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Octogen Profile Quotes
Full name Octogen
Index 1032
Rarity 2
Class Sniper
Affinity Attacker
Affiliation/Company Svarog Heavy Industries
Birthday 27-Nov
Voice actor Takeuchi Junko
Artist Unknown
Released on CN (奥托金), EN, TW, KR, JP
Arma Inscripta No

Playable character in Project: Neural Cloud.



This unit is without availability yet.

Stats / Data

Initial stats scaling

Type Rating
Attack Growth C
Hashrate Growth B
HP Growth C
Physical DEF Growth C
Operand DEF Growth C

Stats (for CN server)

How to use
 Max HP  Crit Rate
 Attack  Crit Damage
 Hashrate  Physical Penetration
 Physical Defense  Operand Penetration
 Operand Defense  Dodge Rate
 Attack Speed  Post-battle HP Regen


Algorithm Slots

White tiles are unlocked by default. Blue tiles are unlocked by upgrading the Doll. Black tiles cannot be used.

  Offense   Stability   Special

Preferred and Disliked Gifts

  • Preferred
    • A Basket of Buns
    • A Dozen Buns
    • Bun
  • Disliked
    • Afternoon Tea
    • Strawberry Cake
    • Honey

Background info

A Svarog Heavy Industries DMLT model specialized in demolition. The DMLT is one of Svarog Heavy Industries' demolition engineering specialist Dolls. Its body design sets a new standard in the industry, possessing high shock and explosion resistance. This Doll model sees extensive use in transportation construction, mining, building demolition and other such large-scale engineering projects. Octogen is the first DMLT-series Doll that has not been built to spec. He is the first test model for Svarog Heavy Industries' special modifications program. Many of the data restrictions put into place on his software and hardware by military material manufacture treaties have been circumvented during the engineering process. After working in the associated Billton company for two years, Svarog Heavy Industries has finished collecting data from Octogen during the course of his usual duties. Now, they desperately need a clandestine environment where they can avoid attention from various international organizations while also testing Octogen's military capabilities in live battle. It is only in 42LAB's Magrasea that Svarog Heavy Industries can simulate certain sensitive structures as attack targets while also avoiding censure. "Explosions are the most wonderful form of art in the world! Allow me to put on a spectacular fireworks display for everyone!"[1]



Main artworks

Alternative artwork

Alternate expressions


  • Octogen's quote for Tanabata is a reference to the "Fireworks Incident" that occured during the story of Poincare Recurrence in Girls' Frontline, though it is a meta reference since the incident would happen a year after Neural Cloud's story.
