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IOP Wiki:Guideline/General Namelist

4,484 bytes added, 23:45, 27 September 2018
:It's incomplete and work-in-progress. Use '''ctrl+F''' to search in page. Please submit anything you think should be in the glossary in comment area.
==Game Mechanics==
{| class="gf-table sortable"
! Chinese
! English
! Category
| 猫猫肉垫作战任务| Kitty Paw| T-Doll Costume|-| 糖果快递| Candy Fast Delivery| T-Doll Costume|-| 南瓜熊熊| Pumpkin Teddy| T-Doll Costume|-| 甜心小恶魔| Sweetheart Devil| T-Doll Costume|-| 睡醒的| Woken-up Idiot| T-Doll Costume|-| 兔女郎| Bunny Girl| T-Doll Costume|-| 顽劣噪音| Stubborn Noise| T-Doll Costume|-| 僵尸家里蹲| Zombie Hikikimori| T-Doll Costume|-| 卡蜜拉| Carmilla| T-Doll Costume|-| 古堡历险| Castle Adventure| T-Doll Costume|-| 暗夜恶魔| Imp of the Night| T-Doll Costume|-| 古典派女巫| Classcial Witch| T-Doll Costume|-| 狩猎者礼服| Hunter's Dress| T-Doll Costume|-| 异邦魔女| Foreign Witch| T-Doll Costume|-| 水襦裙| Water Skirt| T-Doll Costume|-| 周末警卫| Weekend Security Guard| T-Doll Costume|-| 派对甜心| Partying Sweetheart| T-Doll Costume|-| 直达星星的愿望| Wish to the Stars| T-Doll Costume|-| 圣善夜的祝福| Christmas Blessing| T-Doll Costume|-| 圣诞巡游礼服| Christmas Parade Dress| T-Doll Costume|-| 圣诞居家礼服| Christmas Dress| T-Doll Costume|-| 冬日仙女| Winter Fairy| T-Doll Costume|-| 雪下赴约者| Snowy Appointment| T-Doll Costume|-| 圣诞鹿| Reindeer| T-Doll Costume|-| 冬幕补给行动| Winter Supply Operation| T-Doll Costume|-| 绯红守夜人| Crimson Night Watchman| T-Doll Costume|-| 耳朵山的雪妖精| Fairy of the Ear Fell| T-Doll Costume|-| 爆竹红| Firecracker Red| T-Doll Costume|-| 向日葵| Sunflower| T-Doll Costume|-| 金姬菊| Golden Coreopsis| T-Doll Costume|-| 仙客来| Cyclamen| T-Doll Costume|-| 玉玲珑| Jade Noisette Rose| T-Doll Costume|-| 牡丹魁| Peony Chief| T-Doll Costume|-| 报春花| Fairy Primrose| T-Doll Costume|-| 浪漫任务| Romantic Combat Mission| T-Doll Costume|-| “我来晚了?”| Am I late?| T-Doll Costume|-| “下不为例。”| Just this once.| T-Doll Costume|-| 英国恋人| English Lover| T-Doll Costume|-| 战争之王| Lord of War| T-Doll Costume|-| 女服务生| Waitress| T-Doll Costume|-| 两人的旅程| Journey of Two| T-Doll Costume|-| 契约时刻| Moment of Oath| T-Doll Costume|-| 被回应的心意| Returned Affections| T-Doll Costume|-| 毕生守护| Lifelong Guardian| T-Doll Costume|-| 与您同在| By Your Side| T-Doll Costume|-| 掌心约定| Promises upon these Palms| T-Doll Costume|-| 最重要的日子| The most important day| T-Doll Costume|-| 王牌值日生| Ace Student on Duty| T-Doll Costume|-| 生存社员| Survival Club Member| T-Doll Costume|-| 返校季| Back to School| T-Doll Costume|-| 战斗水手| Combat Sailor| T-Doll Costume|-| 格里芬制服| Griffin Uniform| T-Doll Costume|-| 青春弧光| Youth Arc| T-Doll Costume|-| 自由街头| Free Street| T-Doll Costume|-| 摇滚扳手| Rock'n'Roll| T-Doll Costume|-| 万圣节| Halloween| Furniture Set|-| 初始| Default| Furniture Set|-| 新世界(I)| New World I| Furniture Set|-| 秋| Autumn| Furniture Set|-| 新世界(II)| New World II| Furniture Set|-| Loft| Autumn LOFT| Furniture Set|-| 宁静日常| Peaceful Daily Life| Furniture Set|-| 可爱日常| Lovely Daily Life| Furniture Set|-| 指挥室| G&K HQ| Furniture Set|-| 咖啡店| Café| Furniture Set|-| 暖冬和风| Warm Winter and Wind| Furniture Set|-| 清冬和风| Clear Winter and Wind| Furniture Set|-| 铁血工造| Sangvis Ferri Works| Furniture Set|-| 圣诞福音| Christmas Gospel| Furniture Set|-| 便利店| Convenience Store| Furniture Set|-| 极地雪屋| Polar Igloo| Furniture Set|-| 年夜迎春| New Years Eve| Furniture Set|-| 游戏部门| IOP Game Division| Furniture Set|-| 精英徽记| Elite Emblem| Furniture Set|-| 星夜幻梦| Starry Dreams| Furniture Set|-| 春日课堂| Springtime Classroom| Furniture Set|-| 假日漫步| Holiday Stroll| Furniture Set|-| 博物之路| Museum Road| Furniture Set|-| 地铁2063| Metro 2063| Furniture Set|-| 五彩社团| Colorful Social Club| Furniture Set
| 后勤支援
| Logistics Support
| Game Mechanics
| 模拟作战
| Combat Simulation
| Game Mechanics
| 好感度
| Affection
| Game Mechanics
| 宿舍
| Dormitory| Game MechanicsDorm
| 人形制造
| T-Doll Production
| Game Mechanics
| 装备制造
| Equipment Production
| Game Mechanics
| 资料采样
| Data Collection| Game MechanicsMode
| 强化练习
| Reinforcement Exercises| Game MechanicsCapsule Mode
| 经验特训
| Experience TraniningEXP Mode| Game Mechanics-| 心智回廊| Neural Cloud Corridor
| 防御演习
| Defence Defense Drill| Game Mechanics|-| 作战任务| Combat Mission| Game Mechanics
| 人力
| Manpower
| Game Mechanics
| 弹药
| Ammunition| Game MechanicsAmmo
| 口粮
| Ration
| Game Mechanics
| 零件
| Spare Part| Game MechanicsParts
| 仓库
| Warehouse| Game MechanicsArmory
| 图鉴
| Collection| Game MechanicsIndex
| 梯队
| Echelon
| Game Mechanics
| 栏位
| Slot
| Game Mechanics
| 效能
| Effectiveness
| Game Mechanics
| 人形制造契约
| Crafting T-doll Contract| Game Mechanics
| 快速制造契约
| Acceleration Contract
| Game Mechanics
| 扩编
| Dummy Link
| Game Mechanics
| 核心
| core| Game MechanicsDummy Core
| 人形强化
| T-Doll Powerup| Game MechanicsPower-up
| 人形拆解
| T-Doll Retire
| Game Mechanics
| 装备拆解
| Recyelc Retire Equipment| Game Mechanics
| 技能训练
| Skill Traning| Game MechanicsTraining
| 装备强化
| Equipment Strengthen
| Game Mechanics
| 装备校准
| Equipment Calibration
| Game Mechanics
| 修复
| Restore| Game MechanicsRepair
| 快速修复契约
| Fast Quick Repair| Game MechanicsContract
| 勋章系统
| Medal System
| Game Mechanics
| 编队雷达系统
| Team Evaluation System| Game MechanicsAnalysis of Echelon Data
| 重型建造
| Large-scale Heavy Construction| Game Mechanics
| 特殊行动
| Special Operation
| Game Mechanics
| 战役结算
| Battle Settelment| Game MechanicsSettlement
| 梯队预设
| Division Formation Preset| Game Mechanics
| 初级训练资料
| Beginner Basic Training Data| Game Mechanics
| 中级训练资料
| Intermediate Training Data
| Game Mechanics
| 高级训练资料
| Advanced Training Data
| Game Mechanics
| 名片背景
| ID Card BackgroudBackground| Game Mechanics-| 作战效能| Combat Effectiveness|-| 自律作战| Auto-Battle|} ==Story & Lore=={| class="gf-table sortable"! Chinese! English
| 伯鲁泽维奇·克鲁格
| Berezovich Kryuger
| Story & Lore
| 赫丽安图斯
| Helianthus
| Story & Lore
| 帕斯卡利亚
| Persicaria
| Story & Lore
| 莱柯瑞斯
| Lycoris
| Story & Lore
| 格琳娜
| Kalina
| Story & Lore
| 巡游者
| Prowler
| Story & Lore
| 侦察者
| Scout
| Story & Lore
| 兵蚁
| Dinergate
| Story & Lore
| 劫豹
| Jaguar
| Story & Lore
| 切割者
| Ripper
| Story & Lore
| 胡峰
| Vespid
| Story & Lore
| 猎鸥
| Jaeger
| Story & Lore
| 痛击者
| Striker
| Story & Lore
| 护卫者
| Guard
| Story & Lore
| 龙骑兵
| Dragoon
| Story & Lore
| “'”圣盾”型军用作战人形
| Aegis
| Story & Lore
| “'”钢狮”型军用作战机甲
| Nemeum
| Story & Lore
| “'”蝎甲兽”型军用作战机甲
| Manticore
| Story & Lore
| ‘“'”工蜂”型民用靶机
| Drone
| Story & Lore-| 头目| Leader|-| 主脑| Mastermind
| 喙
| Beak
| Story & Lore
| 稻草人
| Scarecrow
| Story & Lore
| 刽子手
| Executioner
| Story & Lore
| 猎手
| Hunter
| Story & Lore
| 干扰者
| Intruder
| Story & Lore
| 炼金术师
| Alchemist
| Story & Lore
| 破坏者
| Destroyer
| Story & Lore-| 女神| Gaia
| 计量官
| Gager
| Story & Lore
| 代理人
| Agent
| Story & Lore
| 建筑师
| Architect
| Story & Lore
| 梦想家
| Dreamer
| Story & Lore
| 法官
| Judge
| Story & Lore
| 衔尾蛇
| Ouroboros
| Story & Lore
| 伊莱莎
| Elisa
| Story & Lore
| AR小队
| AR Team
| Story & Lore
| 404小队
| 404 Squad| Story & Lore/Task Force 404
| 铁血
| Sangvis Ferri
| Story & Lore
| 魔方行动
| Operation Cube
| Story & Lore
| 七阶谜题
| V-Cube 7 Puzzle
| Story & Lore
| 角先破解
| Corner First Tactic
| Story & Lore
| 层先调换
| Layer by Layer Strategy
| Story & Lore
| 次面崩溃蚀刻理论| Facet Disintegrate| Story & LoreTheory of Etching
| 收纳库先进数据进程工具| Warehouse| DormASST (Advance Statistic Session Tool)
| 采购伞计划| Procurement| DormPlan Parapluie
| 舒适度次面崩溃| Coziness LevelFacet Disintegrate| Dorm}|-| 装扮| Costume| Dorm|-| 采购币| Coin| Dorm|-| 兑换券| White Ticket| Dorm|-| 黑卡| Black Ticket| Dorm|-| 卡池预览| Available Gacha| Dorm|-| 礼物| Gift| Dorm|-| 波板糖| Candy| Dorm|-| 蛋奶草莓芝士| Cake| Dorm|-| 冰淇淋| Ice Cream| Dorm|-| 家具套装| Furniture Set| Dorm|-| 电池| Battery| Dorm|-| 全局经验| Global Experience| Dorm|-| 救助站| Rescue Station| Dorm|-| 工作台| Workbench| Dorm|==T-doll Names=={| 狗窝| Kennel/Dog House| Dorm|class="gf-table sortable"| 猫窝| Cat House! Chinese| Dorm|-| 资料室| Data Room| Dorm|-| 办公桌| Office Desk| Dorm|-| 计算机| Computer| Dorm|-| 资料桌| Data Table| Dorm|-| 操作台| Operation Table| Dorm|-| 电传机| Teletypewriter| Dorm|-| 作战报告书| Battle Report| Dorm|-| 古老的| Ancient| Dorm|-| 朴素的| Plain| Dorm|-| 简易| Basic| Dorm|-| 凌乱的| Messy| Dorm|-| 简单的| Simple| Dorm|-| 尘封的| Dust Covered| Dorm|-| 蒙尘的| Dusty| Dorm|-| 古朴的| Quaint| Dorm! English
| 柯尔特左轮
| Colt Revolver
| T-Doll Name
| 纳甘左轮
| Nagant Revolver
| T-Doll Name
| 托卡列夫
| Tokarev
| T-Doll Name
| 斯捷奇金
| Stechkin
| T-Doll Name
| 马卡洛夫
| Makarov
| T-Doll Name
| 92式
| Type 92
| T-Doll Name
| 阿斯特拉左轮
| Astra Revolver
| T-Doll Name
| 格洛克17
| Glock 17
| T-Doll Name
| 汤姆森
| Thompson
| T-Doll Name
| 蝎式
| Skorpion
| T-Doll Name
| 司登MkⅡ
| Sten MkII
| T-Doll Name
| 伯莱塔38型
| Beretta Model 38
| T-Doll Name
| 微型乌兹
| Micro Uzi
| T-Doll Name
| M1加兰德
| M1 Garand
| T-Doll Name
| 春田
| Springfield
| T-Doll Name
| 莫辛-纳甘
| Mosin-Nagant
| T-Doll Name
| 西蒙诺夫
| Simonov
| T-Doll Name
| 56式半
| Type 56
| T-Doll Name
| 李-恩菲尔德
| Lee-Enfield
| T-Doll Name
| 56-1式
| Type 56-1
| T-Doll Name
| 加利尔
| Galil
| T-Doll Name
| 布伦
| Bren
| T-Doll Name
| 64式
| Type 64
| T-Doll Name
| 汉阳造88式
| Hanyang Type 88
| T-Doll Name
| 灰熊MkⅤ
| Grizzly MkV
| T-Doll Name
| 内格夫
| Negev
| T-Doll Name
| 谢尔久科夫
| Serdyukov
| T-Doll Name
| 维尔德MkⅡ
| Welrod MkII
| T-Doll Name
| 索米
| Suomi
| T-Doll Name
| 79式
| Type 79
| T-Doll Name
| 95式
| Type 95
| T-Doll Name
| 97式
| Type 97
| T-Doll Name
| 59式
| Type 59
| T-Doll Name
| 63式
| Type 63
| T-Doll Name
| T-Doll Name
| 希普卡
| Shipka
| T-Doll Name
| 97式霰
| Type 97 Shotgun
| T-Doll Name
| 利贝罗勒
| Rybeyrolle Ribeyrolle 1918| T-Doll Name| 八一式马| Type 81 Carbine|-| 竞争者| Contender (Thompson Center)|-| 卡尔卡诺| Carcano|-| 猎豹| Gepárd|} ==Skill Names=={| class="gf-table sortable"! Chinese! English|-| 歼灭专注| Annihilation Focus
| 火力号令
| Fire Command
| Skill Name-| 观测者直击| Observer Strike|-| 巨鹰攻势| Hawk Assault
| 烟雾弹
| Smoke Grenade
| Skill Name
| 闪光弹
| Flashbang| Skill NameStun Grenade
| 掩护号令
| Cover Command
| Skill Name
| 精确压制
| Precision Suppression
| Skill Name
| 照明弹
| Flare
| Skill Name
| 歼灭号令
| Annihilation Elimination Command| Skill Name
| 冲锋号令
| Charge Command
| Skill Name
| 突击号令
| Assault Command
| Skill Name
| 火力压制
| Firepower Supression
| Skill Name
| 力场盾
| Force Shield
| Skill Name
| 手榴弹
| Hand Grenade
| Skill Name-| 崩甲射击| Rending Shot
| 掩护专注
| Cover Focus
| Skill Name
| 燃烧弹
| Incendiary Grenade
| Skill Name
| 锁定射击
| Locked Shot
| Skill Name
| 沉稳射击
| Designated Steady Shot| Skill Name-| 狂热突袭| Frenzied Assault
| 火力专注
| Firepower Damage Focus| Skill Name
| 瞄准射击
| Aimed Shot
| Skill Name
| 突击专注
| Assault Focus
| Skill Name-| 锁定专注| Lock-on Focus
| 阻断射击
| Interdiction Shot
| Skill Name
| 锁链射击
| Chain Shot
| Skill Name
| 突击专注机动专注| Attack Mobility Focus| Skill Name
| 杀伤榴弹
| Anti-personnel Grenade
| Skill Name
| 强袭专注
| Raid Strike Focus| Skill Name-| 强袭号令| Strike Command
| 爆破榴弹
| High-explosive Explosive Grenade| Skill Name
| 冲锋专注
| Charge Focus
| Skill Name
| 连珠终结
| Barrage End
| Skill Name
| 猎杀冲动
| Hunting Impulse
| Skill Name
| 蓄势待发
| Lock and Load
| Skill Name
| 掩护压制
| Cover Suppression
| Skill Name
| 突击压制
| Assault Supression
| Skill Name
| 掩护号令
| Cover Command
| Skill Name
| 狂躁血脉
| Frenzy
| Skill Name
| 突击者之眼
| Assault Eye
| Skill Name
| 精确专注
| Precision Focus
| Skill Name
| 隐秘号令
| Conceal Command
| Skill Name
| 精确号令
| Precision Command
| Skill Name
| 穿刺号令
| Piercing Command
| Skill Name-| 贯通射击| Penetrating Shot
| 终结打击
| Terminating shot
| Skill Name
| 震荡打击
| Burst Impact
| Skill Name
| 防护专注
| Ironside Concentration
| Skill Name
| 生存本能
| Survival Instinct
| Skill Name
| 巨羚号角
| Big Antelope's War Horn| Skill Name
| 暴动宣告
| Ultimatum
| Skill Name
| 至高枪弹
| Ammo Supremacy
| Skill } ==T-doll Costume=={| class="gf-table sortable"! Chinese! English! Owner! Owner index number! Namematched to EN release|-| 直达星星的愿望| Wish to the Stars| Colt Revolver| 1|-| 奇迹女王| The Miracle Queen| Colt Revolver| 1|-| 两人的旅程| A Couple's Journey| Tokarev| 6| ✓|-| 南瓜熊熊| Pumpkin Teddy| Makarov| 8|-| 魔女高徒| High Sorceress Apprentice| P38| 9|-| 恶魔猎人| Demon Huntress| Thompson| 16|-| 猫猫肉垫| Kitty Paw| Vector| 20|-| 盲信者| Love is Blind| Vector| 20|-| 契约时刻| Moment of Vows| PPSh-41| 21| ✓|-| 拇指公主| Thumbelina| MP40| 25|-| 暗夜恶魔| Imp of the Night| MP5| 26|-| 花未眠| Sleepless Begonias| MP5| 26| ✓|-| 小小的一步| A Small Step| MP5| 26|-| 深红的星途| Crimson Starlet| Skorpion| 27| ✓
| 蚀刻理论糖果枪弹| Theory of EtchingCandy Ammunition| Story & LoreMP7| 28|-| 被回应的心意| Reciprocated Love| Sten MkII| 29| ✓|-| 睡醒的笨蛋| Woken-up Idiot| Micro Uzi| 32|-| 糖果快递| Candy Fast Delivery| m45| 33|-| 沙滩公主| Beach Princess| M1 Garand| 34| ✓
| 先进数据进程工具古典派女巫| ASST (Advance Statistic Session Tool)Classcial Witch| Story & LoreSpringfield| 36
| 控制台圣善夜的祝福| ConsoleChristmas Blessing| DormSpringfield| 36
| 兑换券灯火下的女王| White Ticket/Exchange CouponQueen in Radiance| DormSpringfield| 36| ✓
| 兑换睡醒的人鱼| Trade StationStirring Mermaid| DormSpringfield| 36| ✓
| 牧月之邀圣诞巡游礼服| Prairial InvitationChristmas Parade Dress| T-Doll CostumeM14| 37
| 黑兔玛奇朵圣诞居家礼服| Black Rabbit MacchiatoChristmas Dress| T-Doll CostumeM21| 38
| 月之海
| Luna SeaMoonlit Ocean| TMosin-Doll CostumeNagant| 39| ✓|-| 浪漫任务| Romantic Mission| PTRD| 42| ✓|-| 冬日仙女| Winter Fairy| SVD| 43|-| 女服务生| Waitress| SV-98| 44|-| 命中红心| Piercing the Heart| SV-98| 44|-| 古堡历险| Castle Adventure| WA2000| 48
| 灯火下的女王雪下赴约者| Queen Under the ChandelierSnowy Appointment| T-Doll CostumeWA2000| 48
| 舞会休止符
| PromBallroom Interlude| WA2000| 48| ✓|-| 魔鬼鱼行动| Op. Manta Ray| WA2000| 48| ✓|-| 狩猎者礼服| Huntress's Rest SignFrock| Lee-Enfield| 50| ✓|-| 毕生守护| Lifelong Protector| Lee-Enfield| 50| ✓|-| 洋葱枪手| Onion Gunner| Lee-Enfield| 50|-| 圣诞鹿| Reindeer| NTW-20| 53|-| 骄阳任务| Op. Blazing Sun| NTW-20| 53| ✓|-| 贵族体验馆| Aristocrat Experience Service| NTW-20| 53|-| 返校季| Literary Girl| ST AR-15| 57| ✓|-| 战争之王| Lord of War| AK-47| 58|-| 沙滩朋克2064| Beach Punk 2064| G41| 62|-| 战地糕点师| Battlefield Baker| G3| 63| ✓| T-Doll Costume| 小小招待员| Petit Waitress| G36| 64|-| 调酒师| Bartender| G36| 64|-| 纯白矢车菊| Pure White Cornflower| G36| 64|-| 和G36的五十天| Fifty Days with G36| G36| 64|-| 星之茧| Starry Cocoon| HK416| 65| ✓|-| 爆竹红| Firecracker Red| Type 56-1| 66|-| 同心千千结| As One, Forever Entwined| Type 56-1| 66|-| 偷走重要的糖果| Steal the Precious Candy| FNC| 70|-| 酒吧之夜| Night at the Bar| TAR-21| 72| ✓
| 祭典强音!兔女郎| The festival's fortissimo!Bunny Girl| T-Doll CostumeM1918| 75| ✓
| 绸缪夜曲
| Affectionate Tender Nocturne| TM1918| 75| ✓|-Doll Costume| 如你所愿的圣诞| The Christmas You Wished For| M1918| 75|-| 北极狐| Arctic Fox| M249 SAW| 79| ✓|-| 派对甜心| Partying Sweetheart| M1919A4| 80| ✓|-| 卡蜜拉| Carmilla| M1919A4| 80|-| 黄星蓟| Yellow Star-thistle| LWMMG| 81|-| 与您同在| By Your Side| PK| 85| ✓|-| 假日街景| Urban Holiday| MG3| 88| ✓|-| 顽劣噪音| Stubborn Noise| MP-446| 91|-| 向日葵| Sunflower| MP-446| 91
| 星之茧箱中之猫| Cocoon of StarsCat in the Box| T-Doll CostumeIDW| 93
| 深红的星途水襦裙| Scarlet StarwayWater Gown| T-Doll CostumeType 64| 94| ✓
| 月光舞会异邦魔女| Moonlight PromForeign Witch| Furniture SetType 64| 94
| 都市摄影棚东湖莲| Urban Photo StudioLotus of the East Lake| Furniture SetHanyang Type 88| 95
| 洋葱枪手周末警卫| Onion GunnerWeekend Cop| T-Doll CostumeGrizzly MkV| 96| ✓
| 变身!泰迪熊!
| Transform! Teddy Bear!
| TGrizzly MkV| 96|-Doll Costume| 星夜舞会| Starry Night Prom| Grizzly MkV| 96|-| 王牌值日生| Ace on Duty| M950A| 97| ✓|-| 祭典强音!| Concert Diva| M950A| 97| ✓|-| 家政试炼| Housework Training| M950A| 97|-| 拥抱粉雪| Embracing Snowflakes| SPP-1| 98|-| 甜心小恶魔| Sweetheart Devil| Mk23| 99|-| 蜂糖花| Honey Sweet Flower| Mk23| 99|-| 掌心约定| Pinky Swear| P7| 100| ✓|-| 魔枪修女| Devilish Gunslinger Nun| P7| 100|-| “我来晚了?”| "Am I late?"| UMP9| 101| ✓|-| 世界之歌| Song of the World| UMP9| 101|-| “下不为例。”| "No next time."| UMP45| 103| ✓|-| 钻石之花| Flower of Diamond| UMP45| 103|-| 夏天·烟火·向阳之诗| Ode to Summer| G36C| 104| ✓|-| 冬幕补给行动| Winter Supply Operation| FAL| 106|-| 最重要的日子| The Big Day| FAL| 106| ✓|-| FAL的夏天| FAL's Summer| FAL| 106|-| 绯红守夜人| Crimson Night Watchman| MG5| 109|-| 荒野猎人| Wild Hunter| MG5| 109
| 拇指公主黑疫骑士| ThumbelinaKnight of Pestilence| T-Doll CostumeMG5| 109
| 小流浪家
| Little Nomad
| Negev| 112|-| 英国恋人| English In Love| Welrod MkII| 114| ✓|-| 暗影之王| Lord of Darkness| Welrod MkII| 114|-| 夜幕危机| Twilight Menace| Welrod MkII| 114|-| 耳朵山的雪妖精| Fairy of the Ear Fell| Suomi| 115|-| 仲夏夜的精灵| Midsummer Pixie| Suomi| 115| ✓|-| 子弹咖啡馆| Bullet Cafe| 9A-91| 118| ✓|-| 樱吹雪| Flurry of Petals| OTs-14| 119| ✓|-| 僵尸家里蹲| Zombie Hikikimori| G11| 122|-| 我最美丽的礼物| Most Beautiful Gift of Mine| G11| 122|-| 朵拉贡 Jr.| Dragon Jr.| G11| 122|-| 狼行者| Wolfwalker| Super SASS| 124|-| 生存社员| Survival Club| MG4| 125| ✓|-| 金姬菊| Golden Coreopsis| NZ75| 126|-| ThanX!&Go2Hell!| ThanX!&Go2Hell!| NZ75| 126|-| 青丘狐| Fox of Green Hill| Type 79| 127|-| 仙客来| Cyclamen| M99| 128|-| 兔子班| Rabbit Squad| M99| 128|-| 玉玲珑| Jade Noisette Rose| Type 95| 129|-| 夏明婵| Summer Cicada| Type 95| 129| ✓|-| 牡丹魁| Peony Chief| Type 97| 130|-| 白夜星语| White Night Star Whispers| EVO 3| 131|-| 报春花| Fairy Primrose| Type 59| 132|-| 玄黄之鸑鷟| Yellow Phoenix| Type 63| 133|-| 黑兔玛奇朵| Black Rabbit Macchiato| SR-3MP| 135|-| 青蛙小公主| Little Frog Princess| PP-19| 136|-| 战斗水手| Battle Sailor| 6P62| 138| ✓|-| 游轮女王| Cruise Queen| Five-seveN| 142| ✓|-| 被接纳的笑容| Smile of Acceptance| Five-seveN| 142|-| 芬芬历险记| Fenfen's Adventures| Five-seveN| 142|-| 森林里的小驯鹿| Little Reindeer in the Forest| OTs-44| 145|-| 热带风暴| Tropical Storm| G28| 146|-| 啤酒牧场| Wiesnbier| G28| 146|-| 第七封印者| The Seventh Banisher| IWS 2000| 148|-| 极道车神| Peerless Yazuka Rider| AEK-999| 149|-| 猎魔法则| Law of Exorcism| M1887| 151|-| 电子女巫| Electronic Witch| M1897| 152|-| 盛夏巡礼者| Summer Parader| M37| 153| ✓|-| 雪朝颜| Snowy Nil| M590| 155|-| 异乡的十字路口| Crossroads of a Foreign Land| Super-Shorty| 156|-| 星之彼岸| Coast Beyond the Stars| RMB-93| 159|-| 盛夏的果实| Fruits of Summer| SPAS-12| 162|-| 太阳永不升起| Never Rising Sun| AA-12| 163|-| 凛冬采集者| Winter Gatherer| CZ75| 166|-| 最后的爱丽丝| The Final Alice| Spitfire| 168|-| RFB偷走圣诞节| RFB Steals Christmas| RFB| 172|-| 花与水| Flower and Water| PKP| 173| ✓|-| 淑女密令| Lady's Secret Order| PKP| 173|-| 白山茶| White Camellia| Type 81 Carbine| 174|-| 莲花白| Lotus White| ART556| 175|-| 三羽乌| Sanbagarasu| KLIN| 177|-| 凛冬将逝| The End of Winter| KLIN| 177|-| 红牡丹| Pantone Peony| DSR-50| 179|-| 最高出价| Highest Bidder| DSR-50| 179|-| 爆裂骑手| Burst Rider| PzB 39| 180|-| 歌剧魅影| Phantom of the Opera| Contender| 183|-| 百花侍从| Floral Servitude| Contender| 183|-| 卖礼物的圣诞树| Present Selling Christmas Tree| Ameli| 185|-| 梅花印| Plum Blossom Seal| S.A.T.8| 188|-| 玉帘草| Jade Rain Lily| JS05| 192|-| 远东公主| Far East Princess| K2| 194|-| 献上枪声的雪姑娘| Snegurochka's Bullet Offering| Zas M21| 196|-| 白棋女王| Queen of the White Pieces| Zas M21| 196|-| 勇敢的小卡诺| Brave Little Cano| Carcano M1891| 197|-| 匹诺曹小姐| Miss Pinocchio| Carcano M91∕38| 198|-| 钢化蝴蝶| Metal Butterfly| Type 80| 199|-| 今日合约| Today's Contract| Gepard M1| 201|-| 莉诺尔的乌鸦| Renoir's Crow| Thunder| 202|-| 潜水钟与人偶| Doll and Diving Watch| AN-94| 205|-| 冰沙时代| Slush Age| AK-12| 206|-| 穹顶月光| Moonlight on the Dome| K5| 212|-| 飞鹅旅行记| The Wonderful Adventures of Swan| C-MS| 213|-| μ-12| μ-12| Noel| 1002|-| 马格南婚礼| Magnum Wedding| Elphelt| 1001|-| 人偶歼灭者| Automaton Annihilator| Elphelt| 1002|-| 琪亚娜的礼服| Kiana's Formal Dress| Kiana| 1003|-| 布洛妮娅的装甲| Bronya's Armour| Bronya| 1005|-| 希儿的祭礼| Seele's Festival| Seele| 1008|-| 口袋城女王二世| Queen of Pocket City II| Clear| 1009|-| 口袋城女王三世| Queen of Pocket City III| Fail| 1010|} ==Others=={| class="gf-table sortable"! Chinese! English! Category|-| 壮志凌云| Top Gun| Furniture Set|-| 王之裁缝| Tailor of the Kings| Furniture Set|-| 万圣节| Halloween| Furniture Set|-| 初始| Default| Furniture Set|-| 新世界(I)| New World I| Furniture Set|-| 秋| Autumn| Furniture Set|-| 新世界(II)| New World II| Furniture Set|-| Loft| Autumn LOFT| Furniture Set|-| 宁静日常| Peaceful Daily Life| Furniture Set|-| 可爱日常| Lovely Daily Life| Furniture Set|-| 指挥室| G&K HQ| Furniture Set|-| 咖啡店| Café| Furniture Set|-| 暖冬和风| Warm Winter and Wind| Furniture Set|-| 清冬和风| Clear Winter and Wind| Furniture Set|-| 铁血工造| Sangvis Ferri Works| Furniture Set|-| 圣诞福音| Christmas Gospel| Furniture Set|-| 便利店| Convenience Store| Furniture Set|-| 极地雪屋| Polar Igloo| Furniture Set|-| 年夜迎春| New Years Eve| Furniture Set|-| 游戏部门| IOP Game Division| Furniture Set|-| 精英徽记| Elite Emblem| Furniture Set|-| 星夜幻梦| Starry Dreams| Furniture Set|-| 春日课堂| Springtime Classroom| Furniture Set|-| 假日漫步| Holiday Stroll| Furniture Set|-| 博物之路| Museum Road| Furniture Set|-| 地铁2063| Metro 2063| Furniture Set|-| 五彩社团| Colorful Social Club| Furniture Set|-| 关东往事| Memories from the East| Furniture Set|-| 单车日记| Bicycle Diary| Furniture Set|-| 收纳库| Warehouse| Dorm|-| 采购| Procurement| Dorm|-| 舒适度| Coziness Level| Dorm|-| 装扮| Costume| Dorm|-| 采购币| Coin| Dorm|-| 兑换券| White Ticket| Dorm|-| 黑卡| Black Ticket| Dorm|-| 卡池预览| Available Gacha| Dorm|-| 礼物| Gift| Dorm|-| 波板糖| Candy| Dorm|-| 蛋奶草莓芝士| Cake| Dorm|-| 冰淇淋| Ice Cream| Dorm|-| 家具套装| Furniture Set| Dorm|-| 电池| Battery| Dorm|-| 全局经验| Global Experience| Dorm|-| 救助站| Rescue Station| Dorm|-| 工作台| Workbench| Dorm|-| 狗窝| Kennel/Dog House| Dorm|-| 猫窝| Cat House| Dorm|-| 资料室| Data Room| Dorm|-| 办公桌| Office Desk| Dorm|-| 计算机| Computer| Dorm|-| 资料桌| Data Table| Dorm|-| 操作台| Operation Table| Dorm|-| 电传机| Teletypewriter| Dorm|-| 作战报告书| Battle Report| Dorm|-| 古老的| Ancient| Dorm|-| 朴素的| Plain| Dorm|-| 简易| Basic| Dorm|-| 凌乱的| Messy| Dorm|-| 简单的| Simple| Dorm|-| 尘封的| Dust Covered| Dorm|-| 蒙尘的| Dusty| Dorm|-| 古朴的| Quaint| Dorm|-| 控制台| Console| Dorm|-| 兑换券| White Ticket/Exchange Coupon| Dorm|-| 兑换| Trade Station| Dorm|-| 月光舞会| Moonlight Prom| Furniture Set
| 小小招待员都市摄影棚| Petit WaitressUrban Photo Studio| T-Doll CostumeFurniture Set
| 糖果小镇
| Kindergarten
| Furniture Set
| 格里芬制服
| Griffin Uniform
| T-Doll Costume
| 青春弧光
| Youth Arc
| T-Doll Costume
| 自由街头
| Free Street
| T-Doll Costume
| 摇滚扳手
| Rock'n'Roll
| T-Doll Costume

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