May 1st

Daily Discount Package

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May 1st 00:00 GMT+8 ~ May 31st 23:59 GMT+8

Package content:

  x100,   x100,   x150.

One purchase available per day

Package cost: 118  

May Monthly Bundle

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May 1st 00:00 GMT+8 ~ May 7th 23:59 GMT+8

For a Limited Time, the April Monthly Bundle will be available for purchase in Kalina's shop. This bundle is limited to 1 purchase only.

Package content:

  x1,   x100,   x1000, Strawberry Shortcake x10.

Packages cost: 580  

Double Monthly Gems

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May 1st 00:00 GMT+8 ~ May 7th 23:59 GMT+8

For a limited time, Monthly gem cards will give double the amount of gems throughout the first week of May!

May 4th

Special Rescue Event

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May 4th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ May 12th 23:59 GMT+8

Starting May 4th, a special Rescue event will commence, players will be tasked with hunting down SF bosses from Chapters 1 ~ 6 for a chance of obtaining special T-dolls.

List of T-dolls who require a hero:

May 9th

Prairial's Allure Re-Run

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May 9th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ May 16th 23:59 GMT+8

Starting on May 9th, The Radiant Collection will begin their re-run of the "Prairial's Allure" Procurement pool, costumes from said pool will be temporarily added to the Radiant Collection and have a 50% increased obtain chance along with their respective furniture sets.

The Following costumes will be temporarily added:

May 13th

Honey & 4-Leaf Clover

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May 13rd 00:00 GMT+8 ~ June 2nd 23:59 GMT+8

Feeling lucky? RF R93R93R93 is waiting just for you~ Starting on May 13th, a Point event will open up, complete task from each phase and gather up enough points to obtain the new 5* RF RF R93R93R93! A New set of quests will open every week throughout this Events 3 week duration. Players who were not present during the games 1st anniversary, will be glad to hear that Kalina's "Griffon Uniform" costume will also be up for grabs during this Point Event! so start gathering ASAP!

Accumulating points will reward the following items:

Points Reward
100   x1000,   x1000
200   x20,   x5
500 HK416 3rd anniversary player Icon x1
  x5,   x200
800   x5,   x100,   x200
1200   x20,   x1,   x10
1800 RF R93R93R93
Kalina's "Griffon Uniform" Costume x1
2000   x100,   x200, Simulation Energy x10
2400 Challenger Medallion x1
  x200,   x50,   x10
3000 Challenger Medallion x1

Event Missions

Event missions and point rewards are listed below:

Mission Week 1 Reward Points
Accumulate 1 Day Login 10
Accumulate 2 Day Login 20
Accumulate 3 Day Login 20
Accumulate 5 Day Login 30
Accumulate 8 Day Login 30
Accumulate 10 Day Login 50
Accumulate 12 Day Login 100
Receive 10 commendations 20
Receive 30 commendations 30
Receive 50 commendations 50
Receive 100 commendations 100
Accumulate consumption of 10 T-Doll Crafting Contracts 20
Accumulate consumption of 20 T-Doll Crafting Contracts 30
Accumulate consumption of 50 T-Doll Crafting Contracts 50
Accumulate consumption of 100 T-Doll Crafting Contracts 100
Accumulate Crafting of 4 Star T-Doll x 1 20
Accumulate Crafting of 4 Star T-Doll x 5 30
Accumulate Crafting of 5 Star T-Doll x 1 50
Accumulate Crafting of 5 Star T-Doll x 5 100
Complete and win any battle 10 times (except auto battles) 20
Complete and win any battle 20 times 30
Complete and win any battle 50 times 50
Complete and win any battle 100 times 100
Obtain S rank rating in combat 10 times 10
Obtain S rank rating in combat 30 times 30
Obtain S rank rating in combat 50 times 50
Obtain S rank rating in combat 100 times 100
Mission Week 2 Reward Points
Spend 100 procurement tokens 20
Spend 200 procurement tokens 30
Spend 500 procurement tokens 150
Spend 1000 procurement tokens 200
Give away 10 gifts 10
Give away 20 gifts 20
Give away 50 gifts 30
Give away 100 gifts 50
Rescue 10 T-Dolls from battle (except auto battles) 20
Rescue 20 T-Dolls from battle 30
Rescue 50 T-Dolls from battle 50
Rescue 100 T-Dolls from battle 100
Collect 200 batteries 20
Collect 500 batteries 50
Collect 1000 batteries 100
Consume 50 calibration tickets 20
Consume 100 calibration tickets 30
Consume 300 calibration tickets 50
Consume 500 calibration tickets 100
Commence skill training 1 time (T-Doll/Fairy) 10
Commence skill training 3 times 20
Commence skill training 5 times 50
Commence skill training 10 times 100
Mission Week 3 Reward Points
Use 10 simulation energies (Including extra simulation energy) 10
Use 30 simulation energies 30
Use 50 simulation energies 30
Repair T-Dolls x10 10
Repair T-Dolls x20 20
Repair T-Dolls x30 30
Use 10 enhancement capsules 20
Use 30 enhancement capsules 30
Use 50 enhancement capsules 50
Give 10 commendations to visited dorms 20
Give 30 commendations to visited dorms 30
Give 50 commendations to visited dorms 50
Secure great success from logistics 3 times 10
Secure great success from logistics 5 times 20
Secure great success from logistics 10 times 30
Complete 100 hours of logistics 20
Complete 200 hours of logistics 30
Complete 300 hours of logistics 50

May 14th

3rd Anniversary Login Event

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May 14th 00:00 GMT+8 ~ May 31st 23:59 GMT+8

Starting May 14th, A Login event will begin, players will be tasked with logging in daily for a neat set of rewards, logging in for 7 days consecutively, will grant players the "True Core Mask"! A one-time use exclusive item which can be redeemed for ANY 5-STAR T-DOLL FROM THE PRODUCTION MENU... or player icon for bragging rights (because why not?).

Consecutive Login Rewards:

Days Reward
Day 1   x200
Day 2   x500
Day 3   x300
Day 4   x10
Day 5   x200
Day 6   x300
Day 7 True Core Mask x1

The Following T-dolls can be redeemed:

Class T-dolls
Handguns (HGs) HG PA-15PA-15PA-15, HG Px4 StormPx4 StormPx4 Storm, HG ContenderContenderContender, HG NZ75NZ75NZ75, HG Welrod MkIIWelrod MkIIWelrod MkII, HG CalicoCalicoCalico, HG Grizzly MkVGrizzly MkVGrizzly MkV
Submachine Guns (SMGs) SMG MP7MP7MP7, SMG P90P90P90, SMG Type 100Type 100Type 100, SMG C-MSC-MSC-MS, SMG SR-3MPSR-3MPSR-3MP, SMG Type 79Type 79Type 79, SMG SuomiSuomiSuomi, SMG G36CG36CG36C, SMG VectorVectorVector, SMG ThompsonThompsonThompson
Sniper Rifles (RFs) RF QBU-88QBU-88QBU-88, RF M200M200M200, RF Carcano M91∕38Carcano M91∕38Carcano M91∕38, RF Carcano M1891Carcano M1891Carcano M1891, RF IWS 2000IWS 2000IWS 2000, RF M99M99M99, RF NTW-20NTW-20NTW-20, RF Lee-EnfieldLee-EnfieldLee-Enfield, RF WA2000WA2000WA2000, RF Kar98kKar98kKar98k
Assault Rifles (ARs) AR Howa Type 64Howa Type 64Howa Type 64, AR K11K11K11, AR MDRMDRMDR, AR AN-94AN-94AN-94, AR AK-12AK-12AK-12, AR Zas M21Zas M21Zas M21, AR K2K2K2, AR T91T91T91, AR RFBRFBRFB, AR Type 97Type 97Type 97, AR Type 95Type 95Type 95, AR G11G11G11, AR FALFALFAL, AR HK416HK416HK416, AR G41G41G41
Machine Guns MG MG36MG36MG36, MG Type 88Type 88Type 88, MG PKPPKPPKP, MG MG4MG4MG4, MG NegevNegevNegev, MG MG5MG5MG5
Shotguns SG S.A.T.8S.A.T.8S.A.T.8, SG FP-6FP-6FP-6, SG AA-12AA-12AA-12, SG Saiga-12Saiga-12Saiga-12, SG KSGKSGKSG