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Clukay Story Profile Quotes


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Morning Play Good morning, Professor. The affairs of the day have been arranged. There's no better time than now for you to work.
Afternoon Play The sun's about to set. If we are to make a move, then now would be the time. Take me with you. I'll make short work of our target.
Evening Play There's often ample time for personal matters after dinner. You can leave any work to me. You'll be hard pressed to find someone better.
Night Play Professor, this time frame isn't suited for anything other than a surprise attack. You can leave it to me if there is anything you need.
Main Interface Voice Play Professor, please look over the plans again. Since I am already by your side, the only remaining factors on the battlefield are our sources of intelligence and when we make our move. Decisions made in the heat of the moment will only bring defeat.
Play The matters that StateSec handles aren't anything to scoff at... the dirty work comes up too, and there's no end to it. However, if it's your order, then no task is too great.
Play Are you observing the other Dolls? You've got the very best standing right here, you know.
Play I'm going to organize my liquor cabinet. Want to see my collection? One rule—for your eyes only.
Interactive Voice Play Who else have you touched like this?
Play There are tools that may deliver us victory in there, but they may not be as stable as I am. If you give them any more attention, they might just explode.
Play What is it?
Relationship Dialogues Play What each individual is responsible for in the Oasis is matched to their capabilities and preferences, yes? How laid-back. When a human gives a Doll an order, it is to be completed, and whether or not the Doll is capable of it is not factored in. "At all cost" is the mantra that a Doll must follow. Of course, there'll be those like you who think for the Dolls instead. No, I don't mean to challenge that position of yours. That said, if you want to champion your own ideals, then you must have the strength to defend it.
Play Before coming here, I was under the employ of StateSec. Every arrangement was for the sake of practicality, and there was nothing to get in the way of my work. Of course, that includes my hair. I possess abilities superior to that of other Dolls in combat and decision-making. Where long hair impedes others, it only adds to the distinction of my results. What, are you surprised by the lack of modesty on my part? Compared to humility, I would do better to recognize where exactly I stand, and not disparage myself. Besides, you chose me because I am strong, no?
Play Who...! Oh... it's you, <cmdr>. Seriously, for me to fall asleep here. Even if it is downtime, I cannot allow myself to neglect the fundamental alertness required in my line of work. I ought to keep my guard up, especially when you are around. Not to say that the Oasis is a dangerous place, but professional standards must be maintained. Everyone gathered at the Oasis has their own field within which they specialize, and if I fail to display what makes me unique, then I run the risk of being superseded by others. Pure strength is not irreplaceable, wouldn't you agree?
Play Life at the Oasis here is good. Other than what is necessary for work, I've learned some new things. The things that could never have been gleaned in the fires of a real battlefield, such as how to steady yourself and truly relax. There's no need for you to worry, <cmdr>. An area within my neural module continually reminds me, "Clukay is here for you." The methods of relaxation and those reminders will not impact my capabilities in the slightest. On the contrary, they make me stronger to protect you, and for victory.
Play What are you looking for? Have you become used to my immaculate systemization of materials, and now struggle to readjust to the way others organize data? Hmph... exactly as I expected. The more exceptional my work, the more recognition you bestow. Ergo, I'll be taking care of all your assignments and needs. Whether it be something others can or cannot do, I'll still get it done. This is no coddling, but rather creating the best conditions I can for you. I promised you as much on my first day here, no? I will not leave you without choices. I will only continue to be your best choice, <cmdr>.
Moods Play Hah...
Play Huh!?
Play Huh!?
Accept Play
Agree Play Hmm.
Appreciate Play
Feeling Play
Oath Play I have won this battle, and you are both mine conferrer and the spoil of war. Come... bestow glory unto me. This laurel I shall carry upon me, till the day I die.
Obtain Play We meet again, "Professor". I am your finest choice for the predicament at hand. You can call me Clukay.
Live 2D "Professor"? That's how I should address you, right?
Neural Cloud


Neural Cloud

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Potential Breakthrough Play Observe. I'll outdo all of them.
Neural Expansion Play Yes, like that... I'll make them only fit to chase behind me.
Max Neural Expansion
Play I've already achieved perfection. Now, to surpass perfection.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Join Team Play Order received.
Battle Start Play You'll see what I'm made of.
Ultimate Skill Play Perish quietly. I'll be the victor here.
MVP1 Play These displays are nothing new to me.
MVP2 Play I am all you need.


For me... to lose to something like this!



Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Christmas Play Christmas is always this raucous and hectic... all waiting for Santa Claus, huh? You should look forward to what I've prepared for you instead. I have no doubt that it'll be without equal.
Halloween Play Ghosts are nothing to be afraid of, so we'll just move as we always do. This outfit? I... I'm just getting into the spirit of the holiday.
New Year Play Happy New Year, Professor. How has the past year been to you? I'll bring you nothing but the most immaculate of results this forthcoming year.
Tanabata Play A holiday for the gathering of those who were once separate... how adamant. To wait countless days every year for this day, one must have someone they value greatly indeed. <cmdr>, who would you hold in such high regard?
Valentine Play Everyone's talking about chocolates. <cmdr>, if we just share a box of liquor chocolates, then there'll be no chance of getting drunk, right? Here, this is your half. Your name's on it... so you'd better not go sharing it with anyone else, understood?
Player's Birthday Play Happy Birthday, <cmdr>. This day is the reason we are able to meet and walk alongside each other. Let's celebrate properly today. There's no better occasion.

Aflame Accent costume

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Morning Good morning, Producer. This is today's training schedule and this is today's performance schedule. This is the upcoming itinerary and this is... a leisure and costume change schedule? When did you put that in?
Evening Tonight's live show is about to begin... I'll let you handle backstage support as usual. Every show will be perfect with your guidance. Now I shall show everyone what it means to dominate the stage, so just sit back and watch.
Night The show went off without a hitch. Thank you very much, Producer. Would you like an encore? Well, if it's just for you... then think of it as a special form of fanservice.
Main Interface Voice I'll work twice as hard to claim the Idol★Live grand championship... Hm? You want to know why I set such a goal? That's probably because you mentioned it, no? You can't hide your expectant eyes from me. I'll take first place, even without an order from you.
No producer of mine ought to be fascinated by someone else's songs. I am the only one worth your attention.
Are we moving on to the next show? I'm ready.
Interactive Voice You want me to strike a pose? Hm... How about "Love"?
Producer... You don't "adjust" the others' clothes like this, do you?
Relationship Dialogues
Obtain Is this my new mission? I see. I will become the most perfect idol there is. I'll be in your care then, Producer. Hm, you're questioning my form of address? Surely that's essential if I'm to be an idol, no?
Live 2D 1 You want me to strike a pose? Hm... Love.
Live 2D 2 Listen up! ♪Restless night, still feels like it's frozen in time♜170
Live 2D 3 ♪Just like a scab that won't heal, the wound still fresh, the pain so real♜170 How's that? Was that the effect you were going for?
Live 2D 4 ♪Restless night, still feels like it's frozen in time♜170
Live 2D 5 (♪Exciting music playing♜170)
Neural Cloud

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Potential Breakthrough
Neural Expansion
Max Neural Expansion

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Join Team The show is about to begin.
Battle Start Listen to my song!
MVP1 How's that? Did my performance have the desired effect?
MVP2 But of course!
Leave it to me.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
New Year
Player's Birthday