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Full name Heckler & Koch G41
Country of Origin German
Manufacturer Heckler & Koch[1]
Artist NS[2]
Voice actor Rie Kugimiya[2]

G41 is an obtainable Tactical Doll in the game.

Weapon Background

Before the reunification of Germany, the West German army main service rifle was the G3. Original plan for West Germany was to replace their main army's service rifle with G41, while the special forces would use the more innovative caseless munition firing G11.

Designed by Heckler & Koch in 1981 with reference to the Mauser StG45 and G3, G41 is a conventional layout, selective fire, roller delayed blowback operated assault rifle designed to chamber the M193(5.56x45mm NATO) Cartridge. G41's effective firing range is up to 400 metres, able to fire at a rate of 850 rounds per minute, feeds from a standard NATO STANAG magazine. Other feature include the magazine release on left side of the magazine well, fire mode selection lever is available for access on both side of the weapon featuring a burst fire mode other than semi and full automatic, a forward assist that can ensure the bolt is closed. The barrel of the G41 comes with a flash suppressor, which can serve as a mount for both rifle grenades and G3 issue bayonets.

G41 was designed to be more modern and more compatible with the NATO issue equipment. For mounting optics, G41 can either chose to use the H&K proprietary clamp mount adaptor or just the Picatinny rail on top of the receiver, forearm of the G41 can also mount bipods or the 40mm grenade launcher (Namely the HK79 units), though mounting of the grenade launcher will mean the replacement of the synthetic forearm completely.

The reunification of Germany brought about many political changes, which meant reduced defense budgets for the nation, with the reduced budgets G11 project announced closed before further development, G41 soon followed it's footsteps. Despite it's satisfying field test trial performance, G41 did not enter service with the Bundeswehr, production line discontinued after only a small number was produced, production right of the weapon were also sold to an Italian arms manufacturer Luigi Franchi and the main service rifle that replaced G3 would be the HK50/G36. However this was not end for the G41, despite not in service with the Bundeswehr, a small number of G41 are actually in service with special forces units of a few other countries such as Turkey and Spain. [1]

Character Info




Game Data

Chibi image
64(x1)127(x1) / 635(x5)
20(x1) / 60(x5) 20(x1) / 60(x5)
18 50
5 40
5 48
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
52 77
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.
Icon slot Accessory.png Icon Telescopic Sight S 2star.png Icon Holographic Sight S 2star.png
Icon Red Dot Sight S 2star.png Icon Night Combat Equipment S 2star.png
Icon Silencer S 2star.png
Icon slot Magazine.png Icon Armor-Piercing Ammo S 2star.png Icon HP Ammo S 2star.png
Icon Shotgun Ammo S 2star.png
Icon High-Velocity Ammo S 2star.png
Icon slot Doll.png Icon Microchip S 2star.png Icon Exoskeleton S 2star.png
Icon Ballistic Plate S 2star.png Icon Camo Cape S 2star.png
Icon Ammo Box S 2star.png
Affects submachine guns
Increase evasion by 15%
Increase accuracy by 50%

Obtainable from crafting only.


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition G41。您就是我的主人吗?请带我回家吧,我会好好做的! G41!ご主人様、わたしを連れてって!Play G41. Are you my master? Please take me home, I'll work hard!
Introduction 主人,是我哦,G41突击步枪!原本是用来取代G3的,但因为造价昂贵等原因,最终被同厂的G36击败了。后来的我不仅被停产,还被卖到了别的地方……不过现在能被主人收留,我会全力珍惜这个机会的! Master, it's me, G41 Assault Rifle! Originally designed to replace G3, high costs and technical reasons led to G36 being chosen instead. Later, I was discontinued and sold to other places... However, now that Master has given me a new home, I will take full advantage of this opportunity!
Secretary 有想做的事吗,主人? 何をしたいですかご主人様?Play Is there anything you want to do master ?
主人,想再听听您的故事! ご主人様のおとぎ話が聞きたいPlay Master, I want to hear more of your stories !
您一直陪着我,我很开心,但这身装备很贵的,还是摸摸头吧。 よかったら頭なでてくれる?嬉しいから。Play JP: If you like can you pat my head? That's make me happy.

CH: I'm happy that you're staying with me all the time, but this set of equipment is expensive, only head patting will do.

Secretary (post OATH)
Master, many interesting things happened today! Please pay attention to what I have to say, if master is satisfied then please give me a reward!
I've been pestering you this whole time, worried that you might hate me, but also worried that you might forget...But that concern is no longer relevant, Master! G41...The day I've waited for has finally arrived! Let us be together forever!
Greeting 啊,主人,您来了!今天要做些什么呢,先从表扬我开始吧! あっ、ご主人様、今日はなにします?まずは褒めて褒めてっ!Play Ah, it's master. What we're going to do today? Praise me first!
T-Doll Produced 新的同伴呢,应该很廉价吧。 新しい仲間・・・安っぽい。Play New comrade... cheap looking.
Joining an echelon 要离开您了吗……但是,我不会让您失望的! ご主人様の期待を裏切らないように頑張ります!Play JP: I'll try my best to not disappointing you master!

CN: Will be leaving you now...? I won't disappoint you my master!

Enhancement 感谢您,主人,最后再摸摸头吧! 感謝しますご主人様!頭なでて!Play My gratitude master! Pat my head again!
Dummy-linking 主人,今后再摸摸头的话,可别漏掉任何一个哦。 全員の頭なでて!Play JP: Pat everyone of my head!

CN: Master try not to miss out anyone when you pet me from now on.

Logistics (start) 我出发了哦,主人,期待我的归来吧。 行ってきます!待っててね!Play I'm off now, wait for me return!
Logistics (end) 我回来了,主人,快奖励我吧! ただいま、ご主人様、はやく褒めて!Play I'm back master. Hurry up and praise me!
Autobattle 就算取代不了你们,帮下忙也是可以的吧? 手伝ってあげるよ。Play JP: I'll give you a hand.

CN: Might not be able to replace you, but won't hurt giving a helping hand right?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission G41,出发!请看我的表现吧! G41(じーよんいち)、出ます!Play G41, going off! (CN: Please watch my performance!)
Starting a battle 发现敌人,消灭吧! 敵発見、殲滅します!Play Enemy spotted, proceed annihilation!
Skill activation 不会失手的! はずさないから!Play I got this!
主人,看着我吧! ご主人様!見てください!Play Master! Please look at this!
我的价值,一定会发挥出来的! わたしの価値、必ず発揮します!Play I'll definitely display my worth!
Heavily damaged 唔……不可以这样啊,又要加重主人的负担了! うーん…ダメ、ご主人様の負担になっちゃう!Play Ugh... not like this. I'll become burden to master!
Retreat 对不起,主人,我让您……失望了…… ごめんなさいご主人様… 失望させました…。Play I'm sorry master... I've disappoint you.
MVP 怎么样呢,主人!越夸奖我的话,我就会越努力哦! ご主人様!どうだ!褒めてくれればもっと努力しますよ!Play Master! How is it! If you praise me more I'll try harder!
Restoration 抱歉,主人……诶?您刚刚……摸了我的头吗? えっ?頭…なでてくれた?Play Ehh? Did you just... Pat my head?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 不给糖果就捣乱!嘻嘻,我可不会捣乱呢,因为主人很忙嘛,不过糖果也要给哦。 お菓子をくれないと暴れますよ、あぁ、ご主人様は忙しいのか。迷惑になっちゃいますね。お菓子は大丈夫です。Play If you don't give me treats I'll play tricks you know. Ah, master seems busy, I won't cause you any trouble, but do please give me some treats.
Christmas メリクリスマスご主人様、g41は今日いっぱい仕事したんですよ、早く褒めて!Play Master, merry christmas. I've done so many things today you know. Hurry up and praise me!
New Year's Day 明けましておめでとう、ご主人様。一年間どうだった?g41も頑張りました!ご褒美として頭なでて!


Happy new year master. How did you do this year? I've done my best the whole year! Pat my head as reward!
Valentine's day 今日はね、いくらチョコをもらっても、ご主人様には私の傍にいてもらわなくちゃ。


Master you know, no matter how many chocolate you get today, I'll always be your side.


  • Has cute animal ears and refers to the Commander as Master (snuggle time, prprpr).
  • She appears to have heterochromia. Blue right eye and red left eye, but the red eye might be some form of targeting system (crosshair) which deactivates during her victory animation.
  • She is one of the T-dolls with animalized appearance, together with IDW, P7, M500 and ART-556 etc.
  • Apparently, her hair ornament is a reference to the Xbox 360 console, it turns red upon receiving critical damage to symbolize the red ring of death. (顺便头发上的俩求来自X一圈,大破会三红掉。)
  • Even her illustrator NS doesn't know what type of animal she suppose to be, NS comments stating "Most importantly I don't even know whether she is a cat a dog or a fox, lololololololol...(最 关 键 的 一 点 是 我 也 不 知 道 是 猫 是 狗 是 狐 狸 233333333333333333333333333333……)."
