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Steyr ACR/Quotes

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Steyr ACR Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 终于来了吗?敢让本小姐等这么久的人类,你还是第一个! ようやく来ましたか。このわたくしをこんなにも待たせた人間は、あなたが始めてですわ。Play So you've finally arrived? You are the first human ever to keep me waiting like this.
Secretary 下雨什么的……真是世界上最讨厌的事了!因为有个可恶的家伙总是喜欢在雨天跑出去,还根本联络不上! わたくし…雨がこの様でいーっちばん嫌いですの。雨になると、決まって外へ飛び出そて。連絡が付かなくなる方がいたものですからPlay I...I absolutely hate the this type of rain! When it rains like this, she is always the first to run out. There's no reaching her after that.
虽然跟你聊天还算愉快,但这可不代表本小姐愿意为你送死啊!所以,你在战场上注意点自己的安全…… あなた、話し合いてみはいいですけれど。命を預けるほどではありませんわね。そういうことですので、戦場にいる間、自分の命は自分で守ってくださいね。Play While chatting with you certainly is pleasant, that doesn't mean that I am willing to throw my life save yours. That is why it is critical that you look after your own safety when on the battlefield.
有什么想要做的事,就立刻去做啊!不然,万一错过了做这件事的时机,一定会后悔到狂吃三十块萨赫蛋糕的! なさびたいことがあるのでしたら、すぐにおやりなさい!タイミングを逃したら、公会で「」三十ピースもやけ食いする羽目なりますわよ!Play If there's something you wish to do, then do it now! Otherwise, if you let this opportunity slip away, I'm going to force you to eat thirty pieces of Sachertorten at the next strategy meeting!
Secretary (post OATH)
You dare to doubt me?! I-it's not like I broke your chair. It's just... it looked so comfortable... I thought I could touch it up a little...
Ah! And here I thought that I was in good shape, but it still ends up like this... I'm not some cheap woman, but if you really felt that honored, then I will answer your vow. From now on...that...yours...I'll try not to break it.
Greeting 位置が変わった気がする?し、失礼ね!何も壊してませんわ、わたくし!Play The office looks different? H-how rude! I didn't break anything!
T-Doll Produced 新人さんですか?修理が得意な子だとはいいでわね。Play New recruit? I hope she's good at repairing things.
Joining an echelon 仕方ないですわね。このわたくしの実力を、ご覧に入れて差し上げましょう!Play It can't be helped then. I shall let you witness my true power!
Enhancement 悪くわないですが…わたくし、これ以上強くなる必要があるのかしら?Play It's not half bad but... do I really need to become stronger than I currently am?
Dummy-linking わたくしの破壊小隊が、どんどん強くなっていきますわね~。Play My demolition squad just keeps getting stronger and stronger~
Logistics (start) そんな寂しそうな目で見ないでください。任務が終わったら、すぐ帰ってきますわ。Play Please don't look at me with those sorrowful eyes. Once the mission is over, I'll go back quickly.
Logistics (end) 全員、無事に帰還しましたわ。戦利品もすでにそこへ置いております。Play Everyone has returned safely. I left the loot over there.
Autobattle はいはい、分かっていますわ。指揮官は安心して基地で待っていてください。Play Okay okay, I got it. Don't worry and wait on the base.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 進みなさい!一欠けらも残さず、消しておしまい!Play Onward! Don't leave a single one of them alive!
Starting a battle 虫けらの分際で、ここ出会ったのが運が突きでしたわね。Play You insects. You're lucky to meet me here.
Skill activation わたくしを怒らせましたわね!Play Now you've made me mad!
弱者の涙に、登場の勝ちなどありませんの!Play There is no victory for those who shed tears of weakness!
引き裂いて、赤いお花を咲かせて差し上げましょう!Play Let us rip them apart, and watch the red flowers bloom!
Heavily damaged うぐ…こんなやつなんかに…覚悟をして置きなさい!Play Kuh...for you to do something like this...I hope you're prepared!
Retreat 覚えて置きなさい!次に会う日が、あなた達の命日ですわ!Play Remember this! The next time we meet will be your deathbed!
MVP ふん!こんな簡単に勝ってもつまらないですわ!Play Hmph! An easy victory like this is just boring!
Restoration うぐ…このわたくしをこんな目に合わせるなんて…あの虫けら…つておく訳にいきませんわ!Play Ugh...to match this kind of look...filthy insects, there's no helping you!
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween トリックオアとリート!…もう少し頂けないかしら、指揮官?これではお姉様に負けられませんわ。Play Trick or Treat! ...Can you give me a little more, Commander? I'll win against dear sister with this.
Christmas 指揮官、メリークリスマスですわ!…なんですの、わたくしのプレゼントじろじろ見て?あなたの分なら、デスクの上で置いておきましたわ。Play Commander, Merry Christmas! ...Why are you ogling my present like that? I left yours on the top of your desk.
New Year's Day 指揮官、ハッピーニューイヤーですわ!う、うるさいですわね!お姉様に頼まれただけですわ!もういいでしょう?!はい、これ!て、適当に選んだプレゼントですから、とくに深い意味などありません!


Commander, Happy New Year! S-silence! Dear sister told me to greet you! That's enough, alright?! Here! It's a gift that I carefully chosen. Of course there's no deep meaning behind it!
Valentine's day どうぞ。お姉様から届ける様頼まれていたチョコです!ふえ?もう!AUG姉様ったら…どうして勝手にわたくしの名前をチョコに入れるの?!

こ、こんな下らないこと…わたくしがするはずないでしょう?! Play

Here. Dear sister told me to hand over this chocolate! Eeh? Geez, why did she put my name in the chocolate as she please! T-there's no way I would do something stupid like this!
Tanabata あら?ここはわたくし専用の天体観測スポットですわよ。全く、銀河のどこがいいのか、さっぱり分かりませんわ。こんなの、わたくしのお姉様の笑顔と比べれば…あ!ゴホン…な、なんでもありませんわ。


Oh my? This is my personal spot for stargazing. Good grief, I have no clue which one is Milky Way. This thing doesn't even compare to dear sister's smile... Ah! Ehem... I-it was nothing.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play