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| GAIN_JP = 私の名前はワルサーWA2000。指揮官、私の足を引っ張ったら承知しないわよ。  
| GAIN_JP = 私の名前はワルサーWA2000。指揮官、私の足を引っ張ったら承知しないわよ。  
| GAIN_EN =My name is WA2000. Commander you just stand a side and look, and don't get in my way.
| GAIN_EN =My name is WA2000. Commander you just stand a side and look, and don't get in my way.
(Jp)My name is WA2000. Commander, I acknowledge you if you get in my way!
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 真是笨呢,要是真的讨厌你,就不会和你说话了。
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 真是笨呢,要是真的讨厌你,就不会和你说话了。
| DIALOGUE1_JP = 馬鹿ね、本当に嫌いだったら、口にも闻いてあげないわよ。  
| DIALOGUE1_JP = 馬鹿ね、本当に嫌いだったら、口にも闻いてあげないわよ。  
| DIALOGUE1_EN =What a dummy, if I really dislike you I wont be talking to you at all.
| DIALOGUE1_EN =How stupid, if I really hated you, then I wouldn't be listening to you.
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 听好了!别随便叫我的名字,也别用手随便碰我的枪!
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 听好了!别随便叫我的名字,也别用手随便碰我的枪!
| DIALOGUE2_JP = いい?気安く私の名を呼ばないで、汚らし手で私の铳に触れるのはやめて顶戴!  
| DIALOGUE2_JP = いい?気安く私の名を呼ばないで、汚らし手で私の铳に触れるのはやめて顶戴!  
| DIALOGUE2_EN =Listen up ! Don't you simply call my name, nor casually touch my gun with you hands !
| DIALOGUE2_EN =Listen up! Don't call my name so casually! And stop touching my gun with such filthy hands!
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 诶?脸红?还不是今天有点热!别会错意了啊!
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 诶?脸红?还不是今天有点热!别会错意了啊!
| DIALOGUE3_JP = え?颜が赤い?だって今日は暑いから、勘违いしないでよね!  
| DIALOGUE3_JP = え?颜が赤い?だって今日は暑いから、勘违いしないでよね!  
| DIALOGUE3_EN = Eh? I'm blushing ? It's because today is hot! Don-don't get the wrong idea !
| DIALOGUE3_EN = Eh? My face is red? It's because...today's a bit hot! Don't get the wrong idea!
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 还有哪里需要做的?让拥有着昂贵身价的我忙了一整天,下班后该好好报答我一番吧?
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 还有哪里需要做的?让拥有着昂贵身价的我忙了一整天,下班后该好好报答我一番吧?
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = What else needs to be done? Having valuable me busying all day, shouldn’t you repay me well after work?  
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = What else needs to be done? Having valuable me busying all day, shouldn’t you repay me well after work?  
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| SOULCONTRACT_CN = 我只是一件用于抹杀的作品,从没有过其它的想法。指挥官,您真的要将我留在身边?嗯……这样的我,也会更加完美……
| SOULCONTRACT_CN = 我只是一件用于抹杀的作品,从没有过其它的想法。指挥官,您真的要将我留在身边?嗯……这样的我,也会更加完美……
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = 私は殺しの為だけに作れられたのよ。他の事など、考えたことないわ。指揮官、こんな私を傍においてくれるの?ええと…私、もっと素直になれるかな…
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = 私は殺しの為だけに作れられたのよ。他の事など、考えたことないわ。指揮官、こんな私を傍においてくれるの?ええと…私、もっと素直になれるかな…
| SOULCONTRACT_EN =I'm but a tool used for killing, and I've never thought of anything else. Commander, are you sure you want to keep someone like me by your side ? Eh...maybe this me, could be even better...
| SOULCONTRACT_EN =I'm but a tool used for killing, and I've never thought of anything else. Commander, are you sure you want to keep someone like me by your side ? Um, I wonder if I can grow to be more honest with myself...
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 噫!才没有害怕呢!哇!别拿着南瓜头过来!
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 噫!才没有害怕呢!哇!别拿着南瓜头过来!
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = ひいぃぃ!べ、別に怖がって無いわよ!ひいやあああ!カボチャ頭持ってくんな!
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = ひいぃぃ!べ、別に怖がって無いわよ!ひいやあああ!カボチャ頭持ってくんな!
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = Hyiii!! It-it's not like I'm scared! Hyaaahh!! Don't even bring jack o' lanterns near me!
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = Hyiii!! It-it's not like I'm scared! Hyaaahh!! Don't even bring jack o' lanterns near me!
|CHRISTMAS_CN =反正你现在闲着吧,一个人看着太可怜了,稍微陪陪你吧……
|CHRISTMAS_CN =反正你现在闲着吧,一个人看着太可怜了,稍微陪陪你吧……
|CHRISTMAS_EN =You're free now anyway, it's pitiful looking at you all alone, so I shall accompany you for a bit...
|CHRISTMAS_EN =You're free now anyway, it's pitiful seeing you all alone, so I shall accompany you for a bit...
|CHRISTMAS_JP = あんた、どうせ暇でしょう、一人じゃ可哀想だから、付き合ってあげるわ。
|CHRISTMAS_JP = あんた、どうせ暇でしょう、一人じゃ可哀想だから、付き合ってあげるわ。
| ATTACK_JP =死ね!死ね!さっさと死ね!
| ATTACK_JP =死ね!死ね!さっさと死ね!
| ATTACK_EN =Die! Die! Die already!
| BLACKACTION_JP =ここの敵は、私が皆殺しにしてあげるわ。
| BLACKACTION_JP =ここの敵は、私が皆殺しにしてあげるわ。
| BLACKACTION_EN =I shall slaughter the enemies here!
| BREAK_JP =バカ...あんたに心配されたくないわよ...
| BREAK_JP =バカ...あんたに心配されたくないわよ...
| BREAK_EN =Idiot, I don't want you to be worried over me...
| BUILDOVER_JP =うん~?見慣れない顔が来たわね,新入りかしら?
| BUILDOVER_JP =うん~?見慣れない顔が来たわね,新入りかしら?
| BUILDOVER_EN =Hmm? There's a face I don't recognize. Must be a newcomer.
| COMBINE_JP =編成拡大?まあ、一回ぐらいはいいでしょう。
| COMBINE_JP =編成拡大?まあ、一回ぐらいはいいでしょう。
| COMBINE_EN =Squad reinforcement? Well, I guess one more wouldn't hurt.
| DEFENSE_JP =ったく、防御すればいいんでしょう。
| DEFENSE_JP =ったく、防御すればいいんでしょう。
| DEFENSE_EN =Geez, we just have to defend right?
| FEED_JP =この私があんたにお礼を言うんだから、こ...心して受けなさいよね。
| FEED_JP =この私があんたにお礼を言うんだから、こ...心して受けなさいよね。
| FEED_EN =I, of all people, am giving you my gratitude. So you better accept it from the bottom of your heart.
| FIX_JP =ちっ!素直な私でも、軽く見られてしまうね...
| FIX_JP =ちっ!素直な私でも、軽く見られてしまうね...
| FIX_EN =
| FIX_EN =Tch, I'd get looked down on even if I was honest.
| FORMATION_JP =言われなくでも出てあげるわよ、感謝しなさいよね。
| FORMATION_JP =言われなくでも出てあげるわよ、感謝しなさいよね。
| FORMATION_EN =I'd sortie even if you didn't tell me to. You should be thankful.
| GOATTACK_JP =うん~出撃?まあ、いいんじゃない。
| GOATTACK_JP =うん~出撃?まあ、いいんじゃない。
| GOATTACK_EN =Hmm? A sortie? Well, that's fine.
| HELLO_JP =あんた、どこ行ってたのよ。そんなに私の顔が見たくないの?  
| HELLO_JP =あんた、どこ行ってたのよ。そんなに私の顔が見たくないの?  
| HELLO_EN =Hey, where did you go!? Do you really dislike seeing my face that much!?
| LOADING_JP =あんたのために待ってあげてるわけじゃないんだからね!
| LOADING_JP =あんたのために待ってあげてるわけじゃないんだからね!
| LOADING_EN =I wasn't waiting just for your sake!
| MEET_JP =なんか...ムカつく顔を思い出した...
| MEET_JP =なんか...ムカつく顔を思い出した...
| MEET_EN =I think I was reminded of an irritating face...
| NEWYEAR_JP =新年ぐらいは挨拶してあげるわ、あっあけましておめでとう。何よ、文句でもあるの?
| NEWYEAR_JP =新年ぐらいは挨拶してあげるわ、あっあけましておめでとう。何よ、文句でもあるの?
| NEWYEAR_EN =I'll at least give you my New Year's greetings. H-Happy New Years! ...What? Do you have something against that?
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP =ふん~!いいわ、やってあげる。
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP =ふん~!いいわ、やってあげる。
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN =Hmph, fine then, I'll do it.
| OPERATIONOVER_JP =無事に帰ってきたのよ。当然でしょう。
| OPERATIONOVER_JP =無事に帰ってきたのよ。当然でしょう。
| OPERATIONOVER_EN =We came back safe. Wasn't it natural?
| PHRASE_JP =別にそういうつもりじゃないんだから。
| PHRASE_JP =別にそういうつもりじゃないんだから。
| RETREAT_JP =その...ごめんなさい。
| RETREAT_JP =その...ごめんなさい。
| RETREAT_EN =Um... I'm sorry...
| SKILL1_JP =邪魔しないで!
| SKILL1_JP =邪魔しないで!
| SKILL1_EN =Get out of the way!
| SKILL2_JP =次に死ぬのは,アンタ達の番よ!
| SKILL2_JP =次に死ぬのは,アンタ達の番よ!
| SKILL2_EN =You'll be the ones next to die!
| SKILL3_JP =私は、殺しのためだけに生まれてきたの!
| SKILL3_JP =私は、殺しのためだけに生まれてきたの!
| SKILL3_EN =I was only born to kill!
| TANABATA_JP =ね、あんたどうせ暇でしょう?七夕祭りぐらいなら一緒にいてあげるわ。
| TANABATA_JP =ね、あんたどうせ暇でしょう?七夕祭りぐらいなら一緒にいてあげるわ。
| TANABATA_EN =Hey, aren't you free? I'll at least accompany you for Tanabata.
| TIP_JP =教えてあげてもいいわ。
| TIP_JP =教えてあげてもいいわ。
| TIP_EN =
| TIP_EN =
| VALENTINE_JP =たまたま余ったチョコよ!要らないなんてぬかしたら承知しないから。
| VALENTINE_JP =たまたま余ったチョコよ!要らないなんてぬかしたら承知しないから。
| VALENTINE_EN =Here, this is just some leftover chocolate. I won't let you off if you say you don't need it!
| WIN_JP =ほら、感謝しなさいよ。
| WIN_JP =ほら、感謝しなさいよ。
| WIN_EN =
| WIN_EN =See? You'd better be thankful.
| backgroundinfo = The WA 2000 is a semi-automatic bullpup sniper rifle that was produced by the Carl Walther GmbH Sportwaffen company.Production of the rifle was limited and it was shortly stopped because it was too expensive to achieve widespread sales and not robust enough for military use as a sniper rifle.Only 176 were built due to the high cost of the rifle making it currently rare and valuable.The WA 2000 was designed in the late 1970s and early 1980s, in response to the 1972 Summer Olympics Munich massacre.The bullpup design was chosen because it would allow a standard length barrel to be used whilst the overall length would be shorter than a conventional rifle. The WA 2000 had a quick-detachable scope mount with a weight of 0.96 kg (2.1 lb). The rifle did not have iron sights.The most commonly used optical sight was a Schmidt & Bender 2.5–10× telescopic sight. Without scope the rifle has an unloaded weight of 6.95 kg (15.3 lb) and a loaded weight of 7.35 kg (16.2 lb).
| backgroundinfo = The WA 2000 is a semi-automatic bullpup sniper rifle that was produced by the Carl Walther GmbH Sportwaffen company.Production of the rifle was limited and it was shortly stopped because it was too expensive to achieve widespread sales and not robust enough for military use as a sniper rifle.Only 176 were built due to the high cost of the rifle making it currently rare and valuable.The WA 2000 was designed in the late 1970s and early 1980s, in response to the 1972 Summer Olympics Munich massacre.The bullpup design was chosen because it would allow a standard length barrel to be used whilst the overall length would be shorter than a conventional rifle. The WA 2000 had a quick-detachable scope mount with a weight of 0.96 kg (2.1 lb). The rifle did not have iron sights.The most commonly used optical sight was a Schmidt & Bender 2.5–10× telescopic sight. Without scope the rifle has an unloaded weight of 6.95 kg (15.3 lb) and a loaded weight of 7.35 kg (16.2 lb).
Only 176 total rifles were ever produced (approximately 15 of which were imported into the United States), and in two different variants. The two variants can be differentiated by the type of flash suppressor used: the first, the older model, uses a "can" type flash suppressor; whereas the second generation and newer model uses the more conventional "flash-hider/compensator" design. The second generation incorporated several changes improving the rifle's accuracy, making it more suited to its intended job.<ref name= "wiki"></ref>
Only 176 total rifles were ever produced (approximately 15 of which were imported into the United States), and in two different variants. The two variants can be differentiated by the type of flash suppressor used: the first, the older model, uses a "can" type flash suppressor; whereas the second generation and newer model uses the more conventional "flash-hider/compensator" design. The second generation incorporated several changes improving the rifle's accuracy, making it more suited to its intended job.<ref name= "wiki"></ref>

Revision as of 01:35, 11 July 2017

Full name Walther WA 2000[1]
Country of Origin German[1]
Manufacturer Walther[1]
Artist 多元菌
Voice actor Haruka Tomatsu

WA2000 is an obtainable Tactical Doll in the game.

Weapon Background

Character Info

Game Data

Chibi image
44(x1)88(x1) / 440(x5)
15(x1) / 55(x5) 30(x1) / 90(x5)
47 130
4 30
10 82
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
26 39
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.
Icon slot Accessory.png Icon Telescopic Sight S 2star.png Icon Holographic Sight S 2star.png
Icon Red Dot Sight S 2star.png Icon Night Combat Equipment S 2star.png
Icon Silencer S 2star.png
Icon slot Magazine.png Icon Armor-Piercing Ammo S 2star.png Icon HP Ammo S 2star.png
Icon Shotgun Ammo S 2star.png
Icon High-Velocity Ammo S 2star.png
Icon slot Doll.png Icon Microchip S 2star.png Icon Exoskeleton S 2star.png
Icon Ballistic Plate S 2star.png Icon Camo Cape S 2star.png
Icon Ammo Box S 2star.png
Affects handguns
Reduce skill cooldown by 18%


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition WA2000。指挥官,你就乖乖看着吧,别当我的绊脚石就行了。 私の名前はワルサーWA2000。指揮官、私の足を引っ張ったら承知しないわよ。Play My name is WA2000. Commander you just stand a side and look, and don't get in my way.

(Jp)My name is WA2000. Commander, I acknowledge you if you get in my way!

Introduction WA2000狙击步枪。注意,我可不是那种拿猎枪改造而成的狙击枪,而是完全专门为狙击手设计的武器。由于追求极致的狙击艺术,而在当时拥有着顶尖的射击精度。也因此造价十分昂贵……本来嘛,我就是为了成为精英而诞生的! WA2000 sniper rifle here. Attention, I’m not some hunting-rifle-modified-sniper-rifle, but designed exclusively for sniper. Aiming for the apex of sniping art, I had highest fire accuracy at that time, which resulted in high manufacturing cost…Of course, I was born to be elite!
Secretary 真是笨呢,要是真的讨厌你,就不会和你说话了。 馬鹿ね、本当に嫌いだったら、口にも闻いてあげないわよ。Play How stupid, if I really hated you, then I wouldn't be listening to you.
听好了!别随便叫我的名字,也别用手随便碰我的枪! いい?気安く私の名を呼ばないで、汚らし手で私の铳に触れるのはやめて顶戴!Play Listen up! Don't call my name so casually! And stop touching my gun with such filthy hands!
诶?脸红?还不是今天有点热!别会错意了啊! え?颜が赤い?だって今日は暑いから、勘违いしないでよね!Play Eh? My face is red? It's because...today's a bit hot! Don't get the wrong idea!
Secretary (post OATH)
What else needs to be done? Having valuable me busying all day, shouldn’t you repay me well after work?
I'm but a tool used for killing, and I've never thought of anything else. Commander, are you sure you want to keep someone like me by your side ? Um, I wonder if I can grow to be more honest with myself...
Greeting あんた、どこ行ってたのよ。そんなに私の顔が見たくないの?Play Hey, where did you go!? Do you really dislike seeing my face that much!?
T-Doll Produced うん~?見慣れない顔が来たわね,新入りかしら?Play Hmm? There's a face I don't recognize. Must be a newcomer.
Joining an echelon 言われなくでも出てあげるわよ、感謝しなさいよね。Play I'd sortie even if you didn't tell me to. You should be thankful.
Enhancement この私があんたにお礼を言うんだから、こ...心して受けなさいよね。Play I, of all people, am giving you my gratitude. So you better accept it from the bottom of your heart.
Dummy-linking 編成拡大?まあ、一回ぐらいはいいでしょう。Play Squad reinforcement? Well, I guess one more wouldn't hurt.
Logistics (start) ふん~!いいわ、やってあげる。Play Hmph, fine then, I'll do it.
Logistics (end) 無事に帰ってきたのよ。当然でしょう。Play We came back safe. Wasn't it natural?
Autobattle ここの敵は、私が皆殺しにしてあげるわ。Play I shall slaughter the enemies here!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission うん~出撃?まあ、いいんじゃない。Play Hmm? A sortie? Well, that's fine.
Starting a battle なんか...ムカつく顔を思い出した...Play I think I was reminded of an irritating face...
Skill activation 邪魔しないで!Play Get out of the way!
次に死ぬのは,アンタ達の番よ!Play You'll be the ones next to die!
私は、殺しのためだけに生まれてきたの!Play I was only born to kill!
Heavily damaged バカ...あんたに心配されたくないわよ...Play Idiot, I don't want you to be worried over me...
Retreat その...ごめんなさい。Play Um... I'm sorry...
MVP ほら、感謝しなさいよ。Play See? You'd better be thankful.
Restoration ちっ!素直な私でも、軽く見られてしまうね...Play Tch, I'd get looked down on even if I was honest.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 噫!才没有害怕呢!哇!别拿着南瓜头过来! ひいぃぃ!べ、別に怖がって無いわよ!ひいやあああ!カボチャ頭持ってくんな!Play Hyiii!! It-it's not like I'm scared! Hyaaahh!! Don't even bring jack o' lanterns near me!
Christmas 反正你现在闲着吧,一个人看着太可怜了,稍微陪陪你吧…… あんた、どうせ暇でしょう、一人じゃ可哀想だから、付き合ってあげるわ。Play You're free now anyway, it's pitiful seeing you all alone, so I shall accompany you for a bit...
New Year's Day 新年ぐらいは挨拶してあげるわ、あっあけましておめでとう。何よ、文句でもあるの?


I'll at least give you my New Year's greetings. H-Happy New Years! ...What? Do you have something against that?
Valentine's day たまたま余ったチョコよ!要らないなんてぬかしたら承知しないから。


Here, this is just some leftover chocolate. I won't let you off if you say you don't need it!


  • A total tsundere towards everyone, this is due to her being designed as a killing machine and she finds it hard to effectively communicate with others.
  • She is currently the RF with the highest base DPS.
  • She is based off the first generation WA 2000, as evident from the distinct flash suppressor.
