PA-15 Story Quotes Live2D
Gun Information
Full name MAB PA-15
Country of origin France
Manufacturer Manufacture d'armes de Bayonne
Game Information
Faction Griffin & Kryuger
Manufactured /
Revised by
Voice actor M.A.O
Artist 山药
Released on CN (2019-4), TW, KR, EN, JP
Chibi Animation

Click the marked area to switch between animations. For details regarding animations, please see Animations on the Wiki.

View page template
    For the corresponding character in Project Neural Cloud, see Florence.

How to obtain edit

NORMALHEAVY Timer 1:15:00. See T-Doll Production for details.

DROP Not obtainable as a drop.

REWARD Not obtained as a reward

Exclusive Equipment edit

Union Skill edit

There is no union skill for this T-Doll.

Stats / Data edit

35(x1)70(x1) / 350(x5) 10(x1) / 30(x5) 10(x1) / 30(x5)
12 35
9 76
8 65
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
42 64
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to other Dolls of the same type.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to every other Doll.
Affects all guns
Increases rate of fire by
15%(x1) / 18%(x2) / 22%(x3) / 26%(x4) / 30%(x5)
Increases accuracy by
25%(x1) / 31%(x2) / 37%(x3) / 43%(x4) / 50%(x5)
How to edit skills

Weapon Background edit

The MAB PA-15 (Pistolet Automatique 15, also known as the P-15 or P.15 Standard) was designed by the Manufacture d'armes de Bayonne. The model number, 15, refers to the magazine capacity. When introduced, this was the first pistol holding a greater number of rounds than the 13-round Browning Hi-Power. The PA-15 was introduced in 1966 along with a short-lived 8-round version with a single stack magazine, the P-8.

Character Background

Showy and intelligent, she's a T-Doll who's constantly seeking the next big thrill. She's always eager to take part in difficult missions, and getting hurt only makes her ever more excited. The pulse pounding rides at the amusement park are usually effective at soothing her restless heart. [1]


Main artwork

Gallery consisting of artworks used primarily in-game. For information on how to obtain certain costumes, see Skin Catalogue.

Alternative artwork

Alternate gallery consisting of artworks with slight alterations as well as miscellaneous artworks.


  • Shanyao often hides references and jokes in the background of his illustrations, especially Dinergates and the artist's signature yam with a cartoon face:
    • In the High School Thrills costume, the yam as well as a Dinergate with a ball-gag can been seen as dangles. Yuri books appear in the damaged version.
    • In the Larkspur's Allure costume, the table is decorated with a Dinergate. Her dress also has a design in a place reminiscent of a “womb tatoo”.
    • In the Marvelous Yam Pastry costume, a package of appropriately named “Yamchip” can be seen. A Nintendo Switch knock-off can be seen on the desk, while the controller is designed after a PlayStation DualShock 4, and the screen displays the Girls' Frontline app icon and an icon looking like a rotated version of the Rainbow 6 series logo.
    • In the damaged version of the Phantom Thief of Champagne costume, in addition to the miniatures cards of each of the five PA-15 costumes available at the time, there is a sixth miniature showing PA-15 and SMG KAC-PDWKAC-PDWKAC-PDW, the other Doll designed by Shanyao in the game. The full artwork can be seen on Shanyao's Pixiv.
    • The judges in the Dance in the Ice Sea costume are a Dinergate, M4 SOPMOD II Jr., a yam, a very sleepy Kalina and Dinergate-Type RO.
  • PA-15's real name is Florence, an Ultilife UL-NURSE model infamous for her sometimes inappropriate behavior during her time at Baltimore's Johns Hopkins Hospital. After being induced into the Project Neural Cloud experiment, her neural cloud was offered to Griffin & Kryuger to field test Imprint Technology.[8]

References edit