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General Liu/Quotes

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General Liu Story Quotes Live2D

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 长官您好,我是刘将军自装枪……呃,就先这样吧,不好意思。 指揮官さん、はじめまして。劉慶恩ことジェネラル・リューライフルと言います。……えっと、はい、とりあえずそんな感じです、すみません……Play 처음 뵙겠습니다, 지휘관님. 류장군 소총이라고합니다. 네, 일단 여기까지만 할게요... 죄송합니다. Hello, Commander, I'm the General Liu Self-Loading Rifle... Er, that's it for now. Sorry about that.
Secretary 长、长官?抱歉,是我碍着您了吗?诶?“不是这个意思”……是什么意思?呃,实在不好意思! し、指揮官さん?ごめんなさい!お邪魔でしたよね?……へ?そう言う意味じゃない……?では、どういう意味なんでしょうか?い、いえ!本当にすみません!Play 지, 지휘관님? 죄송합니다, 방해됐나요? 그게 아니라고요? 그럼 무슨 뜻인지...? 아, 정말 죄송합니다! C-Commander? I'm sorry, did I get in your way? Huh? "That's not what I meant"... What could that mean? Um, I'm terribly sorry about this!
天空,真是可望而不可及…… 空って、本当に果てしないですよね~……Play 하늘은 정말로 끝이 보이지 않네요... The so close, yet so far...
这把军刀是精工锻造,请了最好的师傅,打出来的费用大概……这个数,贵?我觉得还好啊? この刀は、凄腕の刀匠さんにお願いして、打っていただいたものです。お値段はたしか…これくらいだったでしょうか?……え?高い?そうですか……?Play 이 군도는 솜씨 좋은 대장장이분께서 만들어주신 거예요. 가격은 대충... 이 정도였을까요? 비싸다고요? 그런가요? This military saber was the masterwork of the best smith I could find, and it cost about...that much. You think it's expensive? It's not that bad though?
Secretary (post OATH)
지휘관님, 저 요즘 요리를 배우기 시작했어요. 연습도 할 겸, 드시고 싶은 게 있다면 말씀해주세요. 네...? 아무거나 된다고요?
Commander, please let me know if there's something you'd like to eat. I've been learning how to cook recently, so maybe I might get a chance to practice... Hm? Anything will do?
今天能走到这一步,我是真的没想到……啊,不是这个意思,我想说我真的很高兴! 虽然平时不太说得上话,但我一直都以您为榜样。 长官,能进一步陪伴您是我的荣幸!
まさかこんな日が来るなんて、わたし、夢にも思いませんでした……い、いえ!そういうことではなく、本当に嬉しいんです! 普段はあまり話せていませんでしたが、ずっとあなたのことを慕っていましたので…… これからもっと指揮官さんのお側にいられること、とても光栄に思います!
이런 날이 올 줄은 꿈도 꾸지 못했어요... 아, 그런 뜻이 아니라요, 진심으로 기뻐요! 평소 잘 말하진 않았지만, 계속 지휘관님을 모범으로 삼아왔어요. 이렇게 지휘관님께 더 가까이 있게 되어 대단히 영광입니다!
I honestly didn't think I'd be able to come this far... Ah, that's not what I mean, I'm saying that I'm very happy! Although I'm not too good with words most of the time, I have always viewed you as a role model. Commander, it is an honor for me to take the next step as your companion!
Greeting 长官好……这就开始巡视营地吗? 指揮官さん、おはようございます……今から見回りですか?Play 지휘관님, 안녕하세요... 지금 순찰 나가시나요? Hello, Commander... Should I begin patrolling the campgrounds now?
T-Doll Produced 长官,有新来的了,去看看吗? 指揮官さん、新人さんのお顔を見にいきましょう。Play 지휘관님, 신입의 얼굴을 보러갈까요? Commander, we have a new arrival, want to go take a look?
Joining an echelon 不、不好意思,请让一让…… す、すみません……失礼します……Play 죄, 죄송합니다... 실례할게요... E-excuse me, please make room...
Enhancement 不好意思,我对“强化”还没有实感,但还是非常感谢长官的好意。 すみません、まだ強くなった実感というのが湧かなくて……でも、ご厚意をいただけたことは、とっても嬉しいです。Play 죄송해요, 아직 강해진 실감이 나질 않아서... 그래도 호의엔 감사드려요. I'm sorry, I'm not really feeling the effect of being "enhanced", but I'm very grateful for your kindness, Commander.
Dummy-linking 长官……我能摸摸她们吗? 指揮官さん……この子たちに触っても、いいですか?Play 지휘관님, 얘들을 만져봐도 될까요? Commander... May I touch them?
Logistics (start) 这样准备就行了吗?那我们可出发了? これでいいんですか?それでは、行ってきますよ?Play 이대로 괜찮은가요? 그럼 출발하겠습니다! Are these preparations alright? Then can we move out now?
Logistics (end) 长官,这个结果您看行吗? 指揮官さ〜ん、今回の収穫です!如何ですか?Play 지휘관님! 이번 수확이에요, 어떤가요? Commander, are these results okay?
Autobattle 让我自己决定?那、那就先这么办吧…… わたしが……決めるのですか?わ、わかりました……Play 제가 정하는 건가요? 아, 알겠습니다... You'll let me decide? Th-then we'll go with this...
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 既然长官有令,那怎么样都得赢一回! 指揮官さんのご命令とあらば、勝つのみです!Play 지휘관님의 명령이 내려진 이상, 승리할 뿐이에요! Since the Commander gave the order, then we have to win no matter what!
Starting a battle 敌人来了,现在就放枪吗? 敵が現れました、撃てばいいですか?Play 적이 나타났습니다, 쏘면 되나요? The enemy is here, should we open fire now?
Skill activation 来啊! かかってきてください!Play 덤비세요! Come on!
好机会! チャンス!Play 찬스예요! This is a good chance!
不好意思,我不会退让的! すみません、ここで退くわけにはいかないんです!Play 죄송해요, 여기서 물러설 순 없어요! Sorry, but I won't back down!
Heavily damaged 怎、怎么能这样! そ、そんなぁ……!?Play 그, 그럴 리가...! H-how could this be?
Retreat 糟了糟了……不对,不能慌,得重整士气! うぅ、どうしましょう……いえ、焦りは禁物でしたね!また立て直しましょう!Play 으으, 어떡하죠... 아니, 당황은 금물이죠, 다시 기운 차려요! Oh no, oh no... No, I mustn't panic, I need to rally the team!
MVP 这就……这就赢了? 勝ったの……ですか……?Play 이긴... 건가요? Did...did we win?
Restoration 麻烦您了…… ご迷惑を……おかけします……Play 신세 좀 질게요... Sorry to bother you...
Attack 上面下命令了,一定是好机会,冲啊! 今がチャンスということですね!進みましょう!Play 지금이 찬스로군요, 앞으로! Orders have come down from on top! This must be a good chance, now charge!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 这神啊鬼啊的本来就挺可怕,我还是算了……您能帮我留一点糖果就行。 あの、わたしは遠慮しておきますね……なにせお化けや幽霊といった類のものが苦手でして……お菓子だけでも取っておいてくれると嬉しいです。Play 저... 저는 사양할게요. 귀신이나 유령 같은 건 너무 무서워서... 대신 사탕 좀 챙겨주시면 고맙겠어요. Spirits and ghosts are all pretty scary, I think I'll pass... Just save me some candy.
Christmas 您问我特别想要的东西?唔,也许多一些素体才好……我也只是想想,您可别放在心上。 欲しい物、ですか?そうですねぇ、ダミー用のボディがもっとあったらいいなあ……なんて。あーいえ!言ってみただけなので、お気になさらず!Play 갖고 싶은 거요? 그렇네요, 더미용 소체가 더 많았으면 하는데... 아아, 그냥 해본 말이니까 신경 쓰지 마세요. You want to know if there's something special I want? Hm, maybe a few extra bodies would be nice... I was just thinking out loud, you don't need to take it to heart.
New Year's Day 长官过年好……不、不好意思,我实在不知道该说些什么吉利话…… 指揮官さん、明けましておめでとうございます!……す、すみません!……ほかに気の利いた言葉を知らないもので……


지휘관님, 새해 복 많이 받으세요. 죄송해요, 다른 새해 인사는 몰라서... Happy New Year, Commander... I-I'm sorry, I can't think of anything auspicious to say...
Valentine's day 不好意思,情爱之类的我也不太了解……但吃的倒真是好物什,应该多买些。 色恋沙汰には疎いのですが……そのお菓子、すごく美味しそうですね!もっとたくさん買っても良かったんじゃないですか?


정사에 대해선 잘 모르지만, 간식들은 맛있어 보이네요. 좀 더 많이 사도 괜찮지 않나요? I'm sorry, but I don't really understand love or things like that... But these sweets taste really good. We should buy more.
Tanabata 听说牛郎织女在天上变成了星星,但也不知道是哪两个,等您有空了,能带我去看看吗? 織姫様と彦星様が、お星さまになったというのは知っていますが、どの星なのかよくわからないんです……お時間のあるときに、教えていただけませんか?


견우와 직녀가 별이 됐다는 건 알지만, 어느 별인진 잘 몰라요. 시간 있을 때 가르쳐 주실 수 있나요? I heard Hikoboshi and Orihime became stars in the sky, but I don't know which ones they are. If you're free later, could you take me to go see them?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 呃,对面也太能打了,大家都当心点! うっ、すごい火力……皆さん、気を付けてください!Play 윽, 화력이 거세요... 모두 조심하세요! Er, the enemy's really good. Everyone, be careful!
Phrase 不好意思。 すみません。Play 죄송해요... Pardon me.
Tip 长官,那个…… 指揮官さん、えっと……Play 지휘관님, 그건 그러니까... Commander, um...
Loading 不、不好意思,我这就过来! す、すみません、今行きます!Play 죄, 죄송해요! 지금 바로 갈게요! I-I'm sorry! I'll come over right away!