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Type 95

1,761 bytes added, 05:07, 28 May 2018
no edit summary
=== Personality ===
Mentally Mature, introverted, relatively weak in athletics but superb in intelligence, fond of taking care of others, loves Type 97 very much
=== In-Game ===
| SOULCONTRACT_CN = 长官,一直以来,都是您相信着我和97,带领着我们走到今天。现在,我终于有了回报您的机会。请让我永远地追随您,一起向着未来前进吧。
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = 指揮官がわたしと97式を信じてくれたおかげで、ここまで来れたのです。いまやっと指揮官の恩義(おんぎ)に報(むく)いる機会がきました。わたしはずっと指揮官と共に歩んでいきます。
| SOULCONTRACT_EN =Commander, for this long you have put your trust in myself and Type 97 and led us to today. Now, I finally have a chance to repay your kindness. Please allow me to be at your side forever and face the future together.
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 真是的,97又跑到哪里去了,外面那么多奇怪的装扮,到底哪个才是她呢?
| BLACKACTION_CN = 97,没事吧!我来了哦!
| BLACKACTION_JP = 97式、わたしがいれば大丈夫よ。
| BLACKACTION_EN =Everything's all right, Type 97! I am coming!
| BUILDOVER_CN = 新的战友,随时可以就位了。
| BUILDOVER_JP = 新人さんが待機してますよ。
| BUILDOVER_EN =New Comrades are now awaiting for new positions.
| COMBINE_CN = 编制扩充吗?第一眼还以为是新的妹妹呢。
| COMBINE_JP = 編成拡大ですか?新しい妹が来たのかと思いました。
| COMBINE_EN =Dummy-link expansion? I thought they are new sisters at first glance.
| FEED_CN = 嗯,那就有劳您了,长官。
| FEED_JP = 手間を取らせてごめんなさい。
| FEED_EN = Um, then I shall rely on your efforts, commander.
| FIX_CN = 抱歉……长官,先道声晚安了。
| FIX_JP = ごめんなさい…ちょっと休憩をいただきますね。
| FIX_EN = Sorry, commander, I shall say good night first.
| FORMATION_CN = 95式,加入作战!
| FORMATION_JP = わたしが今回の作戦に加わりますね。
| FORMATION_EN = Type 95, joining the combat formation.
| GOATTACK_CN = 嗯,收到命令,出发!
| GOATTACK_JP = はい、命令通りに行動開始です。
| GOATTACK_EN = Roger, order received and shall commence operation!
| HELLO_CN = 早,长官,95式为您服务,今天,有什么我能帮到您的吗?
| HELLO_JP = おはようございます。何か指揮官にしてあげられることはありますか?
| HELLO_EN = Good morning Commander, Type 95 at your service today, is there anything I can help you?
| MEET_CN = 发现敌人,开火!
| MEET_JP = 敵を発見しました。攻撃準備に入りますね。
| MEET_EN = Enemy spotted, fire!
| WIN_CN = 是不是您期待的结果呢,指挥官……嘻嘻,毕竟我们是为了胜利而诞生的啊。
| WIN_JP = 指揮官が期待していた戦果です!わたしたちは勝利を勝ち取るために生まれたのです!
| WIN_EN = Is this what you have expected of, commander? He he, we are weapons created for victory.
| RETREAT_CN = 抱歉,长官,这次没能完成任务,我和97式,会好好反省的。
| RETREAT_JP = ごめんなさい、私に諾された任務を、果たせなくて…。
| RETREAT_EN = Sorry, commander. We cannot complete the mission, Type 97 and I shall reflect upon this intently.
| BREAK_CN = 啊啊…请不要在意我,继续进行作战…
| BREAK_JP = あああ…私の事は気にしないで、作戦を続行して出でください。
| BREAK_EN = Ah! Please don't mind me and continue the battle.
| OPERATIONBEGIN_CN = 我们出发,97,要跟上啊。
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP = 97式、もう出発よ。わたしについてきてね。
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = We're off, Type 97 so you need to keep up.
| OPERATIONOVER_CN = 我回来了,97,这次很乖呢。
| OPERATIONOVER_JP = ただいま戻りましたよ。今回、97式はおとなしくしてましたよ。
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = I have returned, Type 97 is very good this time.
| SKILL1_CN = 预备,射击!
| SKILL1_JP = 敵の急所はそこよ!
| SKILL1_EN =Prepare, shoot!
| SKILL2_CN = 为了胜利!
| SKILL2_JP = 勝利を勝ち取るために!
| SKILL2_EN =For victory!
| SKILL3_CN = 嗯,再瞄准一点吧!
| SKILL3_JP = 標的をもっと正確的に狙う!
| SKILL3_EN =Hmm, I shall aim a bit more.
| trivia =
*Her New Year's costume is named after a Rosa "Old Blush", also commonly know as Fun Jwan Lo.
*Her dummy-linking quote of "new sisters" is referencing her other real life variants which are Type 95 Light Support Weapon/ Machine Gun (QBB-95) and Type 95 Carbine (QBZ-95B). It coudl also reference her improved variants which are QBZ-95-1 (Assault Rifle), QBB-95-1 (Light Support Weapon/Machine Gun), OBZ-95-1B-1 (Carbine) and QBZ-97-1 (Improved Type 97). This is because Type 95 is created as a series of the same weapon with emphasis on modularity with many of their parts interchangeable. This series could be referenced as sisters in Girls Frontline.
| references =
*[https://baike.baidu.com/item/95%E5%BC%8F%E8%87%AA%E5%8A%A8%E6%AD%A5%E6%9E%AA/2440962 Baidu wiki entry on Type 95 (Written in Chinese)]

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