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5,261 bytes removed, 20:37, 21 August 2018
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{{T-Doll|title = FAMASPlayableUnit
|index = 69
|nationality = France<ref name="wiki">[[wikipedia:FAMAS|Wikipedia entry on FAMAS]]</ref>
GIAT Industries,
Nexter Systems<ref>[[wikipedia:Nexter Systems|Wikipedia entry on Nexter]]</ref>
 |artist faction= [http://www[Griffin & Kryuger]]|manufactureringame=[[I.pixivO.net/memberP.php?id=96282 KY]] 
|fullname = Fusil d'Assaut de la Manufacture d'Armes de Saint-Étienne<ref name="wiki"></ref>
 |artist = {{artist name|KY}}|voiceactor = [http://ameblo.jp/lenp/ {{voice actor name|Matsui Eriko]}} |releasedon={{doll_server_alias|server=CN|alias=FAMAS}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=TW|alias=FAMAS}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=KR|alias=FAMAS}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=EN|alias=Fr FAMAS}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=JP|alias=FAMAS}}
|min_dmg= 17
|max_hp= 121
|mov= 10
|craft= 3:30:00
|drop=1|statnotes= A relatively common 4* rarity AR unit, can be obtained from battle stage 0-1, 4-5, 5-5, 5-4E, 6-2, 6-3E, 7-1, 7-4E, 8-3, 9-4, 9-2E.
|aura1= Affects submachine guns
|tile3= 1
|tile5= 0
| GAIN_CN = 准备迎接以一敌十的我,指挥官,您做好准备了吗?
| GAIN_JP = 指揮官殿、わたくしが貴軍に加勢すれば、百人力です。
| GAIN_EN = I'm prepared to fight enemies ten times my number. Are you ready, Commander?
| characterid = FAMAS
| INTRODUCTION_CN = FAMAS的名字来自于对武器和产地的缩写,研发的初衷是取代本国部分冲锋枪和轻机枪,经过多年的修改后最终装备于军方,并出口到多个国家。射速和命中上,我都有着出众的表现,请在适合的舞台上让我一展身手吧。
| INTRODUCTION_EN = The name FAMAS is an abbreviation for my role and origin. Designed to replace my country's sub-machine guns and light machine guns, I underwent several years of changes in the military, before being exported to foreign markets. Speed and accuracy are my specialties, so please allow me to perform in a suitable stage.
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 指挥官,有什么吩咐吗?
| DIALOGUE1_JP = 指揮官、なんのご用ですか。
| DIALOGUE1_EN = Commander, your orders?
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 指挥官,别这样。现在还在工作呢。
| DIALOGUE2_JP = 指揮官、迷惑です、今はお仕事で忙しいんですから。
| DIALOGUE2_EN = Commander, don't be like this. I'm working right now.
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 指挥官,别碰奇怪的地方啊……
| DIALOGUE3_JP = 指揮官、変なところを触るのは、止めてください…
| DIALOGUE3_EN = Commander!? Please stop touching me in strange places...
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 您的桌子又乱了,明明说了那么多次……算啦,无论多少次,我都会为您打理好的。
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = You desk is messy again, no matter how many times I tell you...Come on then, I'll take care of you like always.
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 对万圣节什么的没兴趣……虽然能吃糖果也不错!
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = ハロウインなんかに興味はないです、ですが、お菓子はいただきます。
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = I don't have much interest in Halloween... But this candy is pretty tasty!
| SOULCONTRACT_CN = 这件完成了,那件也完成了,接下来是——诶?!……突然拿出这个,是给我的吗,指挥官?这件工作,我要用一生来打理,真的可以吗?
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = これも完了、あれも完了、次は…え?!は、指揮官、驚かさないでください。はあ、それは…一生かかる任務ですよ。本当に…いいんですか
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = This part has been finished, that part has been done, and now this... Eh?! ...What is this all of a sudden, is this for me Commander? It will probably take me a life time to handle this task, is that ok?
| BLACKACTION_CN = 各位,由我来担任支援,别总待在这儿休息。
| BLACKACTION_JP = 皆さん、支援なら私に任せてください。ここで休んではダメですよ。
| BLACKACTION_EN = Everybody, I'll do the support role, don't just stay here and rest.
| FEED_CN = 要是我一开始就有这样的力量,祖国也不至于......
| FEED_JP = 始めからそんな力があれば、祖国は...
| FEED_EN = If I had this kind of power to begin with, my country wouldn't have...
| COMBINE_CN = 编队扩大?多谢照顾,指挥官。
| COMBINE_JP = 編成拡大?はっ、ありがとうございます、指揮官。
| COMBINE_EN = Formation expanded? Thank you Commander.
| BUILDOVER_CN = 指挥官,来了个新人,去碰碰面吧。
| BUILDOVER_JP = 指揮官、新入りが到着しました。顔を見に行きましょう。
| BUILDOVER_EN = Commander there is a new recruit, go meet her.
| FIX_CN = 开始补充傀儡:一个、两个、三个......
| FIX_JP = 増員開始:一つ、二つ、三つ...
| FIX_EN = Refilling dummies, one, two, three...
| FORMATION_CN = 多谢厚爱,我必尽犬马之劳。
| FORMATION_JP = 私で良ければ、全力を尽くします。
| FORMATION_EN = Thank you for your trust, I give it my all.
| GOATTACK_CN = 准备突破阵地!
| GOATTACK_JP = 敵陣に切り込みます!
| GOATTACK_EN = Prepare to assault their formations!
| HELLO_CN = 欢迎回来,我的指挥官。
| HELLO_JP = お帰りなさいませ、指揮官。
| HELLO_EN = Welcome back, my Commander.
| MEET_CN = 发现敌人,准备战斗。
| MEET_JP = 敵軍に遭遇しました、戦闘態勢に入ります。
| MEET_EN = Enemy contact, prepare to engage
| WIN_CN = 这都是指挥官运筹帷幄的功劳。
| WIN_JP = 指揮官の采配のおかげです。
| WIN_EN = This is all due to Commander's tactical guidance.
| RETREAT_CN = 为什么......要是我能再强一些的话......
| RETREAT_JP = も…もっと力があれば…
| RETREAT_EN = If... If only I was stronger...
| BREAK_CN = 没问题,还可以继续战斗......
| BREAK_JP = ま…また大丈夫です…
| BREAK_EN = No... No problem, I can still fight...
| OPERATIONBEGIN_CN = 收到,开始歼灭任务。
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP = 了解、掃討任務開始!
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = Roger, begin operation.
| OPERATIONOVER_CN = 我回来了,任务顺利完成。
| OPERATIONOVER_JP = 戻りました、任務完了。
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = I returned, mission complete.
| SKILL1_CN = 开火!
| SKILL1_JP = 撃ちます!
| SKILL1_EN = Fire!
| SKILL2_CN = 这发精确无误!
| SKILL2_JP = パーフェクトな一撃!
| SKILL2_EN = This will hit!
| SKILL3_CN = 尽可能消灭更多的敌人!
| SKILL3_JP = 出来るだけ多くの敵を殲滅しましょう。
| SKILL3_EN = Annihilate more enemies if possible!
| weaponinfo =
FAMAS provides a strange tile bonus that can be considered good and not so good. It does provide fantastic offensive bonuses for SMGs and they will usually deal considerably more damage under her influence. But it benefits T-dolls in grid position 3 only, which limits her potential placement on the team.
File:FAMAS_S.png|Profile image
File:FAMAS.png|Full artwork
File:FAMAS_D.png|Full damaged artwork
| trivia =
| references = <references/>*See also: [https://zh.moegirl.org/%E5%B0%91%E5%A5%B3%E5%89%8D%E7%BA%BF:FAMAS Moegirl entry on FAMAS]

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