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Beretta Model 38: Difference between revisions

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|title =MAB38
|title = MAB38
|index = 31
|nationality = Italy<ref name= "wiki">[[wikipedia:Beretta_Model_38|Wikipedia entry on Beretta Model 38]]</ref>
|nationality = Italy<ref name= "wiki">[[wikipedia:Beretta_Model_38|Wikipedia entry on Beretta Model 38]]</ref>
|classification = SMG
|classification = SMG
|rarity =2  
|rarity = 2  
|manufacturer =[[wikipedia:Beretta|Beretta]]<ref name= "wiki"></ref>
|manufacturer = [[wikipedia:Beretta|Beretta]]<ref name= "wiki"></ref>
|artist = [ ALLENES]
|artist = [ ALLENES]
|fullname = Moschetto Automatico Beretta Modello 1938<ref name= "wiki"></ref>
|fullname = Moschetto Automatico Beretta Modello 1938 (Beretta Automatic Musket Model 1938)<ref name= "wiki"></ref>
|chname = 伯莱塔38型
|chname = 伯莱塔38型
|voiceactor = Haruka Takahashi
|voiceactor = Takahashi Haruka
| weaponinfo =
Moschetto Automatico Beretta Modello 1938, commonly known as Beretta Model 38, originally designed by Beretta's chief engineer Tullio Marengoni in 1935, developed based on the Beretta Model 18 and 18/30, this weapon would be classified as a submachine gun under modern definitions.
With the sudden interest in automatic handgun cartridge firing weapons, Beretta presented their Model 38 to the market customers, originally designed and advertised to policing and special army units. Limited industrial capability of Italy mean Model 38 series were produced in much slower rates than the other popular SMGs of that era, Model 38 and derived variants were produced from 1938 til 1950, it only became available in large numbers after 1943.
Model 38 is a fully automatic 9mm Luger/Parabellum calibre firearm, operation of the weapon relies on simple blowback. Having around 200 metres of effective range and 600 rounds per minute of cyclic rate of fire, while fed with straight magazines of various sizes, most common size being 30-rounds. A single wooden block serves as the weapon housing and the stock, the barrel is coated a perforated cooling jacket.
Brass ejects out from the right side from beneath the sliding dust cover. The unique trigger group of Model 38 offers selective firing function, the weapon have two triggers, puling the front trigger can produce a semi-automatic shot, while holding down the rear trigger will unleash full automatic firing.

| weaponinfo = The MAB 38 (Moschetto Automatico Beretta Modello 1938), Modello 38, or Model 38 and its variants were a series of official submachine guns of the Royal Italian Army introduced in 1938, and used during World War II. Originally designed by Beretta's chief engineer Tullio Marengoni in 1935, the Moschetto Automatico Beretta (Beretta Automatic Musket) 38, or MAB 38, was developed from the Beretta Modello 18 and 18/30, derived from the Villar Perosa light machine gun of World War I fame.<ref name= "wiki"></ref>
MAB 38 served both the Italian military and their Axis allies during the Second World War, as well as exported to many other nations after the war. Despite being relatively long (946mm in length) for a SMG at the time, the weapon was said to be robust and reliable, it received positive feedback from both domestic military and Axis forces alike due to the exceptional craftsmanship of Beretta. Model 38 and variants continued to serve as a ceremonial weapon for the Italian Navy after retiring from front line fighting.

| characterinfo =  
| characterinfo =  
=== Design ===
=== Design ===
A T-doll of around 150cm of body height, aside from the short skirt and white stockings, much of MAB 38 outfit are designed with reference to the Italian Military uniforms during WW2. Notable example being her magazine pouches, it resembles the "Samurai" magazine-holding vest used by the Italian army at the time.
Three other distinctive design features on MAB represents three periods which Model 38 was actively used:
*The badge on her beret is taken from the 3rd Infantry Division Ravenna of Royal Italian Army. An veteran division of Italian Army was part of the Italian III Corps, took part in various battles from the Italian invasion of France all the way into USSR territories until suffer heavy casualties and retreated from Don River.
*While her collar insignia however resembles the insignia used by the Italian Blackshirt, due to the small batch produced, MAB 38 was only available to selected few military units, one of which is the Blackshirts.
*The red tie she wears is a reference to the anti-Fascism movement in northern Italy after the the nation announced surrender to the allied forces on September the 8th 1943. The movement supporters are often found wearing a red tie.
As evident from the cooling jacket, shape of the weapon housing and the muzzle device, MAB 38 carries the earliest production Model 38.

=== Personality ===
=== Personality ===
Contrary to her delicate appearance, she's tough and uncompromising, she tries very hard to do everything right. Some of MAB's quotes mentions that her being sold, this refers to that Model 38 and variants are more often used by foreign parties, either by export or as captured weapons.

=== In-Game ===
=== In-Game ===
As a 2* SMG, MAB have a very formidable HP pool, another bonus is that she is able to provide damage and rate of fire bonus on her tile buff, combined with her flash bang stun grenade ability, MAB 38 is arguable the best 2* SMG units. Being a common loot, her expansion can be done without consuming the valuable dummy exchange cores, one of the recommended units for new players. Her only weakness is her low evasion, which by later levels one partially compensate with higher quality exo-skeleton equipment.
MAB does not provide as much rate of fire nor evasion when used as a fodder, when compared to the other common SMG fodder dolls such as {{doll name|IDW|SMG|2}} and {{doll name|Spectre M4|SMG|2}}, her fodder bonus leans more towards damage instead.

|index = 31
Line 30: Line 51:
|statnotes= Common 2* rarity SMG unit.
|aura1= Affects assault rifles
|aura1= Affects assault rifles
|aura2= Increases damage by 5%
|aura2= Increases damage by 5%
|aura3= Increases rate of fire by 10%
|aura3= Increases rate of fire by 10%
|tile1= 1
|tile1= 1
|tile7= 1
|tile5= 0
|tile5 = 0  
| characterid =MAB38
| characterid =MAB38
| GAIN_CN = 伯莱塔38型冲锋枪,指挥官,今后让我们好好相处吧。
| GAIN_CN = 伯莱塔38型冲锋枪,指挥官,今后让我们好好相处吧。
| GAIN_JP = ベレッタM38です、よろしくお願いします!
| GAIN_JP = ベレッタM38です、よろしくお願いします!
| GAIN_EN = <!--TL:Beretta Model 38 reporting,let's get along from now on, commander.-->M38, let's get along from now on, Commander.
| GAIN_EN = <!--TL:Beretta Model 38 reporting,let's get along from now on, commander.-->M38, let's get along from now on, Commander.
| INTRODUCTION_CN = 应市场所需,军方在MAB18基础上对操控性加以改进,完成了MAB38的设计,并使我作为优秀的冲锋枪踏入战场。不过无论战争期间还是战后,我在国外的表现都更加活跃。明明血统上讲,我应该是相当纯正的……
| INTRODUCTION_EN = Due to market needs, military made some modifications on MAB18 in regards of operating ability, outcome was me, MAB38, one of the spectacular SMGs ever entered the battlefield. I had a lot activities and good performances on foreign regions during and after the war. Though speaking of heritage, I should be relatively pure...
| INTRODUCTION_EN = Due to market needs, military made some modifications on MAB18 in regards of operating ability, outcome was me, MAB38, one of the spectacular SMGs ever entered the battlefield. I had a lot activities and good performances on foreign regions during and after the war. Though speaking of heritage, I should be relatively pure...
Line 61: Line 83:
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 指挥官,我现在也在学习战术知识哦,既然要永远留在您身边,那当然要成为您的得力助手才行!
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 指挥官,我现在也在学习战术知识哦,既然要永远留在您身边,那当然要成为您的得力助手才行!
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = Commander, I'm also studying tactical knowledge, since I'm staying by your side forever, I must become your handy servant!
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = Commander, I'm also studying tactical knowledge, since I'm staying by your side forever, I must become your handy servant!
| INTRODUCTION_CN = 应市场所需,军方在MAB18基础上对操控性加以改进,完成了MAB38的设计,并使我作为优秀的冲锋枪踏入战场。不过无论战争期间还是战后,我在国外的表现都更加活跃。明明血统上讲,我应该是相当纯正的……
| SOULCONTRACT_CN = 指挥官,叫我到这里来,是要把我卖掉吗……啊?!居然是……我……我的努力……明明还配不上您的期待……但是,我会在您的身边,继续加油!
| SOULCONTRACT_CN = 指挥官,叫我到这里来,是要把我卖掉吗……啊?!居然是……我……我的努力……明明还配不上您的期待……但是,我会在您的身边,继续加油!
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = 指揮官、こんなところに呼び出して、本当に…私を輸出しちゃうじゃないですか。え?そんなことを…ど、どんなに努力しても、ご期待には、応えられないのに…えへ、分かりました、あなたのお傍で…これからも頑張ります!
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = 指揮官、こんなところに呼び出して、本当に…私を輸出しちゃうじゃないですか。え?そんなことを…ど、どんなに努力しても、ご期待には、応えられないのに…えへ、分かりました、あなたのお傍で…これからも頑張ります!
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = Commander, calling me all the way out here, am I being sold... Ahhh?! You're... But I... I've still to meet your expectations... But I will stay be your side and give it my all!
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = Commander, calling me all the way out here, am I being sold... Ahhh?! You're... But I... I've still to meet your expectations... But I will stay be your side and give it my all!
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 万圣节啦!能和孩子们一起玩吗?
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = ハロウインですね、子供たちと遊んでもいいですか?
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = Halloween! Can we go play with the kids?
| CHRISTMAS_JP = 指揮官、クリスマスだからと言って、怠けてはいけませんよ!明日も任務があるんですから。
| NEWYEAR_JP = 明けましておめでとうございます!新年パーティーの会場はどこですか?
| VALENTINE_JP = 指揮官!いつも… ありがとうございます!これ… はいつもお世話になっている… お礼です。
| HELLO_CN = 一直在等您呢,今天也请多多指教。
| HELLO_JP = お待ちしていました。今日もよろしくお願いします!
| HELLO_JP = お待ちしていました。今日もよろしくお願いします!
| HELLO_EN =  
| HELLO_EN = I've been waiting for you, please guide me today too.
| BUILDOVER_CN = 看起来新的伙伴已经完成建造了呢。
| BUILDOVER_JP = 新しい仲間が完成した見たいですよ。
| BUILDOVER_JP = 新しい仲間が完成した見たいですよ。
| BUILDOVER_EN = Looks like a new companion just finished production.
| FORMATION_JP = 了解しました。
| FORMATION_JP = 了解しました。
| FORMATION_EN = Understood.
| FEED_CN = 十分感谢!
| FEED_JP = ありがとうございます。
| FEED_JP = ありがとうございます。
| FEED_EN =  
| FEED_EN = Thank you very much!
| COMBINE_CN = 扩大编制吗?十分感谢您,接下来我也会一如既往的努力的。
| COMBINE_JP = 編成拡大ですか?ありがとうございます!これからも頑張ります。
| COMBINE_JP = 編成拡大ですか?ありがとうございます!これからも頑張ります。
| COMBINE_EN = Expanding again? Thank you so much, I will work hard live I've always been.
| OPERATIONBEGIN_CN = 诶?我又要被卖了吗?我明白了,那么我出发咯!
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP = っえ?私,まだ輸出されちゃうんですか?っは!分かりました,じゃあ,行ってきます!
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP = っえ?私,まだ輸出されちゃうんですか?っは!分かりました,じゃあ,行ってきます!
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = Eh? Am I being sold again? Understood, I'll be on my way!
| OPERATIONOVER_CN = 我回来啦,没有卖出去实在抱歉。
| OPERATIONOVER_JP = ただいま,輸出をされないですみました。
| OPERATIONOVER_JP = ただいま,輸出をされないですみました。
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = I'm back, sorry I didn't find a buyer.
| BLACKACTION_CN = 这次,就让我还拯救大家。
| BLACKACTION_JP = 今回は私が皆さんを助けますよ。
| BLACKACTION_JP = 今回は私が皆さんを助けますよ。
| BLACKACTION_EN = This time, allow me to save everybody.
| GOATTACK_JP = 行きます。
| GOATTACK_JP = 行きます。
| GOATTACK_EN = Move out.
| MEET_CN = 我是不会手下留情的。
| MEET_JP = 手加減はしません。
| MEET_JP = 手加減はしません。
| MEET_EN =  
| MEET_EN = I won't go easy on you.
| SKILL1_CN = 准备——开火!
| SKILL1_JP = 用意ーー撃て!
| SKILL1_JP = 用意ーー撃て!
| SKILL1_EN =  
| SKILL1_EN = Ready-- Strike!
| SKILL2_CN = 不要小看我啊!
| SKILL2_JP = 私を,あまく見ないでください!
| SKILL2_JP = 私を,あまく見ないでください!
| SKILL2_EN =  
| SKILL2_EN = Do not underestimate me!
| SKILL3_CN = 怎么可能……输给像你们这样的异乡的杂鱼啊!
| SKILL3_JP = ありえませんわ…あなた達見たいな他所から来た雑魚に負けるなんて!
| SKILL3_JP = ありえませんわ…あなた達見たいな他所から来た雑魚に負けるなんて!
| SKILL3_EN =  
| SKILL3_EN = I won't lose... Not to you guys!
| BREAK_CN = 切……唔……大意了。
| BREAK_JP = チェッ…うん…油断した。
| BREAK_JP = チェッ…うん…油断した。
| BREAK_EN =  
| BREAK_EN = Uuuu... I underestimated them.
| RETREAT_CN = 我还是……太天真了。
| RETREAT_JP = 自分が…甘かったのです。
| RETREAT_JP = 自分が…甘かったのです。
| RETREAT_EN = That was... Naive of me...
| WIN_CN = 一步接一步向前迈进吧。
| WIN_JP = 一歩つづ,前に進みましょう
| WIN_JP = 一歩つづ,前に進みましょう
| WIN_EN =  
| WIN_EN = Let's move forward, one step at a time.
| FIX_CN = 那个!我会努力的!所以,请不要抛弃我。
| FIX_JP = あの!私頑張ります!だから,振り払うはないで。
| FIX_JP = あの!私頑張ります!だから,振り払うはないで。
| FIX_EN =  
| FIX_EN = I will continue to work hard! Please don't give up on me!
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 万圣节啦!能和孩子们一起玩吗?
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = ハロウインですね、子供たちと遊んでもいいですか?
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = Halloween! Can we go play with the kids?
| CHRISTMAS_JP = 指揮官、クリスマスだからと言って、怠けてはいけませんよ!明日も任務があるんですから。
| NEWYEAR_JP = 明けましておめでとうございます!新年パーティーの会場はどこですか?
| VALENTINE_JP = 指揮官!いつも… ありがとうございます!これ… はいつもお世話になっている… お礼です。
| trivia =  
| trivia =  
*Contrary to her delicate appearance, she's tough and uncompromising. She tries very hard to do everything right.<ref>{{cite ab1|107}}</ref>
| references = <references/>
| references = <references/>
*[ Moegirl entry on Beretta model 38]
*[ Wikipedia entry on 3rd Infantry Division Ravenna]

Revision as of 11:56, 27 May 2018

Beretta Model 3831<img src="//" style="position:absolute;margin-top:355px;z-index:3"/><img src="//" style="position:absolute;margin-left:1px;margin-top:1px;z-index:3"/><img src="//" style="position:absolute;margin-left:225px;margin-top:2px;z-index:3"/><img src="//" style="position:absolute;margin-left:200px;margin-top:2px;z-index:3"/><img src="//" style="position:absolute;z-index:2"/><img src="//" id=fullart_S style="margin-top:21px;min-width:256px"/>
Full name Moschetto Automatico Beretta Modello 1938 (Beretta Automatic Musket Model 1938)[1]
Chinese name 伯莱塔38型
Country of Origin Italy[1]
Manufacturer Beretta[1]
Voice actor Takahashi Haruka

Beretta Model 38 is an obtainable Tactical Doll in the game.

Weapon Background

Moschetto Automatico Beretta Modello 1938, commonly known as Beretta Model 38, originally designed by Beretta's chief engineer Tullio Marengoni in 1935, developed based on the Beretta Model 18 and 18/30, this weapon would be classified as a submachine gun under modern definitions.

With the sudden interest in automatic handgun cartridge firing weapons, Beretta presented their Model 38 to the market customers, originally designed and advertised to policing and special army units. Limited industrial capability of Italy mean Model 38 series were produced in much slower rates than the other popular SMGs of that era, Model 38 and derived variants were produced from 1938 til 1950, it only became available in large numbers after 1943.

Model 38 is a fully automatic 9mm Luger/Parabellum calibre firearm, operation of the weapon relies on simple blowback. Having around 200 metres of effective range and 600 rounds per minute of cyclic rate of fire, while fed with straight magazines of various sizes, most common size being 30-rounds. A single wooden block serves as the weapon housing and the stock, the barrel is coated a perforated cooling jacket.

Brass ejects out from the right side from beneath the sliding dust cover. The unique trigger group of Model 38 offers selective firing function, the weapon have two triggers, puling the front trigger can produce a semi-automatic shot, while holding down the rear trigger will unleash full automatic firing.

MAB 38 served both the Italian military and their Axis allies during the Second World War, as well as exported to many other nations after the war. Despite being relatively long (946mm in length) for a SMG at the time, the weapon was said to be robust and reliable, it received positive feedback from both domestic military and Axis forces alike due to the exceptional craftsmanship of Beretta. Model 38 and variants continued to serve as a ceremonial weapon for the Italian Navy after retiring from front line fighting.

Character Info


A T-doll of around 150cm of body height, aside from the short skirt and white stockings, much of MAB 38 outfit are designed with reference to the Italian Military uniforms during WW2. Notable example being her magazine pouches, it resembles the "Samurai" magazine-holding vest used by the Italian army at the time.

Three other distinctive design features on MAB represents three periods which Model 38 was actively used:

  • The badge on her beret is taken from the 3rd Infantry Division Ravenna of Royal Italian Army. An veteran division of Italian Army was part of the Italian III Corps, took part in various battles from the Italian invasion of France all the way into USSR territories until suffer heavy casualties and retreated from Don River.
  • While her collar insignia however resembles the insignia used by the Italian Blackshirt, due to the small batch produced, MAB 38 was only available to selected few military units, one of which is the Blackshirts.
  • The red tie she wears is a reference to the anti-Fascism movement in northern Italy after the the nation announced surrender to the allied forces on September the 8th 1943. The movement supporters are often found wearing a red tie.

As evident from the cooling jacket, shape of the weapon housing and the muzzle device, MAB 38 carries the earliest production Model 38.


Contrary to her delicate appearance, she's tough and uncompromising, she tries very hard to do everything right. Some of MAB's quotes mentions that her being sold, this refers to that Model 38 and variants are more often used by foreign parties, either by export or as captured weapons.


As a 2* SMG, MAB have a very formidable HP pool, another bonus is that she is able to provide damage and rate of fire bonus on her tile buff, combined with her flash bang stun grenade ability, MAB 38 is arguable the best 2* SMG units. Being a common loot, her expansion can be done without consuming the valuable dummy exchange cores, one of the recommended units for new players. Her only weakness is her low evasion, which by later levels one partially compensate with higher quality exo-skeleton equipment.

MAB does not provide as much rate of fire nor evasion when used as a fodder, when compared to the other common SMG fodder dolls such as SMG IDWIDWIDW and SMG Spectre M4Spectre M4Spectre M4, her fodder bonus leans more towards damage instead.

Game Data

Chibi image
102(x1)203(x1) / 1015(x5)
25(x1) / 85(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5)
12 33
7 52
2 12
Rate of Fire
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
52 75
Movement Speed
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.
Affects assault rifles
Increases damage by 5%
Increases rate of fire by 10%

Common 2* rarity SMG unit.


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 伯莱塔38型冲锋枪,指挥官,今后让我们好好相处吧。 ベレッタM38です、よろしくお願いします!Play M38, let's get along from now on, Commander.
Introduction 应市场所需,军方在MAB18基础上对操控性加以改进,完成了MAB38的设计,并使我作为优秀的冲锋枪踏入战场。不过无论战争期间还是战后,我在国外的表现都更加活跃。明明血统上讲,我应该是相当纯正的…… Due to market needs, military made some modifications on MAB18 in regards of operating ability, outcome was me, MAB38, one of the spectacular SMGs ever entered the battlefield. I had a lot activities and good performances on foreign regions during and after the war. Though speaking of heritage, I should be relatively pure...
Secretary 诶?心情并没有不好吗,别担心啦。 え?機嫌は悪くないですよ、ご心配なく。Play Eh? Don't worry, I'm not in a bad mood
努力的话总会有回报的。 努力は…必ず報われる。Play Diligence will be rewarded.
我的优点吗?那就是集中力哦。 長所ですか。集中力です。Play My strength? My ability to concentrate, of course.
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, I'm also studying tactical knowledge, since I'm staying by your side forever, I must become your handy servant!
Commander, calling me all the way out here, am I being sold... Ahhh?! You're... But I... I've still to meet your expectations... But I will stay be your side and give it my all!
Greeting 一直在等您呢,今天也请多多指教。 お待ちしていました。今日もよろしくお願いします!Play I've been waiting for you, please guide me today too.
T-Doll Produced 看起来新的伙伴已经完成建造了呢。 新しい仲間が完成した見たいですよ。Play Looks like a new companion just finished production.
Joining an echelon 了解了。 了解しました。Play Understood.
Enhancement 十分感谢! ありがとうございます。Play Thank you very much!
Dummy-linking 扩大编制吗?十分感谢您,接下来我也会一如既往的努力的。 編成拡大ですか?ありがとうございます!これからも頑張ります。Play Expanding again? Thank you so much, I will work hard live I've always been.
Logistics (start) 诶?我又要被卖了吗?我明白了,那么我出发咯! っえ?私,まだ輸出されちゃうんですか?っは!分かりました,じゃあ,行ってきます!Play Eh? Am I being sold again? Understood, I'll be on my way!
Logistics (end) 我回来啦,没有卖出去实在抱歉。 ただいま,輸出をされないですみました。Play I'm back, sorry I didn't find a buyer.
Autobattle 这次,就让我还拯救大家。 今回は私が皆さんを助けますよ。Play This time, allow me to save everybody.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 出发。 行きます。Play Move out.
Starting a battle 我是不会手下留情的。 手加減はしません。Play I won't go easy on you.
Skill activation 准备——开火! 用意ーー撃て!Play Ready-- Strike!
不要小看我啊! 私を,あまく見ないでください!Play Do not underestimate me!
怎么可能……输给像你们这样的异乡的杂鱼啊! ありえませんわ…あなた達見たいな他所から来た雑魚に負けるなんて!Play I won't lose... Not to you guys!
Heavily damaged 切……唔……大意了。 チェッ…うん…油断した。Play Uuuu... I underestimated them.
Retreat 我还是……太天真了。 自分が…甘かったのです。Play That was... Naive of me...
MVP 一步接一步向前迈进吧。 一歩つづ,前に進みましょうPlay Let's move forward, one step at a time.
Restoration 那个!我会努力的!所以,请不要抛弃我。 あの!私頑張ります!だから,振り払うはないで。Play I will continue to work hard! Please don't give up on me!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 万圣节啦!能和孩子们一起玩吗? ハロウインですね、子供たちと遊んでもいいですか?Play Halloween! Can we go play with the kids?
Christmas 指揮官、クリスマスだからと言って、怠けてはいけませんよ!明日も任務があるんですから。Play
New Year's Day 明けましておめでとうございます!新年パーティーの会場はどこですか?


Valentine's day 指揮官!いつも… ありがとうございます!これ… はいつもお世話になっている… お礼です。


