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PNC Story/Dark 2-1/Script

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> No. of Memory Data Document: CYCLOPS3112
> Data Source: Doll, Simo, ...

Simo: Reporting in, Simo here. I've arrived at the Control Compartment. Everything's smooth so far.

Croque: Copy that.
Croque: Simo, I can't see your position.

Simo: Is that so? Good.
Simo: To prevent detection, I've done a little bit of concealing. Looks like it's working as intended..

Croque: I can't believe I was fooled by technology like this...

Simo: After all, we found that a Greater Sanctifier was garrisoned in this sector. I'm not sure I can handle her if she manages to track me down.
Simo: Don't take it to heart, Croque. This is one of my core functions.

Croque: How can I not? If we can't see our own people on radar, the chance of an accident raises tenfold!
Croque: There's also the minor issue of possibly of running into that Greater Sanctifier head on...

Simo: I do agree that's a problem, but rest assured. I will do everything in my power to avoid her unless an encounter is absolutely inevitable.

Croque: Alright, alright. You haven't tripped any Sanctifiers or patrolling agents, have you?

Simo: Not yet. They don't have any targeted countermeasures against optical camouflage.

Croque: For a military-industrial sector like this, there aren't even precautions against optical camouflage? Unbelievable.

Simo: Haha... the technology for optical camouflage isn't really commonplace yet.
Simo: Many faculties I have equipped are currently are still in the experimental phase. I'm not sure if this'll all work so well next time.

Croque: If even the Cyclopes Sector lacks countermeasures, I might as well rig up Aegis some of this camouflage for next time.

Simo: The camouflage can't disguise auditory signals, so Aegis's transformation racket is going to give you away.

Croque: So long as I can develop a recognition interference device, Aegis will be able to apply this technology. And then...

Simo: ...Sigh.
Simo: Croque, I'm only here to scout, right?

Croque: Correct. Stay hidden, get some hard intel on Cyclopes' current situation, and return safely.
Croque: But that research is so irresistible, man...
Croque: Well that's that! I'll contact you again once the time comes. Bye-bye!

Simo: Roger that. Over and out.
Simo: The volume of data in Cyclopes is gigantic. I'll need to find some sort of map first.
Simo: Go forward from here...

Before Simo continues forward, he stops in his tracks.

Agent: Requesting transfer of document: 279b79227b35941cf4b3.
Agent: Orientation complete... Category: Original Prototype Data.
Agent: Document Notes: Gaul-1

Simo: ......?!

Agent: This document contains data regarding original prototypes that cannot be circulated. Please move to terminal B-01 to view the document.

Simo: (Gaul-1... A document about me?)
Simo: (What is something about me doing in Cyclopes? I have to get to the bottom of this...)

Agent: Received. Moving to Terminal B-01.

The agent who requested document transfer took their leave. Only one agent remained, still arranging documents.

Simo approaches like a ghost, pressing his crossbow's business end against the back of her head.

Agent: Huh! No abnormal agent has been detected...who are you?

Simo: Don't turn around.
Simo: I have no intention of resetting you, so long as you fetch Document 279b79227b35941cf4b3 for me.

Agent: ...I must know your identity before executing such a command. Who are you?

Simo: That is irrelevant. You have the permissions. Simply do as I say.
Simo: This is no negotiation. This is an order.

Agent: The data about original prototypes are classified as top secret. I cannot display them to unidentified Agents.
Agent: Besides, I only take orders from Olivia. No other individual can command me.

Simo: ...That agent who just left also has the necessary permissions. If you won't do it, I'll go for her instead.

Before Simo's sentence was finished, the agent reached for a button on the control panel.

Simo hesitates for a split second. Instead of firing his weapon, he lunges for her arm, intercepting her wrist halfway.

???: Monitor 104, this is a trustworthy individual.

???: Clear alerts. Retrieving Document 279b79227b35941cf4b3.

Simo: (When did this person appear...?)

Monitor104: Command accepted.

The agent named Monitor 104 struggles to free herself from Simo's clutch before retrieving the relevant document.

???: That's enough. You can go and get some rest.
???: Don't look back. Leave from the side door.

Monitor104: Olivia, just who is he?

???: Don't worry. He's our friend. Nothing bad will happen.

Monitor 104 leaves.

Simo turns around and looks at the female agent standing at the door.

Simo: And you are?

???: It is the first time for you, but for us... Long time no see, Gaul, or should I say, "Simo."

Simo: ...Answer my question.

Olivia: I'm Olivia, an administrator of the Cyclopes Sector.
Olivia: Let's cut to the chase. What are you looking for? Perhaps we can work together...