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M6 ASW/Quotes

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M6 ASW Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 拿好,这是你的求生包,指挥官。走吧,去战场的最前方。 受け取れ、指揮官、お前のサバイバルパックだ。さあ行くぞ、最前線へ。Play Hang on to this, Commander. It's your survival pack. Come, let's head to the frontline.
Secretary 指挥官,不要睡,这里睡觉容易失温。实在困的话就回去休息。 指揮官、ここで寝るんじゃあない。体を冷やしてしまうぞ。どうしても眠いのなら部屋へ戻るんだな。Play Don't fall asleep, Commander. Sleeping in a place like this leads to hypothermia. If you're really tired, then rest when you get back.
你看见我拒绝小獾了?啊,并不是讨厌。瑜伽动作不难,但在队友面前做这个就太没有架子了。我毕竟还是一位队长。 SMG Honey BadgerThumb button.pngHoney Badger の頼みを断るところを見たのか?あれはヤツを嫌っているわけでも、ヨガのポーズが難しいわけでもない。ただ、隊の連中の前であのようなポーズをしてしまっては威厳に関わるだろう?隊長なんだぞ、私は。Play You saw me turn down Badger? Ah, it's not that I dislike her. Yoga isn't hard, but doing it in front of my teammates would damage my image. I am a team leader, after all.
求生并不是我的爱好,但我的确是为此而生。无论何时,我都会优先保证雇主能够生存下来。 サバイバルが趣味というわけではない。だが、そのために生み出されたというのもまた事実。いついかなる時であろうと、雇い主の命を繋ぐ、それが私の最優先事項だ。Play Survival is not my passion, but it's true that I was born for it. My priority at all times is to ensure the survival of my employer.
Secretary (post OATH)
You can't pack a supply bag like that, let me do it. Also, your cupboard and desk are a mess, at least mark them properly so you can find the necessary items during an emergency...do you need a diagram?
契约?好啊。你是个值得信赖的人,我没有意见。安心吧,我们的关系不因一个指环而改变。能改变我们的只有相处积累的记忆。我记得,你是我重要的 人。
An Oath? Alright, then. You are a trustworthy person and I have no objections to it. Don't worry, our relationship won't change because of a ring. The only things that can change us are the memories built up by being around each other. And in my memories, you are someone precious to me.
Greeting 注意安全,指挥官。 気をつけろ、指揮官。Play Safety first, Commander.
T-Doll Produced 新人来了,得看看物资是否足够。 新人が来たようだ。物資が足りるか確認せねばな。Play
Joining an echelon 全员,再检查一遍装备。 各員、装備の再確認を。Play Everyone, check your gear again.
Enhancement 这样一来,存活率就会增加了。 これで生存率が高まるな。Play This way, our chances of survival will increase.
Dummy-linking 也许这些傀儡能用来吸引更多的火力。 このダミーでより敵の注意を惹き付けられるようになるだろう。Play I hope these dummies will be able to draw more fire.
Logistics (start) 需求清点完毕,我出发了。 リストは確認した、出発する。Play I've finished making a list of the requests. I'll be heading out now.
Logistics (end) 报告,M6 ASW回归,目标全部完成。 報告、M6 ASW帰還、目標は全て達成済みだ。Play M6ASW reporting. I've returned and accomplished all my objectives.
Autobattle 求生和求胜我都不陌生。 生と勝利に対する渇望……これとは古い付き合いだ。Play I am familiar with both survival and victory.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 优先保证任务完成,其次是自己的安危。出发! 最優先事項は任務の達成、自身の安全確保はその次だ。出発!Play First, ensure the mission is complete. Then worry about your own safety. Move out!
Starting a battle 开火! 撃て!Play
Skill activation 我的攻击手段可不止一种。 私の攻撃手段はこれだけじゃあないぞ?Play I have more than one way to attack.
命中,下一位! 命中!次はどいつだ!Play That's a hit! Next!
别想越过去。 通れると思うな。Play You're not getting past me.
Heavily damaged 呿……不用管我,顾好自己! チッ……私に構うな、自分で何とかする。Play Tsk...don't worry about me. Take care of yourself!
Retreat 收到命令。撤退,保证有生力量! 了解した。撤退だ、損害を最小限に抑えろ!Play Order received. Fall back and preserve your strength!
MVP 我们胜利了。在下一场战斗到来前庆祝吧,各位! 我々の勝利だ。次の戦いが始まる前に、祝うとしよう。Play We've won. Let's celebrate before the next battle comes, everyone!
Restoration 这些资源……不会挪用其他人的日常需要吧? この物資……他のヤツの生活に必要な分じゃあないんだろうな?Play These supplies...they weren't drawn from the other doll's daily necessities, were they?
Attack 压制对手,不要让它们有抬头的机会! Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 我准备了很多糖,即使全基地的同事来要糖也足够应付。不,并不是特意购买,只是日常攒下的。 Play
Christmas 听啊,这清脆的铃声……只在安全的地方才能把它当做娱乐,而不是警示和指引。 Play
New Year's Day 新年快乐。指挥官,你收到红包了吗?无论有没有,来,拿着这个。是小队的一点心意。


Valentine's day 巧克力是珍贵的能量来源,我做了一些方便放在物资包里的高纯度巧克力给你。


Tanabata 愿望太多了,就写最难以实现的吧。我希望世界能够和平且安全。


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 后撤! Play
Phrase 好啊。 Play
Tip 求生手册应该收录这些。 Play
Loading 在准备,稍等。 Play I'm preparing, please wait.