Croque Story Profile Quotes
ME78 "Croque"
Full name ME78 "Croque"
Index 1005
Rarity 3
Class Guard
Affinity Tank
Affiliation/Company Svarog Heavy Industries
Vocation Mechanical Design Engineer
Birthday 10 July
Voice actor Ogura Yui (小倉唯)
Artist 柱柱 (Original);
薯子Imoko (Childlike Fantasy series costume)[1]
Released on CN (克罗琦) (2021-9), EN (2022-11), TW () (2022-11), KR () (2022-11), JP () (2022-11)
Arma Inscripta

Reforged Aegis-Ez4 (EN, CN)

View page template

Playable character in Project: Neural Cloud.


This unit is a starting unit. It is given to all players once they have completed the tutorial.

Stats / Data

Initial Stats scaling

At level 1 and lowest Neural Expansion.

Type Rating
Attack Growth C
Hashrate Growth B
HP Growth B
Physical DEF Growth A
Operand DEF Growth A

Stats (for CN server)

How to use
Max HP Crit Rate
Attack Crit Damage
Hashrate Physical Penetration
Physical Defense Operand Penetration
Operand Defense Dodge Rate
Attack Speed Post-battle HP Regen


How to edit skills

Algorithm Slots

White tiles are unlocked by default. Blue tiles are unlocked by upgrading the Doll. Black tiles cannot be used.

  Offense   Stability   Special

Preferred and Disliked Gifts

  • Preferred
    •   Model Kit
    •   Spaceship in a Bottle
    •   Digital Toy Brick
  • Disliked
    •   Meal for Two
    •   Honey

How to use

Background info

A Svarog Heavy Industries ME78 mechanical engineer model, skilled in mechanical design, adjustment, analysis and maintenance as well as engineering data simulation, computing and analysis. The CEO of Svarog, Elon Thomas, was personally involved in the design of this model. Croque entered service in July 2056 in Svarog's core engineering division and took part in many cutting-edge R&D programs, including Thomas' Noah Reactor Collapse Fluid energy generator. She was selected for the first batch of Dolls test subjects for Project Neural Cloud in January 2058. "The rhythm of the transmission, the intricate fit between gears, the regular cycles of the gas valves... ahhhh, it makes me sooooo excited (in all sorts of ways)!"[2][3]



Main artworks

Alternative artwork

Alternate expressions


  • According to a loading screen tip: “Croque's mech, Aegis, was originally to be Svarog Heavy Industries' prototype for a round of military bidding, but eventually lost out to the Minotaur series produced by Sangvis Ferri.”
  • References visible in Croque's Pastel Skyfarer costume include a game console based on the Nintendo Switch along with a box resembling the Nintendo Labo game, a poster for “Nyandam” which parodies the theater poster for the 1981 Mobile Suit Gundam movie, and a rough drawing of her Fool's Duality costume with the note “My Dream”.
  • A low resolution reproduction of the cover illustration for World is Mine by Supercell, a DVD bearing the title “Evangelion” (from Neon Genesis Evangelion) as well as a “boobs mousepad” are visible among Croque's anime merch collection in her Jumping Into Spring series costume.
