post OATH)
Had more cameos recently, all thanks to your attention on me... It's ok, there's no need to keep this happy thing secret.
Commander, is this... For me? Uh, don't apologize. I know of my value. But if I could become the greatest secret in your heart, it's good enough for me. Thank you Commander.
Greeting 指挥官,今天要我出场吗?……没事,我明白,我是秘密武器,对吧? わたしが出ようか?…あ、そっか、いいです、秘密兵器だから。Play Commander, do I need to appear today?....Ah, it's ok, I know, I'm a secret weapon.
T-Doll Produced 新的同伴加入了,希望能活跃起来。 新しい仲間が来てるわ。Play A new friend's coming.
Joining an echelon 嗯?不得不依靠我这个秘密武器了呢。 おお?秘密兵器に頼っちゃう?Play Hmm? Had to rely on the secret weapon?
Enhancement 我明白,这是秘密改造,对吧? 分かってるよ、秘密改造ですよね。Play Understood, a secret modification.
Dummy-linking 哦!指挥官,这样的待遇,果然您还是很重视我的! やっぱ大事にしてくれますよね指揮官!Play Of course I'm being paid attention to by the commander!
Logistics (start) 出门采购,嘘,要保密哦…… 仕入れに行ってきます。Play Beginning procurement.
Logistics (end) 我回来了,唔……大家都在吗? ただいま…みんないる?Play Coming back...Is everyone here?
Autobattle 这次是秘密行动吧,我会不留痕迹地搞定的! 秘密行動ですね、必ず果たします!Play It's a secret operation this time, will get it done!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 要出发了,大家,准备好了吗? 行くわよ。みんな準備はいい?Play We'll be going soon, everyone ready?
Starting a battle “紫杉树”,突袭开始! チーセス!突撃開始!Play Tiss, begin combat!
Skill activation 确认目标,射击! ターゲット確認、撃て!Play Confirmed target, attack!
你们逃不掉的! 逃がさないよ!Play You won't escape from me!
嘘……你们太吵了。 シー…うるさい!Play Silence!
Heavily damaged 为什么会这样……我明明被寄予了厚望…… どうして…期待されてたのに…。Play Why... I had high expectations...
Retreat 大家,对不起……我原本应该……发挥得更好…… こめんなさい…もっと…活躍したいのに…。Play Sorry everyone... I should have performed better...
MVP 如何呢,指挥官,作为秘密武器的我,没有令您失望吧? どう?秘密兵器のわたし。期待通りよね。Play How was it? Did the secret weapon disappoint you?
Restoration 抱歉,希望我……下次还有机会…… ごめん、次があったら…。Play Sorry, please give me another chance...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 今晚的气氛虽然不太适合秘密行动,但隐藏在这么多奇怪的家伙里,好像也很容易呢。 今夜の秘密の雰囲気、まさに私の出番ね。みんなに負けないコスチュムを披露してやるんだから。Play It's finally my turn, marked by tonight's secret atmosphere. I will reveal a costume that won't lose to anyone.
Christmas メリークリスマス指揮官。指揮官…キッチンのあれ見たでしょう?私の失敗さくってことはみんなに秘密にしておいてよね。Play Merry Christmas, Commander. You see that kitchen over there? Keep my failure as secret from everyone.
New Year's Day 指揮官明けましておめでとう。今年も私の秘密兵器っぷりを披露てきにいいな。


Commander, Happy New Year. I wish I can show off my secret weapon technique too this year.
Valentine's day 指揮官目を瞑ってて。はい、これが私からのプレゼント。みんなには秘密だよ。


Commander, close your eyes. This is my present. Keep it secret from everyone.
Tanabata 私のお願いは作戦で大活躍すること。指揮官私にチャンスちょうだいね。


My wish is to make the operation great success. Commander, give me some chance okay.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
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