Polarized Light/Chapter 5
Below is the node information for this chapter

Node Count | 15 |
Battle Nodes | 7 (2 EX) |
Story Nodes | 8 |
Below is a table containing all the story nodes, their rewards, and their locations on the event map.
E5-1 "Observable Limits II" edit
Battle Type | Night Battle |
Recommended CE | 14000 |
Map Objectives | Base objectives:
S-Rank objectives:
Clear Rewards | Player Icon: "???" |
Drop Types | T-Dolls (Set 2) |
Limited Drops | None. |
Buffed T-dolls |
The rematch between AR M4A1M4A1M4A1 and M16A1 (Boss)... There is little to be said with this battle. Your objective is simple. Win, that is all.
E5-2 "Observable Limits III" edit
Battle Type | Night Battle |
Recommended CE | 14000 |
Map Objectives | Base objectives:
S-Rank objectives:
Clear Rewards | Furniture Piece: "???" |
Drop Types | T-Dolls (Set 2) |
Limited Drops | All Servers:
CN Server: |
Buffed T-dolls |
It's time. We've got them where we want them, now its time to take them out.
- Our objective is to assist the SF in taking down these 3 stationary Ares units. However their path to them is blocked, we'll need to open it up for them.
- On the node directly under the closed gates from the SF, is where the control panel for said gate is, from the leftmost LZ, head straight up to unlock it, on the following turns the LZ which the SF occupy will spawn an infinite amount of SF units from them to attack the stationary Ares units. They'll chunk out bits of their HP after each encounter.
- On the lower parts of the map is 3 EMP's we can use to disable and greatly debuff the enemy Ares units. Use these to your advantage!
- In the middle of the map is a Heavy LZ locked off by one-way routes, we can get access to this by encircling it, once encircled we'll be able to spawn a HOC to provide support for our girls.
Drop Locations: The following units can potentially drop the limited dolls for this map
- 18287 CE Ares
- Fog is too thick... cant quite gather enough information.
E5-3 "Light Cone Frame of Reference II" edit
Battle Type | Night Battle |
Recommended CE | 14000 |
Map Objectives | Base objectives:
S-Rank objectives:
Clear Rewards | x2 |
Drop Types | T-Dolls (Set 2) |
Limited Drops | All Servers:
CN Server: |
Buffed T-dolls |
It's time to end this. There's no running away. The hunt is on, and the wolves are on the prowl...
- Our final confrontation with Yegor, he must be stopped, he is the only enemy present in this map. This Ares unit has an alert radius which expands to the whole map, there's no running from this.
- There are 2 Abandoned Goliath bombs, an EMP and Missile Launcher present on the map, use them. You'll need to lay down the Goliath bombs on nodes the Ares unit will advance into.
- There is a hidden Water Vale on the node directly next to our HQ, you'll want to place a Goliath bomb here and Lure the Ares into this node. This'll excessively reduce his stats, making it even more easier to kill. To the point that even a sole HG can deal with him...
Drop Locations: The following unit can potentially drop the limited dolls for this map
- 137492 CE Ares
E5-4 "Blackbody Radiation II" edit
Battle Type | Day Battle |
Recommended CE | 14000 |
Map Objectives | Base objectives:
Achieve one of the following:
S-Rank objectives:
Clear Rewards | Prototype Fairy x3 |
Drop Types | T-Dolls (Set 2) |
Limited Drops | All Servers:
CN Server: |
Buffed T-dolls |
Nearly done folks, just hold out a little longer.
- This map has 2 objective sets, one requires very specific movements, the other is just another Search and destroy operation.
- You're limited to a singular echelon and your node starts surrounded, you have to make very careful decisions with who you attack first, whoever you attack, you must move back onto your HQ to stop it from being capped.
- The enemy Brute standing on top of one of the objectives, is who you should kill first if you're aiming for Objective Set 1. Followed up by the Dinergate on the lower right corner, then the Dragoon above you. Following that turn, move your echelon onto your HQ and end your turn.
- Don't worry about the Neutral node being capped, the only time you should cap it is on turn 4, in the meantime, kill enemy units which aren't being followed up by another unit, that puts the HQ at risk of encirclement or outright being captured.
Drop Locations: The following unit can potentially drop the limited dolls for this map
E5-5 "Escape Acceleration II" edit
Battle Type | Day Battle |
Recommended CE | 14000 |
Map Objectives | Base objectives:
S-Rank objectives:
Clear Rewards | x1 |
Drop Types | T-Dolls (Set 1) |
Limited Drops | All Servers:
CN Server:
Buffed T-dolls |
The final map is here, its time to put a stop to Elisa!
- Getting to Elisa is rather simple, there are 4 terminals around the map which you'll need to activate in order to open the gate to Elisa.
- Our trusty leader of Anti-Rain is on standby until the gates have opened up, once you've successfully opened up the gates, AR M4A1M4A1M4A1 will engage Elisa by herself. She's more than capable to deal with her by herself, however in the event she fails to successfully defeat Elisa, the LZ which M4 was occupying will be available for you to deploy an echelon to finish off Elisa.
- Goliath+ units follow a patrolling path which is just left and right, don't stand near them either as they'll advance into you instead.
- The high threat Manticore units on the right side of the map, follow a patrol pattern, utilise the one-way routes and lure them away from each other and out of the way for you.
Drop Locations: The following unit can potentially drop the limited dolls for this map
E5-1Ex "Observable Limits EX" edit
Battle Type | Night Battle |
Recommended CE | 42000 |
Map Objectives | Base objectives:
S-Rank objectives:
Clear Rewards | x1 |
Drop Types | T-Dolls (Set 2) |
Limited Drops | All Servers:
CN Server: |
Buffed T-dolls |
Last dance of the map, do you have what it takes to claim the Griffon Elite Medal ?
- M16A1 (Boss) is situated in the very middle of the map, surrounding her is some very powerful SF units, prepare accordingly.
- There are 4 Water Valves in the nodes around M16, on the far left of the map, there is a Gate blocking off an Abandoned Goliath tower. Utilising the Control panel above our HQ, you'll be able to open the gates and retrieve the bomb to deal with M16, you can lay the bomb down on the tiles in front of her, or on the Water Valves. Your choice.
Drop Locations: The following unit can potentially drop the limited dolls for this map
E5-2Ex "Escape Acceleration EX-I" edit
This a ranking map... the... 2nd Ranking map for this Event. This map has a hidden mission which must be done in order to unlock the very last story node of this chapter.