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Story/Arctic Warfare/E2-2 (Part1)/Script

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[Two minutes later.]

HK416: Hey, Gr G11! Wake up!
Wake UP!


G11: Ow! How many times have I told you not to kick me?!

HK416: Then get up already!

G11: Whoaaaa! Don’t drag me! Don’t drag me!

[Gr G11 got forcibly dragged out of her sleeping bag.]

G11: Brrrrrrrrrr… It’s freezing!
Where the heck are we? It’s so much warmer in the sleeping bag!

HK416: (Snatches) Stay right there! Don’t even think about burrowing back inside!
The operation is about to begin. Pack up your sleeping bag quickly and don’t leave anything behind.

G11: (Whimpers) Why are you all huffy with me…
I didn’t do anything wrong. If you’re mad, take it out on 45...

HK416: I don’t even dare open a ration can, and here you are, having a good time snoozing and stuffing yourself.
I don’t understand why 45 took this job to begin with.

G11: Because we’re experts. Who else could do this kinda thing?
If you don’t like the job, you shouldn’t have bothered to come...

HK416: ...I don’t want to sit out on a mission because of such trivial reasons.

G11: (shrugs) Just leave me out of your tantrums.
So, we going now?

HK416: Uh…
We have to destroy the surveillance outposts on the way in order to satisfy rendezvous with 45 and 9.
Then, we’re gonna investigate...um...
Uh...the outpost “they” stopped at.

G11: Ah…
You mean we have to uncover M16 and co.’s tracks, right?

HK416: …!

G11: What’s wrong?
Huh? Wait for me, 416!
Carry me! My legs are frozen stiff!